My real weapon is a gun. Out of all the vast choices of warfare I can equip myself, a gun is the best thing I can handle. I have been using a pistol myself back when I was a White Ghost, and I went to an extreme gun training during my younger days. On the other hand, out of all the weapons I have used, the shield is the thing I'm most terrible of. Even if I use Forge magic, I always end up creating a shield of subpar quality that breaks in one hit.

Serena is the same as mine, as she always dual-wield short swords. She mainly uses those kinds of weapons in order to show off to her fans while performing her exhibitions, acrobatics, and other magical tricks. Her short swords are not meant for battle but for eye-candy only. Her best weapons of choice are a longsword and a round shield.

I can see the satisfied look on the Pentagram Knight we'll be fighting in this final round. Jerick may have an idea of how we wield these weapons, but he has never seen it. Moreover, he has never heard our full capabilities if we're using the weapons we're most comfortable with.

"Let the battle begin!" The emcee shouted, and the loud buzzer of the arena roared. As the start of the battle commences, I can hear the crowd cheering for the dragon knights, but mainly, they are cheering for Serena.

"Go! Go! Serena! Fight! Fight! Serena!" The Serenatics now brought a parade with trumpets and drums. If I were the emperor, I would eject them immediately from this arena for how annoying they are.

"You can do it, Serena! Win this fight!" Duke Carousel, err, Corasell cheered out loud.

All the fans are cheering Serena, but there is one person who equally distributed her cheer to us. It was Danielle, who's still in her wheelchair, and she's on the front seat of the arena. "Win this, Senor Xenon and Mademoiselle Serena! I'll be counting on you!"

Seeing and hearing Danielle's full support at us, I nodded with a smile to the scarred dragon knight. I appreciate her effort in watching our last Pentagram Knight Challenge because she's supposed to be locked in her room. Maybe she snuck out of the hospital just to watch us two.

The Pentagram Knight and his dragonoid made their first move. The dragonoid Colly pumped her fists sidewards, and her mechanical gauntlets unleashed thick steam. On the other hand, the dragon knight Jerick spread out his clawed gauntlets, and those blades attached to his fists became charged with magma-like heat.

"Quasar Clap!" Jerick struck his claws, and a shockwave of white flame echoed in the arena. There is no way to evade it, as it expands in a wide area of effect.

"Xen! Go behind me!" Serena ordered, completely forgetting that I'm his master and she's the slave. I complied with her command and hid on her back as she put her golden round shield in front.

The flame shockwave was easily repelled by Serena's shield as if it's just a gust of wind. It's too weak for a ranged attack, so I knew that it's just a diversion.

"Haaaaagh!" The dragonoid Colly charged forward with a superman punch, pummeling the round shield on Serena's front. With such power from her mechanical gauntlets, Serena was pushed back unto the edge of the arena.

"Grrrh!" Serena uttered a soft cry.

While Colly had her attention to Serena, I made my move to jump upward and pointed my two guns at the enemy. With my fast trigger fingers, I sprayed bullets like a machine gun.

"Forge!" I shouted out loud. At that moment, all the bullets in midair were converted into rocketing swords that surged upon the enemy dragonoid.

"Whaaa!!!" Colly cried as she was astounded. She did not see it coming, and now she's about to be impaled by the raging swords.

"Get back! Sonic Shield!" Jerick went in front of his dragonoid wife and raised his claws, striking them up in the air in an X pattern. An invisible sound barrier was created that repelled all my raging swords, spreading them out to random parts of the battlefield.  

Now that my swords are all around stuck in the ground, this is Serena's time to move. "Now!" I shouted out loud.

"Blink!" Serena cried, and she immediately teleported to the backside of the two enemies. She raised her longsword up high in the air and charged magical energy in a one-tenth of a second. The longsword glowed bluish-white as she strikes down the enemy knight from behind. "Nexus Sword!"

"Shit!" Jerick managed to turn around and jump away in the nick of time, but the tip of the magic-imbued sword still reached him. It should have sliced him in clean half from nose to toe, but the shield plate absorbed all the incoming damage. Now, his shield plate is 72%.

"Hraaaagh!!!" The dragonoid with steampunk gauntlets proceeded to counter-attack with a powerful double punch, but Serena managed to block it with her round shield. A shockwave and a loud metallic clang echoed around the arena as a result of the clash.

"Guh!" Serena was also pushed back due to the excessive force.

While the enemies are distracted, I landed between them as I removed all the empty shells on my revolver and pistol. Now that I am in the perfect short-range, I can do my ultimate gun magic that has never been used for the past three years.

"Gungale Waltz!" I spin around, firing all my bullets on every direction of the battlefield. Each and every bullet transformed into swords that rushed towards everything in the arena.

"Hrah! Hyah! Haah!" Jerick deflected the sword bullets with his claws. His reflexes are beyond superb as he didn't let any sword touch his skin.

Colly, on the other hand, made a series of sidesteps and hops to evade all incoming projectile. Some swords sliced Colly's bodysuit, but I didn't manage to injure her, not even her skin.

After my whirlwind-like-spinning trigger-happy spell, I ran out of bullets. Since I'm between the husband-and-wife, I am now an easy target for both of them. Jerick leaped towards my direction with his claws ready to ravage me like a deer cornered by a tiger. Colly also jumped forward, ready to pummel and beat me into a flattened burger patty.

"You're finished now!" Jerick proclaimed. "Hraaaah!!!"

I smiled. My sword-spraying magic has a purpose of not hitting them, but to spread out swords all over the arena. Now that my job is finished, it is now my partner's duty to finish the fight.

"Showtime~" Serena shouted out loud as she raised her hand, dematerializing all the weapons she wielded. She forged two short swords on her hand then she disappeared completely as she teleported in an instant.

The enemy must have known my purpose for those words all over the place. Its purpose is for Serena to teleport to different locations easier using her Blink magic. With such a setup, the Serena Maizono Medley attack would certainly hit no matter where they go. There is no escape. Blocking it would not be optimal either, as Serena Maizono Medley attacks all sides with the speed of teleportation. It is the end of them.

But in the sleight of hand, Jerick managed to pull off a trick on his sleeve. He held his chest, which immediately glowed with golden light!

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!"

There was an explosion, in which I should have been at the epicenter of it. However, I was not injured or scratched because Serena managed to teleport me out of the blast. She immediately delivered me to the far side of the arena, which is away from the source of the explosion. Smoke filled the area which made it impossible to see what's happening at the center of the Vesryn Pulse.

"Nice call, Serena." I praised my dragonoid with a head pat. "If I get caught between their Vesryn Pulse, I should've been splat by a gigantic dragon."

"No worries, Xen~" Serena made a cute chuckle with a blush. Then she whispered beside my right ear her honest request. "Please reward me later by having a special night tonight~"

"Stop thinking about that, we're in the middle of the battle," I said.

"Hmph! Fine!" Serena pouted like a pufferfish. "I'm just joking, you didn't have to ruin it."

I can't believe Serena has grown a lot more perverted ever since we had that special night together. Now I feel like I've raised a very bad girl at my home. I do love her, but I still think of her as a precious underclassman I wanted to protect.

Our little comic-relief conversation was interrupted when we heard a loud roar coming from the thick smoke. There was a set of a gigantic wings' shadow that is visible from our position, and this gigantic wing flapped out the dusty smoke in the air as it revealed its true form.

The ten-meter-tall dragon has clear crystal scales that are glowing in different colors such as red, blue, and yellow. Its head is shaped like an aircraft, with horns flowing through its back. It has a single sword-like horn on its forehead, and its crimson eyes are shaped like those of aliens. Having a humanoid body, this dragon is capable of standing on two feet. Its wings are covered with pure white crystal scales, and its tail is spiked like a crocodile's. It has a giant glowing white orb on its chest which is filled with magical energy. Colly, which is the Pentagram Knight's dragonoid, is now a Quasar Dragon.

"Graaaaaaaaaoooooooohhh!!!" The Quasar Dragon flexed its arms and wings, asserting dominance in the battlefield.

"I didn't expect you to push me this far, using my Vesryn Pulse as a last resort," Jerick said as he stood up high on top of his Quasar Dragon's head. "You really are a skillful and powerful dragon knight, Sir Xenon Wingate."

I gave out a smile, then I looked at Serena who is flabbergasted by the majestic Quasar Dragon's appearance. Sure, the Quasar Dragon is told to be one of the most graceful dragons that exist, but its power is also a force to be reckoned with. Legends of Alterra says that Quasar Dragons also served as the Dragon King's personal bodyguards during the ancient times. So I do expect that a Quasar Dragon is as powerful as the Yamato Dragon.

"Xen, please use me to defeat that dragon." Serena made an assured smile at me.

"Right!" I shouted as I held my chest. "Activating Vesryn Pulse! Limit Release! Exceed! Forge into a holy weapon of the gods!"