At the throne of this golden brown castle is a man sitting with a familiar face. I've seen him when I was a child when Eldritch and I first came here together. Come to think of it, this throne room looks the very same thing where we first discovered Sakuradrop.

The man sitting on the throne is a living corpse. His pale white skin is crumbling like land on drought. He has long hair that is partly dark and partly gold. He is naked on his upper body and had a tattered Alterra's dragon knight trousers covering his lower body. This man has a chest that looks like a crater, and there is a glowing orb of golden light at his heart's place. His face is cold, merciless, and devoid of life, but his eyes are glaring at us with an intent to remove our very existence in this castle. He has the Eye of Deus.

"So you have come again, here, in this very same throne room. How long has it been? You were just a tiny little kid when I last saw you." The man immediately gave us shivers with his deep voice.

"Are you the dragon knight controlling the Elder Ancientech Dragon?" I asked. While trying to put up a conversation, Serena magically forged a sword and shield for her weapon. I also cocked my pistol ready for battle.

"You are right." The shirtless decaying man stood up and spread out his arms. Nine dark orbs started to materialize on his back. "My name is Ampherius Deo, the progenitor of the Eye of Deus. I am the one and true God of the future. I have woken from my deep slumber so that I can rule the world in the incoming ascension of Necross."

"The world no longer needs counterfeit rulers who have a god-complex." I mockingly said.

The man named Ampherius Deo started to walk down on his throne. As he steps to the red carpet, his crimson eyes glared at my soul, reading my mind and scanning my heart with his psychic powers.

"You are a cursed person. A Necross Messiah. You must be eliminated." Ampherius Deo shifted his look towards Serena. "And you, Dragon Queen, is a pest that should be eradicated. The future holds nothing for both of you too."

Ampherius Deo raised his hand and pointed his index finger towards us. At that moment, the nine black orbs rocketed to our position with a speed breaking the wind barrier!


With my futuretech glove, I created a tower shield that blocked the nine orbs that rushed to our position. Black smoke filled the air as soon as the orbs exploded on my shield.

Serena used the smoke to conceal her movements. Silently, she ran to the left side with her bow and arrow ready. With her arrow that is shaped like a lance coated with barbed wire, she unleashed her shot, aiming at the glowing orb of his chest.

However, the enemy made it in time to block it. With his right arm, Ampherius Deo redirected the trajectory by sacrificing his flesh. His right elbow exploded and immediately turned to dust as soon as the barbed arrow hit.

"Xen, this guy has no heart! He's also protecting that orb on his chest! That must be the thing that's fueling the Vesryn Pulse of the Elder Ancientech Dragon!" Serena said.

"He's protecting it, so it must be his one and only weak point! Focus on attacking that orb! I'll draw his attention!" I shouted out loud as I fired my pistol towards the enemy.

I managed to hit Ampherius Deo's left thigh, right shoulder, and upper right part of his brain. This living zombie did not even flinch when the bullets penetrated his decaying skin. When I think that it's not enough to slow his movements, I immediately used my brutal technique.


At that very moment, all the bullets that were stuck on the undead's body became spikes that spawned swords. His body was ruptured like hell, destroying the upper right of his skull and completely mutilating his arm and leg. The not-so-powerful enemy knelt to the red carpet, now ready to take the finishing blow.

"Take this!" Serena cried as she unleashed one more arrow to destroy the core on its hollow chest.

I knew it was too easy, so when the enemy smiled, Serena and I were not really surprised.

"You are quite the formidable foes." Ampherius Deo said. In an instant, before the arrow hits the orb on his chest, the core flashed a blinding white light.

When the light faded, we saw Ampherius Deo hovering on the ground, complete with all his bodily organs. All those injuries that we have made in which Serena and I worked together vanished. It's like the battle has yet to take place at all.

"What the-!?" I cried out loud. "Did you just rewind time?"

"You are mistaken." Ampherius Deo said. "I rewrote reality, with this God Core I possess. As long as I have this thing as my heart, you can never defeat me."

"Blink!" Serena immediately shouted, and she was teleported to the back of the enemy where her arrow is situated. Channeling the power of Elform, Serena raised her hand and slashed down the enemy's back. "This will end you!"

The enemy's flesh scattered around with no blood at all. Serena's sword properly made a monk's robe cut on the enemy that should have destroyed the God Core he's possessing on his chest. However, I have seen in my very eyes that the blade Serena made just passed through that glowing orb of light.

"Useless." Ampherius Deo said.

"I will not falter! This is to save the world! Showtime!" Serena started to attack the enemy with alternate weapons, switching it for every attack. With a mace, lance, arrow, ax, buster sword, spiked shield, and a dwarf star as a finishing blow, she made her ultimate attack! "S-E-R-E-N-A Maizono Medley!"

As the dwarf star exploded, a powerful blast echoed around this throne room. Serena immediately blinked back to my side as she caught her breath. She has spent a considerable amount of her magical energy on the combo attack, mixing nature energy on each and every strike.

"Did you get him?" I asked as I raised my tower shield to ready myself for any surprise attacks in case the enemy is not done yet.

"I hit the bull's eye of the God Core several times," Serena said with a smile on her face.

We gaze back at the location where the enemy is situated. The thick dust clouds make it impossible to check on the enemy's condition. But before the smoke faded, a blinding flash of light was made again.

"You are wasting your breath, Dragon Queen. As long as I have the God Core, I am unbeatable." A chilling voice gave coldness to our spines.

Ampherius Deo revealed himself from the smoke, completely uninjured. Even the God Core is not scratched or dented the very least. I don't think physical or magical attacks would destroy that damn core either. That thing on his chest is beyond human comprehension, and it's even way beyond the logic of the universe.

"D-Damn…" Cold sweat ran down on my cheeks. "Just what the hell are you?"

Suddenly, the living corpse with an incomprehensible and illogical godlike magic levitated up high in the ceiling. The golden orb on his chest glowed as he spread out his arms. He introduced himself for the second time, but now with clearer information.

"I am Ampherius Deo, the savior of the future. I was sealed towards the end of the beginning by The Outsider, and I have risen from the depths of hell to get my revenge against all humans and dragonoids that have forsaken me. This God Core that I inherited from Cheng Du will be the power I needed to destroy everyone who has done wrong to my reign."

Suddenly, nine miniature planets were magically created around him, rotating and revolving with his neigh-infinite source of magic. The planets are distinct, as some are filled with flora, some are filled with magma, some are filled with ice, and some are even filled with metallic buildings and future architecture. The size of each planet is as big as a two-story building, and considering the condensed magical energy on each miniature world, it is enough to destroy a couple of city blocks or even an airship.

"Dracaryx: Activate Yggdrasil Fall."

"Shit!" I cried out loud. With almost all my magical reserves, I poured everything to enhance the thickness and wideness of my shield in order to minimize the damage. That idiot with god-complex is planning to blast everything in this throne room, and we are no longer guaranteed to survive! "Serena, get behind me!'

"I will not let you take the attack head-on!" Serena protested. "We'll do it together!"

As Serena held my hand that is equipped with a shield, I felt a sudden surge of magical energy. Together, we have synchronized our Forge magic to reinforce all the defenses we have. Several astral walls were created, making a dome to protect us inside. The dome also magically created designs that are of divine construction that gave us light and hope in this incoming planet storm.

"Domina Roman!!!" Serena and I shouted with full force.

As the nine Norse planets collided with the holy cathedral, the ground shook endlessly. The dust particles on the floor started to evaporate its existence as matter and energy itself is not able to withstand the force of the otherworldly mystics.

The cathedral cracks as soon as it was hit by the fifth planet, which is made of magma. Ice and lava started to crawl inside the barrier dome we have made, completely weakening the foundation of the magical walls.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Serena and I shouted in full force.

Sixth, seventh, eighth. We are able to hold on the eight superior heavy planets at the top of the cathedral dome we created. Those cracks on the walls may not be able to hold the last planet that Ampherius Deo is launching towards us.

"Begone, mortals." The enemy muttered.

At that moment, the futuristic miniature planet of Asgard fell to the cathedral, completely obliterating it to pieces. With the last unblockable force, we caught the planet head-on without any defense magic on our arsenal.



All we can do is to shout out each other's names before a powerful explosion blasted around the throne room.