Chapter 105

The days passed; first, it was just one, then the second one passed, then the third one and then the fourth one.

Jaana had large eye bags under her eyes already, and she had barely eaten as she was more and more worried about Elvire when a day passed, and Elvire's condition haven't gotten better at all.

So she didn't know what to do other than stay as close as she could to Elvire and wipe her sweat away regularly.

They had made a temporary camp to the church, and the dark elves had gotten stronger and started to hunt with Tam, and they were slowly bringing meat for the camp, but still, Jaana wasn't touching the food.

Levin was worse of the two; he couldn't get Jaana to eat or talk much for him, and Elvire was laying unconscious in front of him.

So he had two people that he had to worry and take care of, but he couldn't even make his wife or daughter feel better.