i hate you

Victor recomposed himself. how can one hear those words from the most important person.

victor was in shock and his eyes are teary. he asked her with gaining some words about what really happened.

victor : what are you telling rachel?

rachel : ok you want to listen then listen from first. that i got a picture message of you and some women. i thought that just a accident or anything doesn't matter to you. i saw you with a women in your office. then i taught i am not giving you love and attention that is why your searching in other women.after everything i waited for you to come back and tell everything to me but day by day distance went more and more. you don't love me victor. you hate me. you want me to die. why victor? every single day i am in pain. every day i used to take sleeping pills. inorder to forget you are spending time with other girls. why do you want me to die victor. if you told me i would left you. john needs me victor. he is very small.

victor: can you stop it? . i never made anything like what you are telling. ok if you have a doubt you can ask me. why did you never tried to ask me. do you even know how i looked like a madman when you are not there in house.

rachel : now, i will tell everyone so that you are acting like this. did you ever asked me .why did i look i lost something everytime. how many times we had lunch together victor? •tell me

victor : i am in work. don't you how work will be?

rachel: you talk very nicely victor. i had enough. i can't bear this pain.

victor : what do you want? tell me. i will come home early. anything you want i will give you. just ask rachel.

rachel : anything?

victor : yes of course anything

rachel : why don't you give a divorce .you can date or marry your girlfriend legally. i will be free from all these pain, tension and harasement .

victor : i am not giving you ray any divorce.

rachel : but you promised me

Victor : i don't want to be a gentleman. just leave it.

rachel : don't make me mad victor. give me divorce.

victor : i am not giving you.

rachel : i had to tell everyone about your affair

victor : do whatever you want . i am not giving any divorce.

rachel :i will not take a single penny from you.

victor : do you think money matters to me. nothing is important neither money nor fame than you.

rachel : i don't want to live without. staying with you is like hell. i hate you and don't love you anymore.

victor don't want to hear those words and he was angry and he hit the window. and blood started to flow from his hands. rachel was in awe. victor left the house.

victor opened his teary eyes. he came to present although everyday he is trying and she is going away. victor wanted his family.


victor took john with him to hospital . victor was nervous . how she will behave infront of john. john ran to ray.

ray took john up and made him sit.

john : mumma, when you will come home

ray : only few days.

john : john and timmy want to play with mumma.

ray : ok, only few days.

john: mumma, promise you will never leave me.

ray : promise i will never leave you.

ray thought how stupid she was leaving john. why did she take such a stupid decision. she only can see that man betrayal. she hugged john tightly. although she had pains. she is very happy to see john. she thought she should live for john and natasha.

ray : john don't trouble daddy.

john :ok mumma

ray : eat properly .

john : ok mumma, john is good boy.

ray : john mumma loves you

john : i love you mumma.

victor was happy and thought john else can make ray happy. he want his family back . they didn't attend divorce hearings lawyer said judge cancelled divorce due to lack of his sign. officially still they are wife and husband.