
It was already too late. Xenon has killed Michael Eldritch with his own bare hands. His objective that has been kept in his heart for the past three years has finally been fulfilled. As he dropped the severed head of the emperor who once ruled the world to the snowy ground, Xenon looked up in the sky with a satisfied smile. His Eye of Deus and Curse of Necross continues to glow as he felt the droplets of the blood of Eldritch crawled on his skin.

"Ah…" Xenon made a relieved sigh. "It has finally finished. He's dead now. My whole life… is over now."

"X-Xen!-" I was about to rush to my knight but Alphonse blocked my path with his arm. I looked at him who is focusing his gaze on the avenger as if he's being threatened by his appearance.

"Serena, don't." Z looked at me in the eyes as she shook her head. "That man… It's not Sir Xenon Wingate."


"Everybody, don't lower your arms!" The Pentagram Knight Jerick Fachias commanded to the soldiers that are surrounding Xenon. He's the one in charge commandeering this platoon to ensure Eldritch's capture. Now that Eldritch is dead, his objective shifted to a more peculiar one. "Don't let your guard down!"

"Wait, that's Xenon!" I cried out loud. "There's no threat anymore!"

"Shush, mademoiselle." Danielle entered the scene and she sassily walked beside me. "Stay silent for a moment."

I can't believe this! Why are they pointing guns at my knight? Why are Alphonse, Z, and Danielle looking at their friend like a wild animal that has been unleashed? I don't understand why they are being threatened by Xenon!

Suddenly, I heard Xenon's whisper from afar. The silence of the morning atmosphere here in the ruined Vanilla City made it possible to distinguish every word Xenon was muttering.

"Cheng Du is dead… Marisse Trystgade is dead… Michael Eldritch is dead…"

Xenon laughed like a madman. He covered his face as he shrugged repeatedly. With his unholy eyes, he scanned the surroundings until our eyes met. That's the only time I realized why all my allies are wary of Xenon's existence.

"Serena Maizono… still alive…"

My body froze in fear. My heart was shattered the moment I heard my name on his list to kill. Why was I included on those people Xenon hates the most? Wait, I remember. I should have realized that Xenon felt that wrath the moment I accepted Eldritch's offer for marriage. I should clear the things out.

"X-Xen!" I held my aching chest. "That engagement with Eldritch, it's just a sham! I'm sorry if I made you feel bad! I'm sorry if I betrayed you! I never intended to make you feel that way, and I never wanted to marry Eldritch in the first place! I did it so that the world will be saved from his tyranny! You understand why I did those, right? Right? So please… please come back to me…"

"Traitoooooor!!!" Xenon roared out loud, making a shockwave that shoved the thin snow away from the epicenter of the voice. "Cheng. Trystgade. Eldritch. Maizono. They must die!"

"...Xen…" I fell down on my knees, not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do. My soul is broken and my mind is blank. My eyes gave out tears that flowed endlessly on my cheeks. Did he… did he really hate me that much?

"Everyone, switch your rifles to stun bullets!" Jerick commanded the soldiers. "Our mission is to capture Xenon Wingate alive! He's our only lead to the last Psychic Amplifier!"

"Roger!" All the soldiers affirmed as they pressed a button on their rifles, switching it to non-lethal mode.

"Serenaaaaa!!!" Xenon cried out loud as he rushed recklessly forward, trying to get me. In response to that, Alphonse, Z, and Danielle went in front of me for my aid.

"Fire!" Jerick Fachias commanded, and thirty soldiers followed. Rubber bullets with electric properties surged towards the raging Xenon from every direction. None of the bullets missed their mark and is certain to hit the avenger.

"Something like this will not be able to stop me!" Xenon roared out loud. The shockwave of his voice nullified all the incoming bullets.

"We have to pacify him somewhat!" Danielle said. "Prevent him from reaching Serena!"

"Leave that to me!" Z volunteered as she activated her Partial Dragon Form, spawning rainbow-crystal wings on her back. She used her wings to flap out elemental glitters that rushed towards the raging avenger. "Rainbow Elemental Shower!"

"Forge!" Xenon created a wide tower shield to block the incoming elemental dust as he continues to rush forward. His shield started to dissolve on the magical shower, and some already made it past his skin, but he's not bothered about the pain. All he's thinking is revenge against me.

However, Alphonse has already positioned his own self at the back of the raging avenger. He whipped out his chains and grabbed Xenon's arms and feet, and poured ice elemental magic to slow his movement.

"Stop being a retarded fucker!" Alphonse cried as he anchored his feet to the snowy ground, preventing Xenon's further advance.

While they are busy restraining my knight, I was still sitting on my knees, my eyes completely lifeless. Now that the person I love and devoted myself to hates me so much, I feel like my existence is no longer material in this world.

"Serena! Serena!" I can hear the faint words of my friend Danielle. When she ran out of patience, she immediately made a slap to my right cheek. "Wake up, Serena!" Danielle cried.

"E-Eh…" I muttered as I held my reddish cheek. That slap was so powerful that the pain on my face never faded. "L-Lady Keine…"

Danielle grabbed my shoulders as she looked at me eye-to-eye. "Right now, Xenon needs you more than anyone. You're the only one who can calm him down. You are able to restrain and seal his bloodline magic, so I have no doubt that you can prevent the weird thing that has been controlling his wrath."

Danielle must be talking about my Nexus Link bloodline magic. Normally, Nexus Link can be used to borrow the traits, attributes, and magic of someone who has the connection of Vesryn Pulse with me. It can also be used to seal away the magic from my partner knight. If I'm able to seal Xenon's Eye of Deus and Curse of Necross away, there might be a chance that he'll wake up from his wrath.

Xenon might be able to recognize me again!

I gathered all my strength to stand up, and I used both of my palms to slap myself awake. I held my beating heart as I ready for this battle to retrieve the person I love.

"Let's do this!" I cried out loud.

"That's the spirit, mademoiselle!" Danielle praised. "Now, here he goes!"

All of a sudden, dark tentacles spawned from Xenon's back and shoulders. It whipped all the chains that have been restraining his limbs, shattering it all to pieces.

"Serena!!!" Xenon cried out loud as he rushed to me.

"Rainbow Dash!" Z surged forward, leaving a trail of different colors behind. With her extreme speed, she passed through the raging Xenon. The rainbow elements immediately corroded the flesh tentacles that have been spawning on Xenon's back.

"Why you!?" Xenon turned to Z, forging giant shears on his hand. He was about to snap the petite witch's throat with that giant scissor, but good thing Danielle is there to back her up.

"Wind Blast!" Danielle flapped her bladed fans, created a powerful burst of wind that blew Xenon away. Being out of balance, Xenon rolled on the snow with his ragged body. Now that there's a wide opening, Danielle shouted as a signal for Alphonse to act.

"Hiaaagh!" Alphonse whipped his chains to wrap my knight's leg, and he used it to drag him over. "You can't escape now!"

However, Xenon has a backup counterattack. When he was already at a point-blank distance at Alphonse, he revealed his knife that he panickily forged and stabbed it to Alphonse's left leg! Blood splattered all over the thin layer of snow.

"Fuck! This retard just stabbed me!" Alphonse protested. "Hurry, Serena!"

I dashed forward as fast as I got and managed to reach my knight finally. With a round shield on my hand, I smacked it to Xenon's face, making his head slammed to the snowy ground. Ice flakes scattered in the area and a small crater was formed because of the impact.

"Nexus Seal!" I cried out loud as I poured my magic on my right fingerless glove. With an enormous power in my right hand, I made a palm attack on Xenon's heart. A magical circle formed on his chest that absorbed all the excessive aura all around his body.

"Graaaaaaaaaargh!!!" Xenon cried out loud as he felt energy leaving out of his body. Being helpless, all he can do is scream as he endured the pain of the seal on his heart.

After two seconds, Xenon was completely pacified. His eyes went back to its original emerald green color. He was not able to recognize me the least for the reason that he passed out the moment the Nexus Seal finished.

I gasp for air repeatedly as I panted. I never knew that I would be fighting against the man I love, also hurting him in the process. But all of this must be done in order for him to come back to me. He's now sleeping safe and sound within my grasps.

I touched his baby-like face with my soft fingers. It's been six months since I last got a hold of his skin, and it's enough to make me feel the sparkling sensation of my love for him.

However, several things are now bothering me. The Psychic Amplifier, the Eye of Deus, and the Curse of Necross. Xenon Wingate is the key to all of it. I can't help but doubt the man I love at this point.

"Xen… what did you do to yourself?" I muttered as I pressed my face forward. My eyes inevitably unleashed tears that dropped to his innocent face.