Rodona 95

"Just some spoiled food and some farmer's tools. Oh, this one has lots of dried seeds, it seems." Tam and Levin were loudly announcing the contents of the barrels and crates of they opened them.They were what you would expect from a simple village. Most of the things were something to secure the next harvest. They guessed the spoiled food was intended if there was no food to eat. "We cannot even sell the tools as they are rusty. With probably just one swing, they would be broken," Levin said while looking at the tools."So nothing useful, it seems. Oh well, we cannot always be lucky," Jaana said while grooming Elvire's dirty hair. "Yeah, it seems so, but we have one crate left. Let's see what it has." Levin said as he opened the crate. He was expecting that the content was the same as the previous ones. However, at this time, they got a bunch of clothes that were dirty and had molds. "Yeah, no luck with this one either. These are just some old clothes that have seen their best days a very long time ago," Levin said while still going through the items in the crate."Oh well. Tam, you can also come back here. Let's eat and rest for a moment before we get back to traveling," Jaana said while setting up a simple meal with Elvire.Tam, who was bringing the spoiled food outside that the rodents wouldn't come to the church, agreed to this one."Yeah, I guess this church is a safe place now, and we could use it to rest at least till morning as we don't know how close the next village is," Tam said casually, however feeling exhausted due to the recent fight. He would like to excuse himself and take a small nap, but before he could do so, Tam grew alarmed and felt an unfamiliar presence behind him. He then turned around on guard and looked the person behind him."Na ja iem to re som?" The person was seemed to asking something from Tam while making gestures with its hands. Tam calmed down a little, but still, he was weary with the new arrival. The person had a hooded cape that was covering its whole body, which was making it hard to see the gender or how the person looked like under it."Na om iel to re som?" The person asked again while pointing towards the barrels where the spoiled food was. Tam finally understood. He then shook his head before answering, "Bad not good for you, not eatable." While pointing to his mouth and making a puking gesture.The person seemed to be sad and turned around dejectedly. Looking at this, Tam's heart softened. "Wait here for a moment." He said while pointing the person then to the floor. After that, he pointed towards the doors and tried to show that he will be back.He didn't know if the person did understand it, but at least it was staying at the doors seemingly curious about Tam. Tam went inside the church, and when Jaana saw him, she asked, "Who you were speaking with as we heard some noise?" She looked behind him as well. "I don't know who it is as it's a language I have never heard before. The person's whole body is covered with a hood and a cape and seemingly hungry as I think it was asking if I can give the spoiled food," Tam said before he took his share of food and held it on his hand. There was a simple soup with vegetables and meat and some bread and a glass of water."I will give my serving to the person, as I can endure for a day. It's not always that you see someone like that outside, who try and are honest," Tam really felt terrible for the person. How hungry could you be to the point of enduring to eat spoilt food?  "Wait a moment, Tam, if you are willing to do, I will just make something extra since we still have some food in-store," Jaana said and started to sort the spatial bag, and after a minute, she gave it to Tam. "There are some dry food, fruits, water, and bread inside, but remember they are deducted from your dinner." She added teasingly as she was smiling at Tam. After seeing his shocked expression, Jaana giggled, "Just go now and don't let your new friend to wait." Tam went outside, and the person was still there. The person really did understand what Tam had said, and when it saw the food that Tam was carrying, "Ka ma le en lo ko te?" The person spoke while pointing at itself and the food before shaking its head."Here, just take them. I will leave these here. You can choose either to take or leave them," Tam said as he placed the food on the stairs of the church. He then pointed to the food and the person before walking away.However, he was sure that he had heard some sniffing from behind him. After a moment, he walked outside again and saw that there was no food left on the stairs, but there was a single shining green gem.The person might have left the gem as a payment. "I guess I solved our money problems for now." He said before picking gem up. He then walked towards Jaana and tossed the gem to her. Jaana was surprised by this action, but still managed to catch the gem. "Is this an emerald and not a small one?" She asked puzzled by the sudden action, but still appreciates the exquisite stone."Yes, it seems… My new friend left might have it as a payment of the food," Tam answered as he sat down near the small fire that they had made earlier inside the church.