Dragonis Empyrio Quinella is spoken on the ancient dragon's language, and it translates as the "Empire of the Fallen Dragon Queen." Having a Vesryn Pulse connection with a dragonoid that inherits the royal blood of the dragons, this Dracaryx is only unlockable by me and my Nexus Dragon alone.

There was a single pulse of heartbeat that echoed around the arena, with me as the epicenter. As the pulse engulfs the surroundings, it converts the dusty place into a royal silver hall that looks like it is the interior of an ancient forgotten palace. Similar to what I have dreamed a few moments ago, the silver hall created walls that contain several dragon statues of different types. The roofless arena was converted into a wide high ceiling made of glass, and there is a glowing blue orb of light at the center of it.

Everybody was astounded in this glamorous place, which is the display of the ultimate peak of Serena and my Forging magic. This time, we did not use magic to create a weapon; we did not create a dress; we did not create a castle; we did not create an island. Using the ultimate power of the Vesryn Pulse, we are able to forge an alternate reality where all laws of this plane are controlled by me.

The Vesryn Pulse inputted information to my brain about the powers of Dragonis Empyrio Quinella. This alternate reality we have created has the power to make a Nexus Link towards each and every person inside this dimension, which means that I can use the powers of the Pentagram Knight Christian Reines and his Dark Samurai Dragon.

"This is such a breathtaking sight. This might be the most beautiful Dracaryx I have ever seen." Christian Reines made a smirk as he and his Dark Samurai Dragon flew a few meters in the sky. "Too bad, this magic won't last long. Negate."

The anti-magic ripple commences. But, I now have the perfect counter for it.

"Negate," I muttered.

In an instant, both my anti-magic whisper and the enemy's ripple offset itself, and the Empire of the Fallen Dragon Queen was never negated.

"What the-!!!" Christian Reines finally had this awful shocked expression on his eyes for the very first time. "...You negated the negation of my negation magic using the very same Negate magic!?"

I hid my eyes with my bangs as I bowed, then I uttered a chuckle to shake my shoulders. "Since you are inside my alternate reality, I can use all the magic and other abilities you possess. Even your physical strength, agility, endurance, and intelligence will be added to mine. Therefore, I can not only copy your Negate magic. I can surpass everything you can achieve!"

"That's a cheat!" Christian shouted.

"You're a cheat too, but we're different," I said as I glared the enemy with my blazing green eyes. "If your Negate magic is a cheat, then I will have to surpass it! I will cheat harder! I will become a cheater of cheaters!"

"Then cheat this!" Christian roared as he commanded his Dark Samurai Dragon to charge a Dark Hole Ray from the orb on its armored chest.

In the nick of time, I held my heart and activated Vesryn Pulse. Serena immediately transformed into a plain Nexus Dragon that stood in front of me. Her dragon chest magically created an armor identical to the enemy Dark Samurai Dragon, and with the same equipment, she charged the very same Dark Hole Ray from the orb of the armor.

"Dark Hole Ray!" , "Dark Hole Ray!"

Both dragon knights shouted.

The clash of dark blasters lasted for ten seconds, and both attacks negated each other. Not a single speck of antimatter hit either of the parties.

"Take this! Cross Slash-Shift!" Christian shouted, and his Dark Samurai Dragon charged forward with its glowing katanas.

"Cross Slash-Shift!" I shouted, and my Nexus Dragon created the very same dual katanas as we clashed blades to each other.

Silver sparks fly as the four gigantic katanas collided with each other. I may have unleashed the very same attack, but we are getting the upper hand. My Nexus Dragon managed to push the Dark Samurai Dragon three steps backward because of our overwhelming strength. Since the enemy's stats are added unto us, it is natural that our attacks must be a lot more powerful.

"This shit!" Christian roared a curse as his Dark Samurai Dragon jumped back to avoid the clash. One of the katanas grazed Christian's shoulder, which reduced his shield plate to 87%.

"I'm tired of using your magic attacks, so I'm going to use others." I smiled as I ride on my Nexus Dragon's head. Then, I clasped my hands and focused my magic on the castle ground. "Elemental Sealing Chains!"

Suddenly, five gigantic chains materialized from the ground and wrapped the Dark Samurai Dragon's body. Each chain is buffed with fire, ice, water, earth, and lightning magic, which gave a lot of scalds, burns, rusts, and electric surged towards the poor enemy dragon.

"Graaaah!" The Dark Samurai Dragon cried.

Somewhere on the audience's seat, I can hear Alphonse shout saying "Dipshit! I haven't showcased that magic yet, and now you're fucking revealing it to everyone! Thanks a lot, asshole!"

My combo is far from over! Now that the enemy is sealed, I need to give a fatal blow to the enemy! I balled my fists and collided my knuckles to one another, borrowing another magic from a dragon knight I know.

"Stockpile Buff: 500%! Rising Tackle!!!"

My Nexus Dragon's body smoked as every muscle on her body created green sparks. Unlike the usual stockpile buff that enlarges the caster, the muscle fibers of my dragon became as compact as a jar full of iron filings. With such a boost of strength that is more than five times our normal, my Nexus Dragon charged towards the immobilized enemy and rammed its horns towards the Dark Samurai Dragon's stomach!

"Tres Bien, Senor Wingate. Now you have revealed one of my secret moves too." Back in the audience's seat, Danielle can be seen smiling with her eyebrows irking.

Now I'm pretty sure my friends would kick the shit out of me after this battle.

With that excessive horned-tackle, my Nexus Dragon destroyed eighty-percent of the Dark Samurai Dragon's armor. The elemental chains that bind the enemy dragon broke because of the attack and the Dark Samurai Dragon crashed towards the wall of the silver castle. A tremor that lasted for a split second blasted out.

There was a thick white smoke for three seconds, and when the smoke faded, the Dark Samurai Dragon is no more. The one that's left is a badly injured unconscious dragonoid wearing a judo suit and a Pentagram Knight that bravely stood despite enduring such a powerful attack. Christian Reines' shield plate is now at 23%.

"Kuh…" Christian cried in pain. He must not have sustained a physical injury, but that pressure from my Nexus Dragon's tackle must have shaken him off. Not surrendering, he muttered futile magic. "Negate."

"Negate," I answered back. For the second time, I negate his negation with his very own Negate magic.

Christian uttered a weak laugh as he stared upwards, to me, and to my Nexus Dragon. "Damn. You really are strong, Xenon Wingate. Victory is yours. I concede." Then, Christian's katana fell on the floor.

At that moment, the announcer immediately proclaimed the winner. "The victor of this Pentagram Knight Challenge is Sir Xenon Wingate!"

The crowd went crazy as they finally saw the conclusion of this gritting fight. The Emperor, the senators, and the dukes gave gentle claps of applause, my friend dragon knights and dragonoids can be heard protesting for their copyright issues, and the media men started to take pictures. But the noisiest group in the audience was Serena's Fanclub that kept on cheering her while dancing on skimpy clothes.

Slowly, the Empire of the Fallen Dragon Queen alternate dimension faded, and the place converted back into a dusty arena. I can feel my magical powers depleted as I just realized that I have drained all I got in this fight. Now that I have unlocked a Dracaryx that makes me invincible, I don't think the last Pentagram Knight Challenge will be as much as trouble as this.

"Thank youuu! I love you all! Please support the Dragonoid Rights Bill!" Serena can be seen entertaining her fans with a flying kiss. When the gates from the battlefield and audience seat opened, Serena was once again flooded by people.

My foot made a step forward. I'm planning to approach Serena, but my body seems to be exhausted. Each cell of my body feels heavier. My lungs are breathing heavily, and I'm controlling it manually. My vision flickers, like an old lightbulb ready to explode.

There's something weird. I don't feel so good.

"...Gah…" I exhaled smoke from my breath. I felt my chest getting tighter, so I hold it.

That is when I realized that my heart is no longer beating. How long has it been since it stopped? I never knew that a Dracaryx would do such a grave toll on my body.


I muttered before my whole body went to a complete shutdown. I fell flat on the floor and my brain failed to register all that happened from then on.

As everything became dark in my perception, the last thing I heard is my precious person crying for my name.
