Chapter 70

Suddenly number two started to mumble something louder and louder every minute and the king suddenly shouted.

"Take that person down, it's a mage and he's making a large scale spell!" The king worriedly shouted and everyone agreed and started to focus their attacks on the person.

A mage could easily destroy them with few spells so they were usually the ones that were targeted first.

Of course, there were common rules about magic and using it in a war situation in a war that not everyone would be wiped out but clearly, these people weren't the type that had accepted it.

"Ah look these pesky small humans trying to stop us from advancing. I almost do pity them for putting this much of an effort." The number three said while creating a barrier around them that blocked every arrow and ballistas bolts that came towards them.

"Can you hurry up and finish up number two, we still have to find the cursed bloodline here and we don't have much of a time to play around." Number one said impatiently.

Just when the number one finished saying that number two ended his spell.

The king could only watch how the dead dragon started to rise up again from the dead and there suddenly were lots of skeletons and different kinds of undead in front of him.

He could only gasp out loud and even when he's voice was low the soldiers could hear small panic from his voice and they could understand why.

Necromancers those cursed beings. They didn't usually mean anything good as most of them had a contract with the demons or devil's maybe some lucky ones had a contract with an evil God only.

Some lucky ones were recognized by the god of death and served under him as they knew the body's anatomy and only they could sew back the missing body parts back to the body.

But clearly, this wasn't the case and it was a rogue necromancer that served some evil being.

"Number two just look at their reactions to your magnificent creatures. Don't you just like to see how the humans realize there is nothing they could do?

How they do fall in the despair and the fear starts to control their body. Oh, I really do like humans and their reactions they are so better than any other beings I have faced off." The number three said and just looked at the human's top of the castle walls.

Then something unexpected happened a single old man with black robes walked leisurely to the castle walls and in loudly announced.

"You unholy beings that don't respect the nature of death and bring out forcefully the dead out from their eternal rest and torture them. 

You are now banished in the eyes of Rodona and I will lay all of the undead you forcefully brought here from their rest and lay them back to their eternal peace." The old man said and then continued.

"There might be few us devoted to Rodona but don't underestimate the power of a goddess that controls the death." The old man finished and started his ritual to purification.

Then the king and the number three both shouted in the same.

"Protect the priest he has come here to save us." The king shouted while the number three shouted.

"Be cursed you follower of Rodona why you always have to come to our way.

There will be a day when we have finally destroyed the rest of you and then finally we will destroy your goddess." The number three seemed angry when he finished.

"But first you have to get past of us we will protect them till the end and the one you call the cursed being is our holy maiden." One other person shouted who also came to the city walls and there were few others with him.

They were all dressed simply and plainly but there clearly was a silver raven in their outfits and it seemed to be a mixed bundle of fighters.

Some had swords while others had bows, axes, canes, and spears.

They didn't seem to be a church's elite team of fighters they seemed more of a vagabond group of bandits.

"Protect the head priest and let's kill these heathens now." The team leader of Rodona's guards shouted and they took a position around the leader while some of them went around the head priest and took a position to guard him.

"This seems to be our lucky day. We have most of Rodona's followers here now we just have to hold on for a moment before our reinforcements arrive." Said the number one who immediately sent a message to their leader when the Rodona's forces game forward.

This point the memories started to get hazy Elvire could barely see anymore what was happening but she could feel the battle going on between them.

All of the shouting, deaths, screams, fear. Every single emotion that was going on there and when it finally ended there were just a few people barely standing.

If Elvire would have seen more clearly she could have recognized that one of the survivors was the mentor that took care of her. Even if it was briefly it left a deep impact on her.

The younger version of her mentor seemed to say something her, she could barely hear it and only recognized a few words that were repeated.

"Find. Book. Holy maiden. Final. Resting. Place." These were the words she could recognize only and they were repeating in her head before she passed out from the exhaust.