It gets me every freaking time. Whenever I hear the name Michael Eldritch from other's mouths, I couldn't help but ignite the burning desire for revenge towards that man. It doesn't matter who says it, whether it's an enemy, a friend, or even Serena.

My unwanted visitor; Lothar Pendragon sat on the empty bed. I sat on the other bed where Serena is situated. My dragonoid seemed to be sound asleep as she's not responding to the noise of the serious conversation between us two Elysian soldiers.

"I thought you were dead, Xenon Wingate," Lothar muttered. "The news said that you were executed for your treason and betrayal to your friends."

"I'm not a traitor." I clenched my fists. "Eldritch framed me. He made me his errand boy and after he got what he wanted, he killed my friends. He killed me. And he stole my love from me. And he dishonored my name."

"I don't have the means to believe you, Sir Wingate. You served Alterra, so you are still a traitor." Lothar crossed his arms as he continued his cold glare. "But I suppose that gives me valuable information about the best friend you once had."

"Lothar Pendragon…" I muttered the name of the dragonoid. "You know very well that we are enemies. Why did you help us earlier? How did you know that there's a remnant of Arcadia that is plotting to kill Serena?"

"I didn't do it to save your dragonoid. I helped you because I hated Arcadia. They are the ones who burned Kirina while she's asleep. I am on the side of my wife's justice, nothing more, nothing less." Lothar slightly leaned back as he made a soft sigh. "Let's go back to the main topic at hand. You know what Emperor Michael Eldritch is after, right?"

"World domination." I laughed. "That silly bastard even have Doctor Cheng Du as his sponsor."

"You are wrong."

My eyes opened when Lothar outrightly denied my claim. I was fully speechless when I realized that there are some truths to his words.

"Michael Eldritch's plan is for world peace." Lothar continued. "World domination is just a process. His long term goal is to end all the suffering in the world. He plans on uniting all human empires back to one and make the lone empire stand for justice and freedom for humans and even dragonoids. He's dreaming of a utopia."

He's right. Lothar Pendragon is right. Partly. Before his betrayal on me in Vanilla City War, I always see Michael Eldritch as the ideal politician who will succeed after his father's reign. I saw his equal kindness to people. I saw his saint-like attitude toward everyone. I saw how he enacts his true ideals to his subjects back when he's still a prince. If only he didn't kill me and my friends and if only he didn't steal Marisse from me, I'm sure we'll still be good friends right now.

"But that's not the case here." I bowed as I whispered. "He's doing unconventional means to achieve his greatest dream. He's leaving a river of blood behind and still claims that he is clean."

Lothar's eyes opened wide when he heard me. He made a slight smile as he talked. "It seems that you know him very well. You are right. He is having his hands dirty all the time. Yet you should know better than anyone that he is doing this for the better world. He is a man of selfless ambitions."

I don't intend to argue to an adult man even though he's completely wrong. I would just be wasting my saliva if I deny his claim. Having a loyal soldier of Elysia sitting here on my room is enough for me to be pissed.

"It doesn't matter how great his ideals is!" I roared. "He took everything from me, and I shall take everything from him! He should prepare himself for an equivalent exchange!"

My outburst that came out from nowhere must have awakened the neighbors. I think I woke Serena too, as I noticed that her soft left hand is holding my left wrist. She's silently saying that I should calm down.

Lothar Pendragon stared at my blazing eyes, not being intimidated by my resolve. But he knew that he might melt if he stares at me longer, so he closed his eyes.

"That wrath you have inside you, I've certainly felt that before. When I lost my wife Kirina, I also cemented my resolve to destroy Arcadia. As I mourn longer, I realized that the Arcadians did it because of hatred towards me and my wife. During the Elysian Dragonoid Rebellion, we killed hundreds of thousands of dragonoids. It is only natural for dragonoids to seek revenge for me. It is also natural for me to seek revenge for my wife. That is the endless chain of revenge that will continue to rage on for eternity. And that immortal chain of vengeance is not the worse thing. It will take everything from you, your future, and your generations yet to come."

Lothar opened his eyes again and gazed around me. He saw my dragonoid who is holding my hand, which made him utter a lifeless smile.

"Xenon Wingate, Dragon Knight of Alterra. You have regained honor. You defeated the notorious terrorist Zac Schneider and his Crimson Dragonfly, making you a war hero. You have regained friends. I saw before my very eyes that you have dragon knight allies you deeply care for, and I'm sure they deeply care for you too. You have regained love. You just need to be honest with your heart and follow its Pulse. You have recovered everything you have lost in the past, and you can live a wonderful life in the present. The only question is; What is the future you will take?"

"That is obvious." I smiled like a rabid dog. "I only live for the second time in one thing; to bring hell to those people who have done wrong to me. Cheng, Trystgade, Eldritch. They will pay."

"Even if it will cost you your current friends, lover, and honor?" Lothar asked with a smirk. "Are you willing to lose all those things again just for the sake of revenge?"

"You may have misunderstood something, Mister Pendragon." I smiled. "I'm a dragon knight with a shield as a primary weapon. The reason why I wield my shield is because I will protect my honor, my friends, and my love. I'll keep my present as I yearn for the future."

"Hah…" Lothar started to burst. "Hahahahaha!!! You are an interesting man, Sir Xenon Wingate. You are truly willing to climb a slippery cliff with a basket full of eggs."

"Laugh all you want, but I will protect those eggs with all my might." I smiled, trying to intimidate him. "It might sound stupid. But if it works, it ain't stupid."

"So that makes you my enemy, then." Lothar finally stood up and fetched his coat.

"Damn yeah, I am."

"Raise your head, glorious dragon knight. For this will be the last time we talk in peace. The next time we see each other's shadows, it will be on the battlefield."

Lothar finally reached the doorknob and exited my room. I followed him as a professional courtesy of being a guest in my hotel room. When we reached the open-air corridors, I mocked his challenge at me.

"Bold of you to say that you will be my enemy," I said. "You're just a dragonoid without a knight. How are you going to fight me without the power of the Vesryn Pulse?"

"That's where you're wrong, Xenon. I have my knight. I have my Vesryn Pulse, and it beats more powerful than yours." Lothar smirked.

Suddenly, Lothar reached a hand-sized titanium box from his white jacket and opened it like an engagement ring. But instead of delicate diamond jewelry, it contains a pinkish white organ that is somewhat disgusting to see. It's a real beating heart.


"Kirina is alive." Lothar smiled. "My love continued to live even if her body is dead. She kept on living for me. She kept on loving me, even though all that's left of her is her heart. I know that you know how wonderful and miraculous the Vesryn Pulse is."

Lothar gently grabbed the beating heart. The moment he touched it, the heart pumped harder. Slowly, golden sparks enveloped the heart that connected it to Lothar's hand, all the way to his chest.

"Reversing Vesryn Pulse," Lothar said. Then he dived out of the open-air corridors on his back.

I looked below to see if he's still freefalling from that jump. But instead, I saw a majestic creature that is an all awesome in its existence.

It was a ten-meter dragon with black titanium steel as its scales. This dragon may have the head, arms, feet, wings, and tail like those of a dragon, but its body build is more of a humanoid robot. It has V-shaped horn on its forehead, platinum white claws and teeth, and its tail has a violet orb on its tip that makes it look like a scepter. Its wings are made out of eight long swords each that are levitating like an alien weapon. Lothar Pendragon is a Yamato Dragon.

"Grrrraaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" The Yamato Dragon roared as it locked eyes with mine.

My only reply to such a majestic dragon is a determined smile and a stare that is not going to back down. Deep inside my mind, I'm setting my ultimate goal to defeat this Yamato Dragon. I may be far too weak to take him out right now, but one day, I'll beat him for sure. I'll do it so that I can take my revenge a success.

After getting my silent but meaningful reply, the dragon flapped its sword wings as it soared upon the starry skies.

When the sight of the Yamato Dragon faded, I made the decision to go back to my room. It's an hour past midnight, so I should be sleeping now. We'll be leaving this beach hotel early in the morning, and I might get yelled at if I stay up much later.

But the moment I closed the door and locked it from the inside, I felt a set of sharp teeth sinking on my right biceps.

"Graaaaaaaahhhhh!" It was a dragon's roar in a human's body. The grip of the bite is to my arm is as powerful as a rottweiler dog. No matter how hard I shake it, the biter won't let go!

"Fuuuuuuck!" I cried out loud. "Serena, stop it!"

"Graaaaoooohhh! I'm a dragon!" Serena, who is still in human form, shouted like a kindergarten kid.

As I figured, Serena is still drunk.
