A Prayer To Change The Fate

Somewhere in the Andes mountain range, a helicopter lands on a snow-covered helipad that was in a state of disrepair. From it, a man with a tall and strong figure wearing a white leather jacket came out.

Soon he was greeted by his old butler who started nagging him the moment he saw him "Young Master Louise, it's the day of your marriage, why are you here? You should have contacted me if you required something, instead of coming here yourself. If you are late for your wedding your parents would be very angry with you."

"Don't worry Walter, I have asked my father for his private jet so I will reach the venue on time, so let's see how my 'love rival' is going to congratulate me on my wedding with his girlfr… I mean my fiancé Sophia" He replied to the old butler before walking off towards the building guarded by a large number of guards.


Kael Strider woke from his sleep, or better call it a nightmare, because of the sound of the Iron door opening. He knew it would be another day of torture for him.

"Hello there! Hehehe… I can see that you are in a bad situation here, ain't ya?" Said the man who entered his room but upon hearing this voice, a chill went down his spine but he forced himself to calm down and started to wait for another 'torture session' to begin but this man kept talking to him.

The man approached him and sat on a chair near his bed. He crossed his legs and said, "You must be wondering why I left my soon to be wife to come here before my wedding"

"Hmph, cut the bullshit!" Kael coldly said in a hoarse voice as he stared at his captor. He knew that Louise Hammer was adamant about marrying Sophia Lowell.

However, this was not because of his feelings towards her, it was due to the Lowell Family's fortune.

Both Lowell and Hammer Families were massive figures in their respective industries. If they were to unite through marriage in the case of Sophia's parent's demise, Hammer Pharmaceuticals would be able to swallow the entirety of Lowell family business as Sophia was the only heir to the business empire.

Hearing this, Louise chuckled but his facial expression contained no intentions of humor.

He said coldly, "That bitch delayed the wedding for 4 months because she had to find you! Hmph! After the wedding, I shall go back and take really good care of her."

Kael went into a rage, he tried to pounce at Louise from the bed but he was stopped by the straps that kept him in place so he shouted, "If you even dare to lay your hand on a strand of her hair, I'll kill you! I will kill every last one of your kin"

"Hahaha… not only will I be going to touch a strand of her hair, but I will also be going to mess her up, mess her up badly! That bitch slept with you several times, did she not? Then that bitch made me out to be a bad person!" Louise's handsome countenance faded.

"Bastard!" Kael said in the same hoarse voice.

Louise scoffed and began the preparations for the 'session' but he was interrupted by his butler Walter "Sir, please stop! Blood will stain your clothes, which will result in further delay. You can torture him after your wedding"

"Kael, this time I will not play with you but I will make sure you get to see the wedding of your girlfriend and how I play with her after that. Live!" He said coldly as he walked away along with the butler, leaving a crying Kael all alone.

He was captured and then tortured by Louise Hammer, the 'to be husband' of his girlfriend Sophia Lowell, before they could elope together.

It has been like that for months now, he stopped counting after passing the 100th day, he couldn't even scream from pain anymore, as his throat was torn open during one of his 'torture sessions'.

He was given first-class medical treatment from the doctors here whenever he was at his last breath, they would treat him enough to save his life and then the sessions would start again until he was at his last breath or when his body would give him some relief in form of unconsciousness.

He tortured Kael in all kinds of ways, cutting, whipping, starving him for several days, and even forcing him to watch the video clips from his dates with Sophia just so he could see the look in his eyes when he was kissing her.

First, he was asking him why all this cruelty, but as the days went on, Kael knew that his begging and crying wouldn't do him any good so he just turned into a mute, neither responding to her questions nor showing any reaction.

He just stopped wailing like a slaughtered pig and accepted his fate, yet the hatred and rage that dwelled within him kept growing every second.

In fact, he wanted to kill him in the worst possible way and pay back everything he had done to him until now, yet he knew that it was just wishful thinking.

He was never a religious man, he never believed in God.

Yet after all the time praying, he was sure that if God existed he had already forsaken him, or just never cared at all. Kael was but an insignificant being to God, why would HE do anything to save him?

And so the hellish days continued and Kael's rage only grew greater and greater until today. After some time a huge TV was placed in front of him by the guards which caused him to pray helplessly once again but this time he was not praying for someone to save him or for his death.

This time he was praying for revenge, he was willing to give up anything and everything to get his revenge.


At the same time, an asteroid was passing by Earth.

Unknown to everyone in the world when Kael started praying for revenge, the asteroid changed its trajectory and headed towards Earth, apparently to change the fate of one who prayed for it.