Being the only son of the Emperor of Elysia is nothing but a curse to me. As royal blood, the concept of freedom does not mean anything in my dictionary. I have never been free in my life.

My father; the late Emperor Eldritch is a tyrant in disguise. He controls everything under the table, and his ways violate most rights. He is a corrupt selfish man. He gave the orders to assassinate any person who opposes his ways. Only the heroes of war, such as Kirina Pendragon and her dragonoid Lothar, knows what happened behind the scenes.

Just like how he treated his subjects, he treated me as his disposable property, like a pet. My father harbors hate for me for the sole reason that my mother died the very same moment I was born, so all the hatred in this world was caught by the poor me. I was strictly trained to become a ruler just like him, so I am not to be blamed entirely for what I have become.

The idea of world domination was the one my father gave me. He is scheming, always scheming for ways to defeat the armies of Alterra, Sargus, and Fleija. We may have signed years of treaties between these countries, but we are also preparing ourselves to betray them once our weapons are ready.

One of the particular world-domination plans of my father is about the research of the Dragon Goddess: Exceria. My father knew that this legend predates the history of the grand sorceress Vesryn, and he knew that this lost goddess might be the key to uniting the whole world. Because of this hypothesis, my father assembled a team of historians all over Elysia, and one of these lucky men is Professor Wingate: Xenon's father.

I first saw my best friend when we were four years old. Whenever Professor Wingate reports to my emperor's father, Xenon would tag along. It did not surprise me that we became the best of friends since we always play whenever our fathers are busy with their jobs.

One time, I tagged along with Xenon and his father towards a historic site; an isolated island at the far west of Elysian Ocean. The island is called Cherry Island where all the sakura trees bloom. My father agreed for me to tag along with my friend since he trusts Professor Wingate, or maybe he does not give any shit to me at all.

The Cherry Island is the home of ancient ruins that looked like cathedrals full of ancient texts. Professor Wingate studied the scriptures as we children play and goof around.

However, when Xenon and I were busy playing hide-and-seek in the ruins, we discovered an ancient gate. We opened it and ventured inside, and finally discovered the key person in all of these messes.


She is so beautiful. Long silky-smooth black hair, snow-white skin, adorable teenager face, and a cute pink lotus dress was all apples to my eyes. I fell in love with her the first time we met. She's caring like a wonderful sister, and she is the only person who gave me the feeling of having a mother.

When Professor Wingate saw this dragonoid, we immediately departed and reported to my father. While Professor Wingate's research about the lost goddess ended up a failure, my father focused on harnessing Sakuradrop's power. He was amazed when Sakuradrop displayed the power of the Eye of Deus on his audience; using such eyes to activate the Vesryn Pulse without the need of having a dragon knight.

Sakuradrop also displayed her powers to become the legendary and ancient Orochi Dragon using eight different hearts. Being the weapon of mass destruction, my father emperor made every information about her confidential. She is our secret key and our first step in Elysia's goal of world domination.

Sakuradrop and I became great friends. She was my first crush, and she became my ideal princess. I'm planning for her to become my future empress. I even rejected the Oracle Marisse Trystgade's first confession just to prove my love to her.

However, my love for this ancient non-aging immortal dragonoid was not reciprocated. My father punished me for loving such a dragonoid for the reason that royal blood should not marry anyone from the slave race. Furthermore, Sakuradrop told me that she cannot procreate, which means marrying her would end the dynasty of Eldritch in the kingdom of Elysia.

My life was a mess. It's a straight line with only a dead end. Being a royalty was not my dream. I wanted freedom. I wanted to marry the person I love. But because of my bloodline, I had to suffer for the rest of my life.

However, Sakuradrop showed me another way to pave my own path. When I was in high school, she made a confession for me.

"Your father is not destined to rule the world. But you are, Michael Eldritch. Your fate is to become the planet's first and sole emperor. That is why I will help you once you get the throne."

Sakuradrop jumped to me and kissed me on the lips. With such an intimate act, our contract was forged, and I have inherited her power to activate the Eye of Deus for my own ambitions.

From then on, I started to do what was necessary to win the throne. First, I have used the Eye of Deus to control the mind of a terrorist dragonoid to eliminate the thorns of our dynasty. I indirectly killed Kirina Pendragon and fooled his dragonoid husband to stay loyal in the empire.

Second, I went to a dark secret arts facility owned by Doctor Cheng Du in order for me to learn the secrets of the Heartstopper Curse. I mastered it in the course of one year because of my superhuman intellect, and then I learned to incorporate it with the Eye of Deus.

My relation with Doctor Cheng Du has long been hidden. His betrayal towards Alterra was already commencing eight years ago, and he's planning on helping me with my world domination plan. The Psychic Amplifier technology has long been patented by us, and it was never brought to light until the events of Cheng Du's death.

Third, I have to marry Marisse Trystgade, even if I did not love her. As a General of the White Ghosts, I have purposely made my own best friend Xenon have long missions in lands far, far away just to lick her girlfriend that he left here in Elysia. House Trystgade approve my cheating relationship with Marisse, and they said that I'm a more fitting man for the Oracle. They just don't want to tell these facts outrightly in front of Xenon's face, so I made the initiative to purposely betray and eliminate him.

My betrayal to my friend is a mix of happiness and sadness. I was happy because I get to mate with his beautiful girlfriend, and I was sad that I have to kill him with my own hands. Even if Marisse did not give me the order to kill him, I am planning to stab him in the back anyway.

My love for Sakuradrop did not diminish even though I was married to another woman. My purpose of marrying Marisse is to keep my kingdom in running forever once the world domination has been put to success. I just needed an heir to my throne, so Marisse's purpose is just to bear my child. It does not change the fact that I still love Sakuradrop.

Fourth, and last; I had my father executed to the public in order to acquire the throne. Lothar Pendragon was a key person in this last step, as he provided me the secret information about my father's corruption to the people. I tricked my idiot old man that I was on his side all along, and that I will change my ways of rulership once I acquired the crown. Never did I think that Lothar put so much trust in me that he stayed loyal to my words.

The execution of the late emperor was my key to power. When the blood-lusted people saw how evil my father is, they were the ones who killed him. My hands are free from stain as I just handed my own father for their justice. By doing this, the people of Elysia trusted me more than my father.

About Serena Maizono… I have long known her ever since we're in high school. Of course, I was attracted to her long before she gained the title of Most Beautiful Dragonoid. She's just the crush of all students during my teenage days, but she mysteriously disappeared when they discovered that she belongs to the slave race.

When I learned the confidential information about her being the heir of the Dragon Queen, I could not hide my excitement. I've planned on making him my second wife after Marisse was eradicated by his ex-boyfriend. If I get to marry the queen of the dragon race with my current title; the king of humanity, then the world will truly be unified.

However, Sakuradrop is against that idea. I don't know why, but she always seems so furious about Xenon's dragonoid. Whenever I ask her, she would always answer "It's trivial." even though my marriage would be optimal for the whole planet. But there's nothing she can do about it. My son has been killed by Lothar, and my Oracle empress has been barbecued. I have no other choice but to marry Serena Maizono.

My life is a mess. It's complicated. Even if I am the only ruler of the world, I was forbidden to marry the person I love. I could not marry my one and only Sakurdarop, even though we have already shared so many nights and intimate acts together. Even though I'm the destined one to become the god of this world, even though I'm a person that can make people obey and stop anyone's heartbeats, I could not truly enjoy the experience of marrying my one true love.

All of these things becoming complicated just because of one thing.

One fucking thing.

Sakuradrop is in love with somebody else.