My Muscleflex Dragon landed on the wide corner of the rooftop of the hotel with its heavy hind feet and armored arms, making a weak tremor which made Cheng Du's toes tremble. Added with the fear of a dragon and a knight ready to defeat him, Cheng Du is beyond scared that he's already wetting his pants.

"No… No… My Psychic Amplifier! My prototype for world domination… gone… gone!" Cheng Du cried.

"Senor Cheng Du, it is time to reconsider your decisions," I said. "You have nowhere to go. Surrender peacefully."

Suddenly, Cheng Du smiled. "Oh well, what's destroyed can be rebuilt again. As long as the ultimate magic is within my scope of knowledge, I can develop a more powerful Psychic Amplifier that can control not only dragonoids but humans also."

Cheng Du snapped his fingers, and then the skies went dark. Slowly, a gigantic airship above us revealed itself from its invisible cloak, eclipsing the bright skies. I never realized that this thing was above us the whole time. It seems that Cheng has planned ahead for his escape route.

"Nath! Destroy the airship!" I commanded my Muscleflex Dragon just before the airship could throw out the ropes to fetch the fat doctor. "Stockpile Buff: 300%!"

My Muscleflex Dragon's body bloated three times its original size, and his whole body is now filled with black muscle fibers that are as durable as steel. With such a boost in strength, my dragon bent its knees and prepared its momentum to jump.

"Grooooooh!!!" The Muscleflex Dragon roared as it launched forward into the airship. The rooftop shattered as a result of the excessive force followed by a shockwave. One-fourth of the top floor of the building has been ruined as a result.

We are surging with great speed, destroying the wind barrier while being launched like a bullet. But even with such velocity and strength, we never stood a chance to counter what is about to clash unto us.

"Kusanagi Blade!" It was a telepathic voice of an unknown enemy.

Suddenly, an orange-flamed giant sword, which is three meters long, pierced my Muscleflex Dragon on its right shoulder. Because of the damage, my dragon and I crashed on a nearby building two blocks away from the hotel.


"Groooooh!" My Muscleflex Dragon cried in pain. The gigantic flaming sword is pinning my dragon to the ground, and it continues to burn his muscles as seconds pass by.

A magnificent creature descended from the skies. It is a ten-meter-tall dragon with dark platinum mechanized armor and V-shaped horns. Its tail has a clawed scepter, and its wings are made out of giant swords. It's the legendary dragon of Elysia, the Yamato Dragon.

"Lothar Pendragon! Thanks for the assist!" Cheng Du jumped in joy. He immediately climbed using the rope ladder the airship released. When Cheng is already hooked up on his airship, the airship started its engines and boosters to get the hell away from this place. "Please hold them off as I make my great escape!"

The Yamato Dragon didn't react. It just fixed its crimson eyes on me and my Muscleflex Dragon, which is currently pinned down with a giant magical sword that is filled with flames.

"Groooh!" My Muscleflex Dragon tried to withdraw the sword that has been pinning his shoulder to the ground, but the sword would just unleash flames to burn my dragon's arms and claws.

"Nath, don't move it!" I cried. "It will make it worse!"


Another dragon made its appearance by wrecking the hotel, and there is a familiar knight riding on top of it. It's Alphonse and his Elemental Dragon, and they're ready to back us up! The Elemental Dragon immediately breathed frost breath to freeze the gigantic burning sword together with my Muscleflex Dragon's shoulder, which made the burning and bleeding stop completely.

"Damn, why do I have to be a medic in this fight?" Alphonse protested.

"Focus, Senor Alphonse! Nath is immobilized, so you're the only one who can fight that thing." I pointed at the Yamato Dragon which is floating fifty meters away from the ground.

Alphonse looked at the enemy dragon and realized a peculiar thing on it. "A dragon without a knight, eh? How did it even activate its Vesryn Pulse to transform into that thing?"

"I don't know, senor," I said. "But I'm certain that it's extremely powerful. You've heard the stories about the legendary Yamato Dragon, right?"

This is the first time I've ever seen such a mythical creature. I know Yamato Dragons are ancient dragonoids that guarded the Dragon King thousands of years ago and they are supremely combat effective compared to the other types of dragons. The gigantic flaming sword that almost killed Nath is the proof of that.

"Let's do this, Z!" Alphonse made a warcry. "Let's fuck that shit up!"

"Graaaah!!!" The Elemental Dragon roared as it flapped its four wings to launch from the ground. Colorful elemental embers sprinkled as the dragon that can control fire, air, water, earth, and lightning surge towards the stratosphere.

"Elemental Chaos Boost!" Alphonse shouted. His Elemental Dragon combined the powers of fire, wind, and lightning to create the most powerful jet flame in existence, and they traveled into the air with the speed far greater than sound. Red, blue, and green streaks were left on their trail as they relentlessly charge towards the Yamato Dragon.

"Grrh!" The Yamato Dragon managed to slide in the air, but it was grazed on its left chest and shoulder. The flame, electricity, and wind managed to shatter its dark platinum armor, and now the dark violet skin of the Yamato Dragon's chest can be seen.

"One more!" Alphonse cried. "Elemental Chaos Bo-!!!"

In a blink of an eye, the Yamato Dragon teleported behind the Elemental Dragon. The Yamato Dragon spread out its sword wings and controlled three of it to pierce through the Elemental Dragon's fire wing, wind wing, and its lightning tail.

"What the shit!" Alphonse muttered. "This Yamato Dragon can use Blink magic!?"

"Grah!" The Elemental Dragon cried in pain as it descended and crashed into the ground. It shoved itself on the highway and three small buildings, which made them stuck in the ruins. With its two wings pierced by swords and the other two wings severely damaged during the crash, the Elemental Dragon can no longer fight in the air.

"Senor Alphonse!" I immediately flew to the crash site using my fans and checked on their condition. Luckily, Alphonse didn't suffer any major injuries as he only got bruises and scratches on random parts of his body. However, his Elemental Dragon could no longer take any beating.

"Fuck!" Alphonse growled as he balled his fists. "Now that our dragons are down, how the bloody hell are we going to fight that thing!?"

"It looks like we have to rely on our own strengths now, senor," I said as I readied my bladed fans.

On my mark, Alphonse also revealed his bladed chains.

A Yamato Dragon is a force to be reckoned with. The Muscleflex Dragon and Elemental Dragon have no chance of defeating such a mythical creature from Elysian legends. Even if Alphonse and I are using our dragonoids' magic, I highly doubt we can match that mysterious dragon.

Suddenly, the Yamato Dragon was enveloped in golden light. It immediately shrunk from a gigantic dragon, into a seven-foot-tall adult man with long brown hair tied in a ponytail. The Yamato Dragon's human form is a man on a white knight's uniform, and there is a steel headband on his head. This man is wielding an oversized buster sword that is as tall as his own body.

Now that this dragon has shown his alternate form, I am certain that we are fighting a dragonoid that is much more powerful than the Pentagram Knights. Apparently, he truly is Lothar Pendragon, Elysia's legendary war hero.

Lothar Pendragon landed on top of a building, looking down on us with his dead crimson eyes.

"Knights of Alterra. I am giving you the opportunity to fight me fair and square, in my human form. I may be an enemy, but I still have the dragonoid's honor of a knight."

Alphonse gritted his teeth as he smiled like a threatening dog. "Are you fucking flexing right now?"

"You'll regret fighting us in that form, Senor Pendragon." I smiled forcefully.

Alphonse and I may look like we are confident, but deep inside, we both know that we're doomed. Lothar Pendragon already displayed his fighting skills and overwhelming strength on his Yamato Dragon form. Who knows what kind of fighter he is on his human form? We're facing a legendary hero with war experiences far exceeded from us two.

There was a swish of the wind. All of a sudden, a certain someone appeared in front of us, and this certain someone has the power to turn the tables and put the win on our side.

"Sir Alphonse! Lady Keine! I'm sorry I'm late!"

With sparkling teleportation, Serena made her appearance. She is now ready for battle as she is wielding two short swords. Now that the Psychic Amplifier has been destroyed, I am certain that Serena will be fighting on our side.

"Serena Maizono has entered the battlefield!" The most beautiful dragonoid pumped herself up, ready for the grand battle.

Serena gazed upward, her crimson eyes blazing with the determination to defeat the enemy. Her gaze to Lothar Pendragon is full of Avenger's Wrath, and her ears are pointy which indicates that she is using the power of an imperfect Elform.

"Shit's about to get real." Alphonse made an assured smile at me.