The headless necks of the Orochi Dragon wriggled as it soon realized that it has been cleanly and repeatedly mutilated in just a span of a short amount of time. The angelic wings flapped the seas, creating small tidal waves in the area. Its tails also whipped the nearby seafloor corals which splashed salt water to our faces.

"Sir Alphonse! Now!" I cried out loud as I disable my Nexus Dragon form. I can only keep my dragon forms for a short amount of time without the Vesryn Pulse, so now I have my own human body freefalling in the air. Good thing Danielle caught me just before I could be splat on the seafloor.

"Rainbow Dash!" Alphonse cried as he commanded his Elemental Dragon to rush towards the headless Orochi Dragon. With a lightspeed and rainbow trail, the dragon with rainbow crystals bashed its head towards the main body of the weakened serpent. As soon as they made contact, Alphonse spread out his hands and controlled his golden chains to wrap around the main body of the Orochi Dragon. "Chain Seal, commence!!!"

"NOOO!!! I WON'T BE SEALED AGAIN!!!" The Orochi Dragon sent this message to our brains using its head-aching telepathy. The monster immediately readied its wings and tails to strike Alphonse and his Elemental Dragon, but everybody is there to back him up.

"Negate!" Christian Reines and his Dark Samurai Dragon immediately removed the psychic repellent barrier that the Orochi Dragon just put up.

"Attack all at once!" Jerick Fachias cried as he declared the final assault to the legendary Orochi Dragon. On his command, all other dragons blew out projectiles that blasted the wings and tails of the abomination.

"Senor Alphonse, do it!" Danielle cried.

"You don't fucking say!!!" Alphonse protested out loud as he tightened the grip of his chains to the giant lump of flesh that was the only remaining part of the Orochi Dragon. The heads are on the verge of growing back, so he has to act faster on his seal. "Chain Seal Full Power!!!"

"Graaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" In an instant, the Elemental Dragon lost its rainbow form as it gave all its spare energy to the dragon knight. Rainbow lights engulfed the golden chains which made it a lot faster to seal the immortal enemy. When they realized it that it's not enough, the Elemental Dragon donated the power of her heartbeats towards the sealing chains, fully disabling the Vesryn Pulse. Now Z is back on her human form.

There was a blinding flash of light.

"Noooooo!!!!" The abomination cried as the Orochi Dragon shrunk its size until it disabled the Vesryn Pulse and convert it into her humanoid form, Sakuradrop. The golden chains constricted the naked teenage dragonoid as some parts of her skin slowly convert into stone.

The force of the sealing chains made Alphonse, Z, and Sakuradrop crash towards the mountainous random island, a few kilometers away from the prison island. Danielle and I followed them until we discovered the crash site. It was easy to follow them as they had made a huge blast and a crater on the said island.

Sakuradrop is in the middle of the crater, with her arms and legs fully restrained by the golden chains. Eighty percent of his body has now been converted to stone, but some parts of her hand, as well as her face, are yet to harden. Alphonse and Z are there to keep her in check.

"Y...You… defeated me… huh?...." Sakuradrop weakly muttered. She gave out a tired smile to both Alphonse and Z. When she noticed that we have just landed, she glanced at Danielle and then finally to me. "You…"

"Your evil has claimed many lives. Your immortality is a curse to humanity and dragonkind. It is now time for you to rest again, Miss Sakuradrop." I said.

"Oui, mademoiselle. Au revoir." Danielle smiled with fierceness in her eyes as she stared at the losing immortal.

"Heh... Hehehe… Hahaha…" Sakuradrop laughed as she felt most of her internal organs turning to stone due to the sealing effects of Alphonse's chains.

"What's so funny, madame?" Danielle irked.

"You don't know… what you're doing… I may be sealed and stopped... Eldritch may be defeated and die... But the Global Psychic Amplifier will still commence. There is still one person who can activate it. And the world shall end on his hands."

The words of Sakuradrop must have no effect on me. She may be using her sweet tongue to inflict fear unto us to escape the reality of being defeated. But for some reason, I can feel that she has a basis on her allegations. I can't help but be troubled in one thing.

"N-No… That's not true." I muttered.

Sakuradrop made her crimson eyes with black sclera glare at me. She made a provoking smile that makes me want to slap her face. "Serena Maizono… Now that you have defeated me… I will give you a prize… Simple information that you never knew about your love… Xenon Wingate."

"No! Don't fucking hear his bullshitry, Serena!" Alphonse said. Then he looked at the defeated immortal. "Shut the fuck up, will you!"

"The reason why Michael Eldritch and Marisse Trystgade killed Xenon is that he is the prophesied Necross Messiah. You have seen it in your very own eyes, didn't you? You've seen him. He looks, acts, talks, and even his heartbeats are the same. You knew it all along, but you're just denying it."

"N-No! That's not true!" I cried out loud as I held my aching heart.

"The whole idea of having the Psychic Amplifier was Xenon's plan to conquer the world all along. He stole the dossier three years ago in Vanilla City for his own ambitions. It is safe to say that Michael Eldritch and Xenon Wingate are the same peas in a pod. It's just that Eldritch has a better view of the world. Eldritch, Cheng, Trystgade. All they ever wanted was peace and prosperity. But Xenon Wingate… he is just a person of mass destruction."

"N-No! Stop talking! Xenon senpai is not that kind of person!" I cried louder as tears sprinkle from my eyes.

It hurts me. Why am I listening to Sakuradrop's words? Why is her way of thinking affects me? It is clear that she's a bad person and my Xenon senpai is the good one, but why am I doubting what I am fighting for? She's clearly lying… isn't she?

"Serena…" Danielle hugged my head as she dipped my face on her bosoms. "Don't listen to her. She's just provoking you."

"Hahaha… Believe in whatever you want, Danielle Keine, Alphonse Faradeiss. But you can never wipe out the whole truth."

Sakuradrop tried hard to move her jaws even though ninety-five percent of her body is now a stone statue. Only her face remains to be biological. With her last ounce of strength, Sakuradrop turned her face to me with a menacing devilish smile.

"The fate of the world now relies on you, Serena Maizono… Long live the Dragon Queen…"

The mouth of the immortal stopped moving as she was finally sealed once and for all. However, her words continue to speak inside my mind. With doubts on my heart on who I am fighting for, I can no longer judge or act on the proper course of action.

"Finally, this fucker is dead!" Alphonse celebrated with a spit towards the stone face of Sakuradrop.

"Haha! We win, you flowery bitch!" Z happily hopped and stomped on Sakuradrop's hard body over and over again. "Take that! And that! And that!"

"That's what you get for controlling us for almost a year, fucker!" Alphonse laughed as he pressed his butt on Sakuradrop's face and farted. "Hahaha! So satisfying! Try it, Z!"

"Hey, master! What if we just pee all over her body!" Z asked while jumping excitedly like a bunny.

"Good idea!" Alphonse laughed. "But first, we have to look for a private place!"

"Aye aye, master!" Z said as they both started to drag the sealed Sakuradrop with Alphonse's chains.

I envy those two. Alphonse and Z have this simple dragon and knight relationship, which is contrary to me and Xenon that has a way more complicated relationship. I envy their mental strengths, considering that they are not bothered by Sakuradrop's words at all.

"Everything will be fine, Mademoiselle Serena." Danielle patted my head. "Don't worry, Xenon will never do that. You knew him, didn't you?"

Just before I could answer Danielle's words, the two of us were interrupted by a loud sonic boom from the distant skies. About tens of kilometers from the ground, I can see a majestic dragon with white and gold platings. It has a set of wings that resembles combined swords, and I can feel an enormous amount of natural energy on that dragon. It's no doubt that it's the White Yamato Dragon.

"I-Is that…" Danielle muttered.

They might be far away, but I can be certain. I can feel my own heartbeats on that very direction of the Yamato Dragon. I can see a person's silhouette riding on its nape, but I already know who it is.

"X-Xen!" I cried as I ran towards the beach of this random island, trying to reach the speeding Yamato Dragon. "Xen! Xen!" I vigorously waved my hand over and over in an attempt to win their attention, but it seems that they are not noticing me. They seem to be focusing on flying away as fast as possible as if they were chasing something.

I tripped over nothing when I finally reached the edge of the beach. Sand and saltwater splashed to my face as I had my own cheeks covered with my tears.

"Xeeeeeen!!!" I desperately cried out loud to my love.

But my words failed to reach him.