Chapter 84

The city Lord watched at the wine bottle on his table as he thought, 'Am I a proper city Lord if I will just sacrifice that family? My city would be in peace for a while, but that would show that he has more power on me than he thinks. At this moment, I'm risking my whole town while I'm letting one family go away. 

Maybe later they will kill me and place someone who they can control better in this position. No, I won't lose this city, or it's citizens because of a foreign power. Even if it means war, then we will show them that we won't bend over to someone who was born with a silver spoon at their mouth.' The city Lord had made his decision finally and opened the wine bottle and poured out one glass to him before drinking it, and then shouting out.

"If it's war they want, then they will get one.

I will now start to purge them out of this city.

Get the captain of the guards and the military here immediately!" He shouted out loudly, and in no time, the captain of guards and the captain of the military were at his office.

"Arrest Damien and all of his gang members. Lock all of the gates out of this city immediately. For the military, go and raid these addresses. Kill everyone who is resisting or showing hostility otherwise arrest everything and take over their possessions.

Damien and his father have stepped over the boundaries and started a full-time war against us.

However, we will strike first and surprise them. We will show them that our proud city also has sharp fangs." The city Lord said, and the two captains who were proud of seeing their city Lord had finally grown up, saluted, and immediately started to head out and do what they were ordered.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are you touching me?! Do you know who I am?!" Damien kept shouting almost hysterically, but the guards who were arresting him just looked at each other. One of the guards then punched Damien at his face, not caring at all that he was still howling like a madman.

The citizens of the town who saw the situation couldn't believe their eyes.

Was there finally a mercy at their town? Was the mad man Damien was finally arrested?

They were asking those questions among themselves, and when they finally realized that it was actually really the case, they followed the guards at the city center excitedly. At that time in the city center, there was now an ongoing announcement.

"Damien, you have wronged this city, and you have been accused of treason. You have tried to illegally influence this town and take it over with hostile troops. You started a war against our peaceful city and nation, so for this reason, you and everyone who has worked under you are now sentenced to an execution!" The announcer said as he coldly watched how Damien. 

Damien's mouth was gagged, and he was looking at the situation in terror as the gang of people who were following him before, we're now dragged into the executioner.

Some of the spies on the city tried to escape, but we're surprised that the gates were closed while the army was actively moving.

It did not take long for the spies to be captured. Most of them were immediately detained, and we're placed at integration.

Some who thought were lucky enough and thought they were safe were suddenly interrupted by a raid of guards and soldiers.

The city was turned upside down by the military, and they took full advantage of the lockdown.

But the family who had caused all of these were happily traveling now to the nearest village to look for an inn. 

"Elvire, here do you want more mango juice or ribs?" Jaana asked her daughter, who was happily eating the ribs that were offered at her.

"No, thank you, mother. I'm already full of food, but if there is some mango juice left, I could drink." Elvire happily answered after finishing up the delicious ribs.

Jaana just cleaned Elvire's mouth and offered her the mango juice that she happily took and drank a little bit of it before being satisfied.

"Mister, thank you for offering us a ride with your carriage," Levin said to the older man who is currently chewing a straw in his mouth.

Elvire and Jaana were sitting behind the carriage while Levin was in the front with the driver.

"No need to fret over little things. I am going this way, and it's always good to get some company when traveling." The man said as he watched the road ahead. 

"Still, we were lucky to spot you as otherwise, we would have needed to walk all of the way to the next village and spent the night outside of the wilderness. So thank you again for offering us a ride." Levin continued, and the man just answered.

"That's true. Young lad, it's really nothing at all. However, if you want to pay me back, you can always offer new stories or songs as those are the things I like. I have heard the local ones already so many times. So if you have any new ones for me, I would be pleased." 

"Oh, let's see. Let me think about what I have or heard before. My wife also can offer some right Jaana?" Levin asked from Jaana.

"Yes, let's see, have you heard this one," Jaana asked and started to tell a story to pass the time.