Finding Cherry Island is difficult because it is hidden in thick clouds and mist. Elysian Ocean covers over an eighth of a planet, so even with our fleet of airships and dreadnoughts hovering and driving around the place, it took us twelve hours to finally see it. There it is, an island blooming with pink leaves and flowers of the sakura trees. As the ocean breeze blew out, we can see cherry petals spinning in midair as if it is an anti-gravity snowflake party.

"So that's the Cherry Island?" Serena muttered as she looked at the target island on the viewing deck. The gentle ocean air flaps her long silky hair and kimono without end.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" I approached my lover. "Too bad that's where the device is hidden. The Psychic Amplifier that is bound to end the world."

"Xen…" Serena took a closer look at me. She touched my forehead while touching her own to check my body temperature. "Are you okay now?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's been twelve hours, and I had eight hour sleep. The hangover immediately wore off." I said.

"No, I mean… your heart. I know that you've been feeling a little bit energetic, but don't you think you find it weird?" Serena said in a worried tone.

"No worries, Serena." I patted her head. "I may have a month left, but I don't feel like dying."

"That's reassuring." Serena made an innocent smile. Somehow, I can see that she's really worried about my condition for some reason that she cannot tell. Sure, I only have a month left but I think I can still do much in my life. There are sick people who survived their terminal illnesses, so I think I'll be rocking the statistic's numbers up.

Suddenly, our peaceful conversation was immediately interrupted when the radio broadcast on our earpiece started. It's Danielle's voice.

"Senor, Mademoiselle, I hate to interrupt your moment but you have to see this."

As soon as we heard that announcement, Serena and I nodded to each other and left towards the conference room. There, my friends Alphonse, Z, and the five Pentagram Knights are all present. The emperor is also there, at the central seat, administering the conference.

"Every officer now present?" Danielle said as she scanned our faces. When she noticed that nobody was missing, she started to press the remote control and gave us a presentation based on what they have observed from Cherry Island. "So let's start. This is what our magnifiers detected on the island."

The presentation contains various pictures of sakura trees, ruined shrines, abandoned cathedrals, and other features on the island. However, after a series of pictures, it finally revealed a building that stands out. It's an ancient tower with a spiraling design, engraved with ancient scriptures that no one could ever decipher. Not even my father who is a scholar with ancient dragon history failed to know what this is all about.

But sticking all the facts and clues we have gathered all together, we can now conclude one terrible fact about this spiral tower.

"Is that…" The emperor muttered.

"That's the Original Psychic Amplifier, your highness." I said, "I know that it looks nothing like the Psychic Amplifiers Cheng Du has created, but believe me, that is the real thing. Cheng Du has been visiting this island ever since he started experimenting with that Psychic Amplifier device."

Everybody mumbled as they were awed about my affirmation. It shouldn't be a surprise to them since there are no other mechanical towers in the area. I haven't even seen it activated to the slightest yet, but I am sure that it is the one.

"Then what are we doing? Let's bomb the crap out of it!"

After the emperor's words, there was an explosion, and the ground shook. It seems that we are the ones being bombed!

"Attention, we are under heavy fire with Elysian forces!" The admiral of the fleet announced on the radio.  "I repeat, we are under attack! All dragon knights, to battle stations!"

"It looks like they were expecting us," Z said.

"Well duh, this is the heaviest fortified island in all of Elysia," Alphonse said. "Come on, Z! Let's fuck their shit up!"

"Roger!" Z said as she and her knight rushed out of the conference room.

Suddenly, the emperor stood up and looked at his most powerful dragon knights. "My dear Pentagram Knights. Time is of the essence, and we only have around five hours to destroy the Psychic Amplifier. I'll be counting on your strength. Let's do this not to save Alterra, but to save the whole world."

The five Pentagram Knights, together with their dragonoids stood up in response and saluted with their full loyalty to the country and the emperor. "Yes, your majesty!" They said and then they went out of the room.

Serena and I were about to head down ourselves, but we noticed that Danielle is staying with the emperor. When we were about to ask her, she talked first. "I'll be staying here with the emperor, Senor. I am still the officer-in-charge Supreme Commander of this fleet after all."

"Yes, that's what you do best," I said.

When my gaze shifted to the emperor, he gave out a smile and a short encouraging word. "Sir Xenon Wingate, godspeed. Glad to have you back on the battlefield."

"It's an honor, your highness." I bowed down. After that, I and my dragonoid rushed towards the launch deck.

After two minutes of running, Serena and I finally had the view of the battlefield when the airship opened its hatch. Apparently, there is more to that Cherry Island. There are some kind of military facilities ascending from the ocean that seemed to be containing all of Elysia's remaining defense systems. There are patriot missiles, sentry guns, gatling rocket launchers, and other anti-air weapons. There are also missiles coming from beneath the seafloor, which means there are submarines attacking from below.

"Let's do this, Serena!" I pumped up as I held my dragonoid's hand.

"Yes! We will never lose!" She jollily replied.

As we jumped down the airship, we let about five seconds of freefall while holding each other's hands. The harsh breeze of wind pressure blew us until we find ourselves gliding in the air with a sharp falling down the speed.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" I held my chest and controlled the beating of my powerful heart. Unlike most of the time, I used this magic, this time it felt easy and fast. Serena immediately transformed into her majestic white-and-blue Nexus Dragon, and I find myself riding on the nape of the neck of my lovely dragon.

"Graaaahhhhh!!!" My Nexus Dragon roared as she continued to glide in the skies. We boosted up, catching the formation of the Pentagram Knights.

There's about ten-kilometer distance from here before we could make landfall. We could reach the Psychic Amplifier's location in just a matter of minutes if only it were so easy.

Suddenly, the sea in front of us split open, revealing an under-ocean military facility. It opened its hatches, and then it revealed several people together with their dragonoid slaves. The humans who were inside that facility held their chest, and it can be noticed from afar that their dragonoids transformed into full-fledged dragons.

Right now, there are about thirty dragon knights preparing to intercept our raid.

"Damn, so there are still fucking dragon knights left in Elysia!" Alphonse said as he flies with his Elemental Dragon.

"Be advised, these dragon knights are the elites among the elites. They have been mind-controlled by Eldritch and Sakuradrop to protect this place at any cost. They will do all the drastic measures just to put us down." I said.

"Xenon, Alphonse." The Pentagram Knight Jerick Fachias caught our attention. "You two go on ahead and secure the destruction of the Psychic Amplifier. We Pentagram Knights will handle these small fries. We will catch up to you when we're finished here."

"Rog'!" I said. Then I tapped on my Nexus Dragon's forehead and poured the excess of my magical energy. "Limit Release. Exceed. Forge into the fastest speed!"

My Nexus Dragon immediately materialized boosters on her back and bladed wings, transforming into her Nexus Booster Dragon. Channeling blue jet flames, we surged forward in a speed breaking the sound barrier.

"Don't you dare lose the fucking race, Z!" Alphonse said as he clasped his hands. "Gather the elements of the universe and unfold your true power! Activate Rainbow Form!"

Alphonse's Elemental Dragon reshaped its wings into colorful, crystal-filled scales. Its whole body now acts like a prism that reflects the sunlight. With the power of the Elemental Dragon on its Rainbow Form, she blasted out with a speed of light, completely overtaking us.

"Hahaha! Fuck you, Xenon! We're faster!" Alphonse celebrated.

"Show off," I muttered with a smile.