Chapter 110

"Tam! Let go of me! I will curse you if you don't release me now! They are still up there!" Mala demanded, screaming on the top of her lungs. She was struggling to get free from her husband's hold to the point of kicking Tam. However, her efforts were wasted against an experienced warrior like him, not to mention her small stature compared to his tall one.

"They are fine, trust me." Tam tried to calm Mala down as always, but he hasn't been that successful with only his words. She continued to struggle as hard as she could, and Tam was getting antsier as she might hit something that she was not supposed to do. 

"Stop. Careful now," He whispered, as he tightened his hold on her waist while his other hand was used to stop her other leg from moving.

Tam squeezed her tight, before he continued to speak, "They are protected by Elvire, remember? So when the smoke has disappeared completely, we can go up and see that they are still there, okay?"