Long ago, mighty creatures called dragons ruled the planet of Alterra. Their reign lasted for a thousand years, destroying everything in their wake. They spread terror to humans and other species forcing them to flee and take shelter beneath the ground where at least they were safe from the monstrous beasts that lay above the surface.

Humanity's extinction is at hand, but then a gift from the heavens came. A woman, named Vesryn was born and raised to become the world's most powerful sorceress. Her magical prowess is overwhelming to her fellow magicians which gave hope to humanity.

She convinced the king of mankind to defeat the evil dragons. Having no second thought, mankind waged war against the dragons for the last time, which opened the gates of mankind to their supremacy.

Vesryn sealed all the dragons' powers and transmuted them into a powerless human mortal, leaving them all vulnerable to the mankind's army. The dragons were defeated in an instant, and the empire of humans emerged and became the superior race for millennia until now.

This heroic event made by the most powerful sorceress in the world is now known as the First Dragonoid War.

The dragons trapped in a human body, now known as dragonoids has been enslaved by the humans. They are forced to do manual labor. They are often abused by their masters. They are treated as disposable tools. They are oppressed like animals. They are now nothing but pitiful slaves with no hope of saving their own selves.

Their red eyes are proof of their dragon blood. It is proof of their might in the ancient century. But now it is proof of their pitiful existence.

Vesryn believed that not all dragons are evil. She knew that humans and dragons can coexist. But the people, who are always scared of dragons never accepted her proposal.

Vesryn passed her knowledge to the ancient knights. She taught them how to unleash a dragonoid's hidden power by altering and synchronizing the heartbeat of a human and a dragon that has a powerful bond to each other. She believed that this magical harmonization between a human and a dragon's heart will be the key to peaceful cohabitation.

It is now known as the Vesryn Pulse.

Fifty years have passed from the First Dragonoid War, and the Kingdom of Alterra; who once reigned supreme all over the planet, slowly scattered. Humans could never work with each other, and such a thing is natural for creatures who hunger for more power.

Three different factions with three different ideals separated themselves from the main kingdom. The once and the only empire was divided into four; Elysia, Sargus, Fleija, and the original empire Alterra. These factions cannot coexist while living on the same lands, and so these three smaller kingdoms seized separate territories to rule on their own people.

Hundreds of years of wars have been fought against each other, and countless blood has been shed. Not just to humans, but also to dragonoids. They abused the power that Vesryn gave to them, using dragons as ultimate tools of war to fight each other. They are forced to fight for wars that are not their own.

Humans selfishly played Dragonoid lives on their hands for their own sense of justice that is chaos for the dragonoids.

Oppressed dragonoids rebelled against their masters, and declared war against the four kingdoms of humanity. But even with the Dragonoid's best efforts, the battle is one-sided. The Dragon Knights; humans who have the mystical power to control dragons, obliterated the sense of hope on the slaves who yearn for freedom, using their dragonoids to kill their fellow dragonoids.

This last event of the Dragonoid's struggle for liberation is named as the Second Dragonoid War.

From that loss, dragonoids remained as obedient slaves for the past years. Their hopes are thrown to the flames and their freedom are nothing but ashes. Accepting their fates, they couldn't do anything but live like livestock; with no rights or powers on their own.

Vesryn Pulse…

It is a double-edged sword. The most powerful sorceress created it for peaceful harmonization between the two races, yet it is used to destroy each of the two. Not even an ancient magic that synchronizes the two hearts' love, compassion, and pity can save these two races from entering its doom.

Vesryn Pulse is not the answer.

All it takes to save everything from mankind's and dragonkind's grim destiny... the wrath of a single man.