really what happened?

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rachel was discharged from hospital and victor stayed by her side. john was playing outside and victor told natasha to take care of him. he want to talk to rachel.

victor :ray i don't know what happened why you turned out like this but i still love you. you believe or not i want our life to be normal

ray:victor , not again

victor(in tears) : ray what the hell man. when will you come back to me. do you want me to die. ok let us not fight .i want you back. i won't sign any divorce .our last divorce was cancelled .i am investigating who done all this to you. when i find him. i will come back to you. with proof that i didn't make anything .

ray.ok my double agent will meet you. tell him what happened . he is mr. green

ray : ok, victor take care and can you bring john here. i want to be with him

victor : ok ray

ray : victor take care.

victor smiled and went away.