"My name is Vesryn, the guardian of this planet."

It should've been obvious to me. I've seen drawings of her in some history books, and even all the distinguishable traits on her appearance. Long silver-white hair, crimson eyes with black sclera, petite build and a shrine maiden's clothes. She is also wielding a staff that has indistinguishable magical traits.

There's no room for argument. This woman must be really Vesryn.

"Why… Why am I here? What is this place?" I muttered.

"You should have known that already. This is the Cathedral Exa. The boy has been summoned to this place. You are not here by coincidence, but fate. You and I are destined to meet."

Suddenly, the demigoddess-like woman with blue eyes made a concerned look at me. She saw the dead woman lying on my arms, so decided to talk to me with her beautiful voice.

"U-Um, Mister Xenon Wingate… You must be tired. Please rest the Dragon Queen's body on the fountain."

I looked back and saw the fountain flowing with sparkling crystal clear water. Sensing strong magical energy from its clear liquid, I went to the fountain in a heartbeat. I knelt down and slowly submerged Serena's body in the beautiful waters.

When I finished laying down the body of my love, I looked back at the three ladies, all having this slight smile on their faces. I don't sense any malice on their facial expressions, so I think Serena's body will be safe in that fountain.

"You should have known your destiny, as it was hinted to you many times over." Vesryn started to talk. "The boy whose name is Xenon Wingate is destined to become Necross's host. You are fated to wage war against the living a few years from now."

I cannot deny that. Now that Serena has died, the seal she made to restrict my Curse of Necross powers can be used again. It was evident when I saw the reflection of my eyes in the clear waters of the fountain. Both my eyes have been converted into a horrifying combination of rainbow colors, a sign that I'll be the harbinger of doom. Without any purpose and will to live, it is certain that my heart will fall to the darkness.

"Ohohoho! Don't be upset, oh glorious dragon knight." The princess-like woman with a white sword and green circuits on her hand laughed with a sassy voice. "You are lucky enough to meet the grand sorceress of dragons, a demigoddess of time, and an heir to the ultimate bloodline. We three are here to help you defy your fate."

"Yes! That's right!" The demigoddess-like woman pumped her fists as the golden cross sigils on her blue eyes sparkled. "Mister Xenon, you have gone in so many hardships and obstacles! All your good and bad deeds are not in vain! With determination, you never gave up! So we will help you stop the curse on your soul!"

I don't really understand what they are talking about, but I get all the things pertaining to me becoming the Necross Messiah part. From the way they say it, they may have some kind of trick to remove the curse from me. I do not care if I became the ultimate evil bad guy or the enemy of the world, but I think this is what Serena wanted me to do. The reason why she saved me again, for the second time, is to lead a new life.

"What should I do?" I muttered.

"The answer is simple," Vesryn said as she tapped the tip of her golden staff on the floor. "The boy has to reject the things that have been with him the whole time. Reject Necross. Reject your fate. Reject all the wrath from your heart."

Without Serena, nothing matters to me anymore. My destiny is nothing. My wrath no longer serves any purpose. The powers of Necross will do me no good from this point in time. So it goes without saying that I should reject all of it.

"I reject all of it." I knelt down in the presence of the princess, the demigoddess, and the grand sorceress. I bowed down as I pledged them with all sincerity. "I reject Necross. I reject my wrath. I reject my destiny. "

"Well then…" The princess approached forward and tapped my left shoulder with the flat part of her white sword. Then she proceeded to tap my right shoulder, and finally my head. "The Necross Messiah has finally rejected his fate. From now on, your future is of your own and not bound by the book of destinies."

I heard a soft and gentle symphony coming from the mouth of the demigoddess. She clasped her hand and closed her eyes to focus on her song that calmed my nerves. Her everlasting melody immediately materialized silver winds that revolved around her body. An image of a pure-ice dimension was injected into my brain in just a picosecond.

Suddenly, the princess arced her hand, gaining strength towards the tip of her sword. In an instant, she shoved the sword straight to my heart!

"Gwahck!!!" I coughed out loud. I looked at my chest which was impaled by the sword, but there is no blood. I can feel some sparks and warmth inside my heart.

"With the blessing of Arcaliburn, I, therefore, banish the ultimate evil from this dragon knight's soul!"

A loud buzzing sound entered my ears. I felt my body splitting into two, not just literally, but also figuratively. An astral image that is similar to my appearance was immediately launched from my back. All the cells in my body suffered from imaginary burns that only my brain perceives.

The astral projection of me immediately cried. "Shit! Fuck! Why are these outsiders here!?"

"Oh soul of the wicked, thy fate shall be frozen in time." The demigoddess muttered while her song immediately continued via telepathy. Suddenly, the reality shattered on my astral projection's back, and a deep black void appeared. The void of this space-time continuum unleashed chains that wrapped my astral projection's wrist, feet, and neck, and slowly pulled him down to the abyss.

"Noo! I am Necross Messiah! I can never be banished! I will return no matter how many times you eradicate me!" My astral projection said his last words as the chains immediately dragged him to the deepest part of the void. My astral projection tried to crawl out, but the hole in the dimension immediately closed; sealing him completely.

After that event, the princess withdrew her sword from my heart. Strangely enough, her sword did not cut any of my flesh. It's like the sword is meant to penetrate astral things, just like what Lothar Pendragon's magic could do.

"What… What was that?" I muttered in full confusion.

"I have separated you and your karma from those of Necross Messiah." The princess explained. "The demigoddess sang the song that can create and split timelines, and I used my sword to remove the curse from your soul. The space-time continuum would normally collapse if we meddle in the timelines of your history, but thanks to us, you are saved! Ohohoho!"

The demigoddess energetically pumped her fists with a matching blush. "I have created a separate timeline for you and Necross Messiah to live separately! From now on, you are Xenon Wingate, and Xenon Wingate only!"

I don't really get the explanation of these two, but I think the Curse of Necross has finally been removed from me. I confirmed it when I looked at the reflection of my eyes on my futuretech glove. My eyes are now back to emerald green.

And somehow, I felt that my heart and my whole body has become lighter. It felt refreshing as if the thorns in my throat had been removed. My mind is blank and free of sorrow. The last time I've felt this serene is back when I'm still a pure and innocent boy.

I raised my head and looked at the princess and the demigoddess. I bowed, muttering "Thank you" to them, and they replied with genuine smiles. When I noticed that somebody was missing, I immediately asked them. "Where's Vesryn?"

"Rejoice, young boy, for your wish, has been fulfilled." Her voice wrapped my ears.

When I turned back, I saw Vesryn raising her golden staff. She's stepping on the fountain's water without getting her feet wet. Golden particles of light started to waltz around the fountain as I hear the telepathic chant of a language that I cannot understand.

The particles of light's density became thick as time went on, and their dancing movements in the air became very rapid. Soon, the whole fountain is engulfed with a pillar of light that reaches up in the skies.

And then there was an explosion without a deafening noise. The particles of light shattered into even smaller rainbow dust in the air. As this rainbow dust fades slowly, I saw the most beautiful woman I fell in love with. She is now standing, with her wet battle kimono fully repaired by a mysterious energy.

"S-Serena…" I muttered in happiness.

I no longer feel the Vesryn Pulse connection between us two, but I'm certain that her heart is now beating. I can feel traces of magical energy from her life force, but it is weird that I can't sense her heartbeats using the connection of a dragonoid and a human.

When she opened her eyes, I finally realized why we could no longer use Vesryn Pulse. Her eyes are not crimson red, but golden brown; the eyes that she once possessed back when she was still human.

"Serena…" I muttered her name again, just to make sure that she recognized me.


Serena's golden brown eyes twinkled like a night star as it gave off droplets of tears. Her cheeks became red as soon as she held her beating chest.
