Right after my battle against the last Pentagram Knight, Serena and I were immediately invited to a conference to the grand castle. The invitation was personally sent by Emperor Sirius Elkyria himself, so it is mandatory for me to attend. The main purpose of the conference is about my achievements in defeating the five Pentagram Knights and about the private army I'll be given with, so this will be a great honor for me.

"So pretty~"

Serena exclaimed as she gazed around the surroundings that are filled with dukes and duchesses, and the surviving dragon knights from the academy. Just like the last time we went to this castle for a conference-party, Serena is wearing a nightgown that stands out. She's wearing a white slim dress that reveals her shiny legs and bouncy cleavage.  

"Yes, so pretty," I muttered back.

I'm not talking about the party we're having, I'm talking about Serena. I don't know, but since we had this secret relationship with each other, I can't stand but to be fazed by her beauty. Ever since we confessed our feelings, I couldn't help but fall prey on her beauty. I also noticed that her bosoms are significantly bigger and her hips are definitely thicker. Right now I would like her to bear my child.

"Pervert…" Serena caught my eyes which were fixated on her assets. Surprised, I couldn't do anything but to step back while blushing. I can't remove this awed look on my face.

"I-I'm sorry!" I turned away to hide my disgusting face. I scratched my head so that I could give her the illusion that I didn't do it on purpose.

"Ehehe~" Serena made a princess chuckle. It seems like being a perverted master like me means nothing to her. To be more precise, she's delighted to see my perverted gaze. She's even teasing me with that smile and laugh of hers.

"Congratulations on the win, Miss Serena, Sir Xenon!" A brown-haired handsome duke greeted us in the same manner as when we last held this party at the castle. As expected, it is Duke Marcus Carousel, I mean, Corasell.

"Thank you for greeting us, Duke Corasell!" Serena shook the duke's hands with both of hers. I'm feeling a slight deja vu in this event, and the feelings of jealousy went back to me. "Now that we have completed the Pentagram Knight Challenge, my album sales went back up high again! We will have the Dragonoid Rights Bill to be passed for sure!"

"That's a good optimism, Serena. But I think the bill comes later." Duke Corasell said as he fixed his eyes on me. "I heard that you had a deal with the Emperor. He's waiting for you at the front dining table."

I wordlessly nodded to the duke as I step in forward and followed the red carpet. Serena followed my back like a loyal servant until we finally reached the dining table the duke is mentioning.

At the center of the dining table is Emperor Sirius Elkyria, and beside him is her Princess Serenity. Behind the emperor are the five Pentagram Knights together with their dragonoids, all acknowledging my strength and honor. Gerald Lucielo, Errol Fizarro, Marlon Trystgade, Christian Reines and Jerick Fachias looked at me with smiles on their faces, and they made a short nod as a sign of respect for my presence. Their dragonoids Mamari, Kali, Fira, Garaga, and Colly also did the same to honor Serena.

Sitting on the sides of the table are three dragon knights and their dragonoids. These three dragon knights who are sitting immediately stood up and bowed. I feel like a god here in this very party.

"Congratulations, Sir Xenon Wingate: Dragon Knight First Class. You have defeated the Five Pentagram Knights, and I shall bestow upon you the honor of the great Conqueror of Alterra. With the title of the Conqueror, you will have the right to take control of a part of my army." Emperor Sirius said as he gave me a badge that has the logo of a dragon, a sword, and a shield on it.

Taking the badge, I immediately attached it to the left chest part of my dragon knight uniform. Then, I genuflected to the one I gave my loyalty to. "I am deeply honored for this title, your majesty."

"Raise your head, oh glorious dragon knight." The Emperor of Alterra said, and I complied immediately. "Our deal is that I will give you an army in order to defeat Michael Eldritch. The dragon knights here on my table are my finest men, and they are Pentagram Knight candidates who are as strong if not stronger than the five you have faced."

As I scan the three dragon knights my Emperor has given me, the first dragon knight saluted and introduced himself. This man is about at the very same age as mine with long blonde hair reaching his back. This guy is handsome, but I can sense a threatening aura on his eyes. His dragonoid is a bulky eight-footer-macho man.

"My name is Estoff Wraith. Dragon Knight First Class, and a Pentagram Knight Candidate. My dragonoid's name is Gilliard, and he is a Magma Dragon. We are honored to be of your service."

The second dragon knight saluted after the first introduced his own self. This guy is a man with a dark complexion, his curly black hair bushing like an afro on top of his head. This man has a better bodybuild than any of the people here, and I think he's just on par with the macho Nathaniel. Beside him is his dragonoid that looked like a Greek Goddess with her white robes.

"My name is Mark Anthony Octavius, Dragon Knight Second Class. My dragonoid Abigail has a true form of a Gladiator Dragon. I may not be as powerful as you think, but my magic-canceling abilities may prove useful to you."

The third dragon knight then made his moment as he reached out Serena's hand and shook it endlessly. This guy has a spiky black hair, snow-white pale face, and an energetic aura. His dragonoid is a tall girl with icy-blue hair that keeps on licking her lollipop nonstop.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Serena Maizono! I'm Alder Windstrafe, a Dragon Knight Third Class! I may be the weakest of the three, but my ice magic will prove useful to you! It's because my dragonoid Emy is an Ice Dragon!"

"N-Nice to meet you, Alder. You too, Emy." Serena forced a smile.

Emperor Sirius Elkyria then continued his conversation to me. "I will bestow upon you the right to command ten thousand foot soldiers, thirty tanks, and five airships. Pentagram Knight Jerick Fachias will also be under your command as requested by him."

"I want to rescue my friend Major General Valesmith, so I will be going with you," Jerick said. "I'll be a part of your army, so use me well. I trust your capabilities in battle and war, so don't put me down."

"I am greatly honored to have a Pentagram Knight as my subordinates." I bowed.

I looked at the side tables and saw the person I'm looking for. Danielle Keine. She seemed to be happy that I have accomplished half of my goal, but she seemed lonely that she won't be taking a part of my raid to Elysia since she's not a dragon knight anymore.

"Xen." Serena had this fiery gaze on me as if she's telling me the very same thing that just sparked in my mind.

"Your majesty, I request to add one more person to my army. I would like to add Lady Danielle Keine to my army."

Danielle stood up the moment she heard my ludicrous proposal. "Idiot, Senor Xenon! I don't have the power to assist you in your war to Elysia! I don't have a dragon anymore! I will be useless on the battlefield!"

"That's true, but…" I smiled at my friend as I removed the badge from my chest. Then I walked forward and gave it out to her hand. "I will appoint you as the supreme commander of my army. You will be assisting us all from above the battlefield. You're a top-class student in the academy in terms of intelligence even though you're a little sadistic. Your wits will prove useful to me."

"Senor Xenon…" Danielle had her eyes teary.

"Sir Xenon, I will grant your permission to include Lady Keine to your army." The emperor interrupted. "But are you sure that you're willing to hand over the honor of commandeering the units you worked hard to gain? It took you almost two years to complete the Pentagram Knight Challenge. Are you willing to have Lady Keine in charge?"

"Yes, your highness." I smiled back at the emperor. "All I asked is an army. It matters not to me even if I'm not the one commanding them. I need allies and friends, not subjects and subordinates. All that matters to me is to achieve my goal, and the honor of being a commander is not mandatory for me."

Every people hearing the conversation: the emperor, the princess, the Pentagram Knights, the dragon knights on my new army, the dukes and duchesses, and even Serena gave a smile to my speech. They certainly approve my heroic talk, especially Danielle who is now crying non-stop. She held the badge closer to her heart and hugged it tightly.

"Thank you, Senor Xenon! Thank you for this!"

"Let's do this, Danielle." I tapped her shoulder. "For Alphonse, for Z, for Kevin, for Rius… and for Nathaniel."

"Oui Senor! I will accept your offer to be the commander of your army!" Danielle cried.

Every person in this hall applauded. The dragon knights hailed the black beautiful knight by cheering "All hail Commander Keine!". Everybody followed the cheer, including me, Serena, the Pentagram Knights, and all the other dragon knights. Even Emperor Sirius and her princess daughter joined the cheer.

When the cheer ended, the Emperor snapped his fingers. "Let's have this party started! Music, maestro!"

The wide glamorous hall of the castle unleashed sweet piano and violin music that soothed our ears. Such kind of beautiful symphony is suited for waltzing and dancing, and I am certainly up to the mood of doing such trivial things. I am beyond happy that I have achieved my primary goal, so it wouldn't hurt if I break my character and be a gentleman for once.

I went in front of the most beautiful dragonoid and genuflected, offering my hand to her.

"Miss Serena Maizono… will you be my first dance?" I asked.

"Of course, Xen!" Serene immediately took my hand with a reddish blush on her face.

As we take the dance floor first, Serena and I enjoyed the rest of the night with pure elegance and beauty. We danced up to our heart's content as we both feel our hearts getting more attached to each other. Our smooth movements synchronized our heartbeats and the symphony of music as if we are one and the same entity. I fell in love for the hundredth time with my dragonoid, and I'm pretty sure she fell the same number for me too.

I made most of my time with her. I actually want to dance with her for eternity, for I am troubled by one thing.

This dance…

This might be my last dance with her.