My Blood Will Remember

"My blood essence will turn you into a Chaos Demon. Which technically makes you my son and the ruler of Chaos Demons after I am gone. Come, this will be of help to you" Adone said before walking towards the throne and gesturing him to sit on the throne.

Kael hesitated for a second before following the instructions and started walking towards the throne, just as he sat on the throne Kael felt as if his whole body was on fire while his brain was placed in a freezer.

He wanted to scream on top of his voice because of pain but he was unable to do so, he was not even able to move his eyelids or breathe but surprisingly he didn't feel suffocated at all.

"The throne will preserve your soul while turning it from a mortal soul into a Chaos demon's soul. All you need to do is wait for your body to completely reconstruct, then the throne will automatically send you back to your planet in the material world" said Adone before vanishing from the throne.

"There are people after me, so I cannot stay with you for long or they might find you. Remember that everything you require is in the bloodline memory of our ancestor who reached Apotheosis"

Kael just stared at the place where Adone stood before he vanished as he heard the voice, while he was tortured by the unbearable pain but what he didn't know was the fact that this changing of his soul would change his personality as well.


Near the outer region of Material World.

A large number of golden figures were rushing towards a shrouded man, and soon they surrounded him.

"You should be aware of the fact that no being of Hell or Heaven at or above Devil or Archangel level is allowed in the boundaries of the material world or are you trying to start a war with the Great Council?" an old man in monk robes and golden skin shouted at the shrouded man.

Surprisingly, all the figures were wearing yellow monk robes similar to the old man and had similar but duller golden skin.

"I am aware of it but I am short on time, so I am unable to take a detour around your territory," the shrouded man said emotionlessly as he released some of its power.

"Then let us escort your esteemed self" The old man changed his attitude towards him immediately upon sensing the power that was being released, while a scared look appeared on his face but it was immediately hidden behind his smile.

The shrouded man nodded before he flew away in space and the golden figures followed him.

This shrouded man was Adone, who was returning to hell to try to take revenge on his own and protect members of his race, those that had managed to stay hidden, along with those that were enslaved, to ensure another method for the continuation of his race.


Days after days passed by but Kael was unable to differentiate the difference between day and night in the throne room and soon he became depressed by thinking about his family and his girlfriend but he was unable to see them while he was stuck here. So all he can do is try to sleep and forget about everything else.

Soon days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, but Kael was unaffected by the passage of time.


In Hell

A girl in her teens was running as fast as possible while panting profusely. There was a group of ugly looking demons with grey skin, green eyes and a mouth full of jagged teeth wearing only animal skins that were chasing her.

"Why are you, the low lives of the Stone Demon race after me?" Apparently, she was unaware of the fall of the Chaos Empire as she was searching for resources on the Abyssal Continent, near the outskirts of the Green Abyss forest for almost half a year.

Chaos Empire was located on the Dis Continent, in the central region of Hell, the distance between the continents and the lack of major settlements on Abyssal Continent protected her from pursuers of Chaos demons all this while as well as kept her in the dark about the fall of the Chaos Empire.

But slave traders from the Stone Demon race got wind of her as she tried to find a way back to Dis Continent and pursued her for about half a day.

"Whoever managed to capture her, would get to enjoy her after the young lord is bored playing with…." A tall Stone Demon shouted but before he could even complete his sentence his head exploded into blood mist.

Before the other Stone Demons could react their heads exploded as well as a hazy figure landed in front of the girl.

"Come with me," Adone told the girl before flying away with her, but his path was blocked by Dylin, in his humanoid form just as he was about to return.

"Where are you running off to? Hand me the secret techniques of Chaos Ancestor and all of the treasures from your secret treasury and I will let you live" Dylin said scornfully.

"Die..." Without wasting any second, Adone lunged at him while making sure to give enough space to the female chaos demon to retreat, but his attack was blocked by Dylin's palm.

"You think you would be able to fight me head-on, all alone" Dylin mocked Adone as he knew that Adone was on his death bed due to his sneak attack in the Ancient Temple, in which he used the special knife 'Evil Banisher' capable of easily slaying any Devil[1] level being of Hell that was given to him by Archangel Augusta.

Adone knew he was not a match for Dylin so he used the most powerful attack to make a gap between them so that he could retreat with the teenage Chaos demon.

"Chaotic Strike"

A large amount of black mist came out of his body that wrapped around his leg as he kicked Dylin on his chest but before the kick could reach Dylin's face, it was blocked by his hand which had turned into a claw.

Adone used the rebounding force from his attack to rush towards the retreating teenage girl and hugged her before trying to fly away but instead of rushing away madly, he stopped and looked down in disbelief towards the teenage Chaos demon.

There was a dagger stabbed directly in his heart and purple lines were spreading from where the dagger was stabbed to towards the rest of his body. Meanwhile, the face of the girl started to melt away, soon a new mature face was revealed in its place along with the change in skin which turned from red to pale white and hairs turned into silver from black.

"Trina, Chaos Demons never offended you or Blood Demon race, so why are you with him?" Adone said in disbelief.

"Of course, I came because he offered me some of his blood in advance as well as all of yours along with your essence and half of the core," she said as a matter of factly.

Adone gritted his teeth before his body started to bulge and upon seeing the changes in his body an ominous sensation filled both Trina and Dylin as they started to retreat together as if having a tactic understanding.



A massive shockwave burst out of his body that instantly vaporized everything in the thousand-mile radius of him along with his body, causing destruction in a ten thousand mile radius.

The fate of Trina and Dylin was unknown.