Revenge Part 2

[Trial of Acceptance Quest: Part->2. Take Revenge]

[Kill Louise Hammer. He is a life form that the Apostle hates to his very core. Kill him before this hatred of yours, clouds the Apostle's judgment and hinders your future path to power. If you do not follow this instruction, it will result in your death.

Time Remaining: 24 hours]

"I don't even know how I will find him in 24 hours, let alone kill him?" Kael shouted in frustration as nibbled the remaining energy bar.

'First I should find better clothes to cover myself or I would be hunted like a monster by all the people who saw me.

He then stripped off all his tattered clothes, only then did he notice all the purple marks from the bullets were gone.

"This body is amazing!"

He used the water in the thermos to wash away all the blood and gore stuck on him and while washing himself, he felt two small bumps growing on his skull.

"So, will I have horns similar to Alexander's? When will I have the ability to change my appearance similar to him?" He lamented his situation while recalling Alexander's enviable face when he sat on the throne.

Kael stole, all the clothes that were not tainted with blood or ripped during the fight from the dead bodies, and he then wore the ones that could fit him before fashioning a makeshift headgear large enough to cover his head and face.

He then picked up the GPS, only to find a location already saved in it. With no other option, he started walking toward the marked location seemingly without a care for the dead bodies of guards lying in the open.


In a well lit room, a man with brown hair was sitting in front of his computer, video chatting with a handsome young man with black hair wearing a white shirt.

"Mr. Hammer, Matt is not serious about his job. He just informed me that he was confronted by a 'monster' and asked me to send each and every man available at the base armed with assault rifles to his aid" He complained before continuing "If someone as irresponsible as him, continuing to work here it may result in some serious issues in the future."

"Jerry, just deal with him according to the rules and make sure it doesn't affect our operations," the young man said before disconnecting.

*Knock knock*

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in"

A beautiful young lady walked into the room, with a serious expression on her face.

"Boss, a suspicious man came looking for you. He said that Matt sent him to convey a message to you"

"Bring him to me" He said as he leaned on his chair.

The lady soon returned along with a two meter tall muscular man, who was covered from head to toe in guard's uniform with his face covered with a flimsy looking headgear.

"Who are you and where is Matt?" he asked the suspiciously dressed man.

"Are you Jerry?" The man asked as he checked the room for any hidden cameras.

"Yes, I am Jerry. Now tell me where that fucker Matt is?" Jerry asked.

"We will talk about that after you remove that body worn camera of yours" The masked man proposed as he was very apprehensive of revealing his identity to others.

"How did you....." Jerry was shocked to find that an outsider knew about their body worn cameras that only the internal members of Hammer Pharmaceutical knew about.

"Jenny, you should go check the consignment personally" after thinking for some time he ordered the lady to leave in order to have a private conversation

Jerry then fished out a camera from his shirt, then placed it on top of his desk.

"Now would you mind telling me where Matt is?"

"He is dead just like the rest of his team, and if you don't obey me, you will have to accompany them in the afterlife" the masked man said as he crushed the camera placed on the desk by gripping it tightly in his hand.

He then removed his mask, only to reveal a man with a completely red face, shoulder length black hair with a red hue on the ends and purple eyes.

This was Kael Strider, who walked all the way to the location marked by GPS, only to find a research facility of Hammer Pharmaceutical similar to the one he was held in, which was a disguise they used to hide their illegal drugs manufacturing unit.

It was a perfect disguise for them as nobody would doubt a pharmaceutical company for manufacturing and selling illegal drugs.

So he used the only information he had from the guards, while regretting not getting more information from them and that was the fact that someone named Matt contacted a man named 'Jerry' to get reinforcements from the facility, which was a very risky move but he didn't have any other way to find Louise Hammer within time limit.

"Holy…" Jerry was scared shitless by the appearance of the man or it should be better to call him a monster or a devil [1].

"What the hell are you?" He asked after overcoming his fear.

"It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is what I would do to you, if you don't listen to me." Kael said as he picked up Jerry by his neck with one hand while his eyes showed a red tint.

"Gugu… gha…" Jerry tried to call for help but he was unable to utter a single word because of Kael's tight grip around his neck.

"So, what will it be?" Kael asked, ignoring the fact that Jerry could not even talk.


"I will release you and if you don't want to meet Matt and his team, help me reach Louise Hammer as soon as possible" He put the man down, who started coughing immediately after.

*cough… cough*

"I will get the private plane ready so"


"So you can leave for Danville after some rest." Jerry proposed.

"I don't need to rest, get the plane ready as fast as possible or this drug operation of Hammer Pharmaceuticals would end today, along with you" He threatened again.

"Yes, I will get going" Jerry said as he picked up his phone, calling someone

"Get the plane ready, I need to report something important to Mr. Hammer"