Who The Hell is That?

Holy sh*t!" the state within the glass tube shocked Zhang Qin Feng. From yesterday pinkish hue liquid, it turns into a column of Petri dishes full of spore releasing mushrooms.

"So... The spores it releasing must be the Seed Crystal Virus. Then what about the attachment beside this glass tube?" Zhang Qin Feng climb above the Tinkerer's Workbench.

The attachment is similar to particle filter, where the golden spores are filtered through two tubes to obtain its essential component.

And on the Tinkerer's Workbench, the option to produce the General Recovery is finally unlocked and ready to be processed.

== == == == ==

The requirement for the production of (1) unit

- - - - -

Brand: Military Expertise

Type: Public-Use Serum / Exhaustible Resources

Quality: Public Grade / Concentration can be controlled accordingly

- - - - -

Production Cost: 50gm Copper / 10gm Zinc / 3gm Tellurium / 25gm Gold / SCV Medical Culture (available)

== == == == ==

With another 11 Red Meteorite Cores placed inside the Material Station, a Doré Bar is printed on the printing zone. Now, there are only 87 cores left in his hand after spending them for the batteries last night and right now.

After separating the Doré Bar for its usable elements, there is an addition of a kilogram of gold available for manufacturing. The moment he tapped on the option to produce the General Recovery, the workbench started the procedure automatically and created 5 ampoules of serum out from the available (SCV) Medical Culture.

The method of using the General Recovery Serum is written on the Supporting Article published on the options panel. By sticking the top part hard on the flesh, an injection sting will forcefully transfer the serum inside the body and activates its regeneration properties.

A word [3%] is written on the ampoule bottle itself, indicating the concentration of SCV Medical Culture inside. And because a layer of tellurium coating was added in the creation process, this serum can be stored for no less than five years in any climate between 0 to 100 celsius.

After he's done with his breakfast, the scenery outside of the General Store changed. Dull, negative, deadly emotions followed.

"The shop is opened!"

"Boss! It's my turn today! Can I start placing them inside the machine?"

People are queuing outside of the General Store, all waiting in a row of five. The queue extended from just 5 yesterday, into close to 6 rows, 30 people in total.

Dan Mi is somewhat earlier today, already waiting at where his counter sits even before the shop is open. The moment his shops open, this fella already waving his hand towards the shop for attention.

"You're quite early today." Zhang Qin Feng said.

"As for the others, go ahead!" he added.

When they got his approval, the elders started to throw the Technology Scraps inside without hesitation. Banging and clattering sounds can be heard for a long 20 minutes before it ended.

While during that gap of time, Zhang Qin Feng discussed the pricing with Dan Mi on two essential commodities.

Tianlang Electronic's Meteorite Battery.

Military Expertise Co's General Recovery Serum.

At first, Zhang Qin Feng decided to sell them according to the market price stated by the Xicheng Base. But after that 20 minutes of negotiation, Zhang Qin Feng agreed to sell them at 15 credits per battery and 10 credits for the serum.

Of course, the selling price is a special offer for Dan Mi only.

To others, Zhang Qin Feng will follow the usual price and sell them at 18 credits on the battery and 13 credits for the serum.

"Boss, we're ready..." the elders finally came in between their conversation. Without noticing how fast the time goes, 20 minutes have gone. After he handed six packets of spicy sticks to Dan Mi, the fellow passed him 125 cores to purchase everything available in Zhang Qin Feng's stash.

"Great, give me the receipt." Zhang Qin Feng accepted one slip after another, and the food inventory started to dwindle. This time, there's a proper tech scrap in each receipt, and one of them even fetches a price of 15 credits!

[1] Tianlang Electronic's Bank Module / broken **4**

[2] Airmaster Apparatus / broken **3**

[3] Leishen Model S-35i / broken **15**

[4] Titanium Steel Co's Grade-D Steel / broken **1**

[5] LEWISHAM Grade-E Engine / broken **9**

In total, the 5 receipts cost 102 credits reimbursement, but he saved 70 credits due to collected scrap. The remaining 32 credits are exchanged into food items, such as canned meat, dried jerky, and spicy sticks.

"Why do these people love spicy sticks so much? And here I thought that two boxes of 24 packets each are enough for the entire week." Zhang Qin Feng sigh. After rewarding Dan Mi with 12 packets of spicy sticks, half of the credits he paid out are used to exchange with spicy sticks.

And before he's done checking what needs to be ordered, gunshots can be heard outside his store. It was a furious battle on top of that.

"What happened outside?" Zhang Qin Feng asked. But the moment his head went above his countertop...

"ROAR!" a punch went straight to the glass panel but failed to break it.

While for the Zhang Qin Feng that pops up from behind the counter, that attack shocked him thoroughly, making him peed in his pants.

"What... What the h*ll is that?" Zhang Qin Feng still feels cold around him. Uncontrollably, he shivered like he's standing naked above the ice.

"Toot!" the tablet computer on his cashier table beeps, and a row of messages came up.

[Intrusive behavior is spotted outside the store. User is advised to remain inside or take control of the gunner's station upstairs]

"Gunner's Sta... Wait... Did I peed in my pants?" Zhang Qin Feng finally noticed what happened to him. And as the shock slowly fades from his mind, Zhang Qin Feng found his sanity once more.

He changed and went upstairs, just to be greeted by a wall-mounted machinegun.

The tablet computer screwed on the wall beeps once more, showing another row of words.

[Dennis IMS-2]

[Capacity: 20 rounds per minute]

[Recoil stabilizer in place]

[Ready to fire]

Without further ado, Zhang Qin Feng sat on the chair with a graphic panel showing what's outside the General Store. The moment he aimed and pressed both buttons on his thumb, the recoil from a cannon came to him.

"BOOM!" the shot was nowhere comparable to a Spider Tank, but the force of a 0.5 unit of fusion bomb material still above what average individual can handle!

Zhang Qin Feng feels that the acid in his stomach is trying to churn out of his throat. But the moment an explosion of about one-meter circle happened on the ground, the acid no longer bothers him.

Because no man would hold himself from shooting something only capable by a gunship.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!!" he started to get used to it. By controlling the direction of his shot through two spheres on his index fingers, Zhang Qin Feng continued to chase the creature!


Meanwhile, outside of the General Store.

Survivors are escaping from the Devourer. As it was walking on four instead of two, the movement of this creature is far more agile compares to them.

But the moment shots fired from some anti-tank rifles is heard, everyone looks for a place to hide. It was unlucky if somebody is killed when fighting the Devourer, but it was pitiful of one we're killed by a blind bullet.

And this is no bullet.

It was a shell that can create a meter width explosion.

"Who the hell is firing that?" the survivors complained. Unfortunately for them, Zhang Qin Feng is not going to hear them after firing a few deafening rounds.