"Serena? But you're…"

I am sure that my eyes never lied to me. I just saw her in the video feed being fried in an electric chair. I saw her skin burn at the very sight of my eyes. How in the hell did she manage to escape, unscathed? Everything does not add up!

"That was a recording, Xen. We added some special effects so that it will make it more realistic. Being in showbiz for a really long time, I have learned a few tricks to create CGIs." Serena smiled with tearful eyes. "Sorry if I tricked you again."

"So you're the one who has been interrogating me for the past hours…" I gasped for air.

"Yes." Serena slowly nodded. "I'm sorry if I did this to you. We are really running out of time, so we had to do some drastic measures to bring you and your memories back. We are also scared that you really planned the activation of the Psychic Amplifier, so we took the interrogation processes ourselves."

I bowed down and stayed silent. It might take a while before I could completely forgive Serena, but considering all my past deeds and actions, it would be a logical thing to do. I have lost myself two days ago to the influence of my wrath that I tried to kill her, even though I'm fully aware that Serena did not, in fact, betray me. It was careless of me to fall into Necross' temptations.

On another note, she now knew about my plan about intentionally getting captured by the Elysian army five months ago. She already knew that I went to the prison island for the purpose of my revenge without telling her beforehand. She must be furious, but I can sense that she's setting aside her emotions for now.

Serena started to unstrap me from the electric chair. "I know you, Xen. You're not a traitor. You don't have a selfish ambition of dominating the whole world. You're not Eldritch."

Suddenly, the door on this white room opened, revealing two of my friends in the Dragon Knight Academy. Alphonse and Danielle. Alphonse can be seen holding some kind of cord attached to his chains that are still mounted with electric energy. With my eyes, I followed the cord and saw that it's connected to my electric chair. It didn't take long for me to realize that this fucking retard was the one in charge of electrocuting me the whole time.

"Alphonse, you fucker," I muttered a laugh.

"Don't worry, dipshit. My electrocution techniques did not damage your nerves or your pathetic dirty skin. It just sends a synapse to your brain to trick you that you're in great pain, but in fact, you are not."

"Looks like the recovery of Senor Xenon's memories was a success," Danielle said sassily.

"Yes, but we failed to get information about the Psychic Amplifier," Alphonse answered. "That fucker is the only key to the location of this."

"We'll find another way to get information about the Psychic Amplifier. For now, we have to escape this place." Danielle said. "The Alterran soldiers will come and seize this place any second."

"Huh?" I gasped. "Why… Is Alterra the enemy now?"

"It's not just Alterra, but the whole world." Alphonse bluntly answered. "Everybody is throwing the blame on you ever since the Pentagram Knights recovered Cheng Du's dossier. It says that you and Eldritch were the ones who originally planned to build a powerful mind-controlling device that could defeat the whole world. Like, come on!"

"We'll fill you up later, Xen. For now, we have to escape this place." Serena said as she pulled me to stand up.

I can now feel my limbs. My legs and feet are still weak, but I think I can use it to walk. My magical energy is depleted, so I don't think fighting off the soldiers would be a good idea. My heart is only giving a slow heartbeat, so resonating it with Serena to use the Vesryn Pulse is out of the question. Our only chance to survive this place is to escape.

"Serena, the empire only needs Xenon. Make sure he escapes this establishment. I and Danielle will stall them until they shit themselves. Use that to make your way out of this mess." Alphonse said.

"I agree. Mademoiselle, take care of Senor." Danielle affirmed Alphonse's decision.

"Thanks!" Serena nodded. Then she started to run, grabbing my hand. "Xen, let's go!"

I want to say goodbye and thanks to my friends, but I wasn't able to. Time is not of the essence here, and they will be left behind for my sake. All I can do is stare at them with my worried face. However, when they saw me flee, their only reply is this carefree smiles on their faces. Alphonse and Danielle are telling me that I shouldn't be worried about them. I trust them, so I will not struggle to stay.  

"Xen! This way!" Serena shouted as she continues to drag my hand as we make countless turns in this corridor. I don't have any idea where we are, so good thing Serena is with me to guide me out.

"Serena… why… why are you doing this?..." I asked as I desperately beg for air. "The empire only wants me… You don't have to go with me and risk everything."

"Isn't it obvious?" Serena made the very same carefree smile like what I saw on Alphonse and Danielle. "I told you, I will follow you wherever you go. To the depths of hell, to the path of carnage, I will be with you. We've been separated for about half a year and it was the worsts moments of my life. We're both to be blamed here, so we have to make up for the lost times together."


"In short, I love you! I'll do everything in order to protect you, my master and my knight!" Serena jollily giggled.

I made a weak laugh as we continue to run. I know it's not a time and place to make such a corny and cheesy line, but it really moved my heart. Now that she made me remember how much she loves me, it gives me a bad aftertaste in my mouth for those times I went rogue.

"Serena, I love you too… I'm sorry if I went astray." I muttered. "I promise I will not separate myself with you again."

"Stop right there." Serena leaned on the wall, completely ignoring my sweet apology.

I feel bad that she just shut me down and never made a counter-reply to my words, but I soon realized that we are in grave danger. I can hear the countless clanking of metallic boots, signaling that the empire's troops are already here to block our way of escape.

Serena tried to peek in the corner, but then she was immediately detected.

"There they are!" The soldiers shouted. They started to push forward with their rifles pointed in front, ready to fire at any sight of any hindrance. Counting the echoes of their different footsteps, I reckon that there's about fifteen of them raiding in this very direction.

Normally, that wasn't a bad thing. I could take them out with a snap of a finger if I have enough energy and mana. But it's different in this case as I think I can only take down one weak soldier in my current situation.

"Xen, can you run?" Serena asked.

"I can, but... I can't fight them all with my current situation!"

"Don't worry, I got this!"

Serena said as she went in front of the soldiers, raising her hand. She appears to be surrendering on the soldier's custody, but I knew that she's hiding something on her sleeve.

"Miss Serena Maizono! Bring us Xenon Wingate, or you'll face the consequences!" The soldier captain shouted.

"You don't have the authority to command me!" Serena shouted. "Haaaaaaaaa!!!"

With a powerful yet sweet voice, a shockwave echoed in the corridors, filling the soldier's eardrums with fear. All of them went down unconscious in just a matter of a millisecond, indicating that she just used a magical shout that only royal blood could use.

"I-Is that the Voice of the Empress!?" I asked even though I'm already sure of what she just did. Having Azregon as her middle name, it is already given that she's a royal person that can use such kind of magic. I've learned it a long time ago that she's related to the Elkyrias of this empire.

"No talk! Run!" Serena said as she grabbed my hand again and dashed towards the deeper parts of this establishment. We ran for about five more minutes until we finally saw the signage of an exit.

However, even if the escape route is just in front of our noses, there is still one last obstacle to go through.

Standing at the door to the exit, a man with gray hair emerges from his silhouette. He has a lion-like gray beard, with his spiky hair brushing all through the nape of his neck. He is wearing a royal blue jacket, wearing a badge that has the face of a dragon, a logo of a sword, and a shield. On his right hand, is a mechanical sword that has glowing neon blue lines on it.

This man… is Emperor Sirius Elkyria himself. I never would have thought that there will come a day where we'll be facing off each other in a life-and-death situation.

"Xenon Wingate. You are under arrest for treason, espionage, and collaborating with that dictator Michael Eldritch." The emperor said momentarily, then he turned to my dragonoid while maintaining his fierce voice. "Serena Maizono, please surrender your knight. This is for the sake of the world. He needs to die in order for us to live."

"No! Xen is not a traitor, and his death will not stop the Psychic Amplifier!" Serena furiously shouted as she stepped in front, materializing her long sword and round shield. "You can only get him once you've stepped on my corpse!"

Hearing this, the emperor put his mechanical sword in front of his face, silently praying for our demise.

"This is no longer about you. This is a battle to save the world."