Azure Wind Gang (2)

"Sir Zhang..." Dan Mi came to the store and addressed Zhang Qin Feng politely.

"Just be as your usual self. It was an act to the outsiders." Zhang Qin Feng waved his hand as he speaks. By making clear about his thoughts, it would be easier for both of them to talk with each other.

"If you don't mind I'm asking,"

"Why would you choose to stand with us instead of Xicheng Base, or the others present today? No matter what, they're still a top tier gang in this Changyang city." Dan Mi tried to clarify his suspicion.

"Staying in a Den of Wolves as a king feels better than being a sidekick in a Lion's nest. I'll choose the comfort and relaxing atmosphere no matter where I'll go." Zhang Qin Feng answered the question.

Although it sounds confident, in fact, it wasn't.

He's in a dilemma because he can't answer Dan Mi with a sentence said: "My uncle chose to open this damn store here!"

"The elders from our gang waited for quite some time. Do you think its fine for us to start the exchange?" Dan Mi asked.

Zhang Qin Feng nodded. The procedure went on smoothly today. Plus feeling bad for the elders to get involved in the brawl earlier, Zhang Qin Feng decided to exchange as much as he could and cleared the scraps available for the day.

With 430 cores in hand after deducting the generator's fee, he has more credits available than he thought. Of course, a small part of his income still comes from the Blood Wolf Gang with their purchase on batteries, serums, and food.

Based on the shopping habit of the survivors, Zhang Qin Feng made sure that he'll order additional spicy sticks, biscuits, noodles, and luncheon meat in a can.

After the store closed, Zhang Qin Feng started to count his total profit for the day. Because it was urgent, Zhang Qin Feng sold 21 Meteorite Batteries, 20 ampoules of General Recovery Serum, and one Leishen Model S-35i.

The 400 credits he's left after making 6 additional batteries have another 550 credits added. Along with the daily sales of 150 cores, that's 1100 cores in hand.

But his surprise does not stop here.

Sweeping clean 1500kilograms of tech scraps, there are over fifteen parts useful for his manufacturing. With the cores in hand, Zhang Qin Feng made his way into the workshop.

Since there is nothing for him to scan for ingredients, Zhang Qin Feng tapped into the [Blueprints] selection.

== == == == ==

[1.1] Tianlang Electronic's Meteorite Battery (3nd-Gen Dual Connection)

[1.2] Tianlang Electronic's Enhancer Module

[1.3] Tianlang Electronic's Battery-Bank Module


[2.1] Military Expertise Co. General Recovery (Effienciency-3%)

[2.2] Military Expertise Co. Gene Enhancer (Efficiency-3%)


[3.1] Daschund Manufacturing Trial Server (Scanner/ Communication Device)

[3.2] Daschund Manufacturing Indoor Tablet (Processing)


[4.1] Titanium Steel Co's Grade C Steel

[4.2] Titanium Steel Co's Grade D Steel

[4.3] Titanium Steel Co's Enhanced Steel (Non-Militarized Product)


[5.1] Leishen Model S-35i (1st-Gen)

[5.2] Leishen Model P-14s (1st-Gen)

[5.3] Leishen Model M-02 Retractable Katana (Basic)

== == == == ==

"The number of options indeed increases by a lot." Zhang Qin Feng continues to tinker with the workbench, indecisive of what to make except the Meteorite Battery and General Recovery Serum.

Furthermore, there are several elements required before he can start making them, such as the Enhancer Module, Leishen P-14s, both Daschund products, and the Gene Enhancer.

But what's caught his attention is the newest option in the 5th group, the Model M-02 Retractable Katana. After checking the required ingredients to create it, Zhang Qin Feng finally decides to make 3 of them first.

What's important is not having a weapon, but did he know how to use them.

The manufacturing followed by turning 220 cores into gold and other elements. With 20kilograms of gold ready to be taken to Yue Qiang tomorrow, he's only left with one more task.

Another 110 cores are used to add 5 glass tubes to produce the (SCV) Medical Culture, and 5 is used to cultivate the (SCV) Genetic Culture. Depending on their pace, he's most likely able to start producing the Gene Enhancer the next day.

Along with the sword handle in his hand, Zhang Qin Feng went outside of the General Store. He's back to the tree he used to train his shooting skills.

"I'll test the sword on you. No hard feelings." Zhang Qin Feng talked to the tree before he strengthens his grip on the handle. As the pressure increases, the blade shoots out from inside and formed into a proper blade made of high-quality steel.

What's more impressive is the steel used in the making.

A Grade D Steel created in X31-ITE is two times more durable than the high alloy steel made in his own world. While the high alloy steel is mostly made out of a mixture of iron+10.5% worth of chromium, the composition inside a Grade D steel is much higher.

Multiple elements, such as Molybdenum, Nickel, Osmium, and Tellurium is added into Iron to create the Grade D Steel, which is comparable to a nuclear bunker's steel, but lighter.

Although the blade failed to cut the tree into two, it is still an incomparable sharp blade. If it was used to cut a falling leaf into two, it has no problem to achieve the feat.

But one question remains in his mind.

"None of the survivors in that world carries a melee weapon. Why?"




"Big brother Qiang." Zhang Qin Feng greets Yue Qiang the moment he's taken into the Manager's office. He did not notice the disdain look on Luo Qing's face.

"Qingqing, go get a pot of tea and some snacks to my office." Yue Qiang handed a 100 dollars bill to her and shut the door tight.

"Did you get the gold?" Yue Qiang asked.

"Yes. 10kilograms?" Zhang Qin Feng took 10 1kilogram gold bars out from his backpack. From the look of his bag, there's at least a few more inside.

"Hahaha, it's even better. I can save some processing fees from asking people to smelt them." Yue Qiang grabbed one of them up and took a bite.

With the appraiser here checking the authenticity of the gold, the process is much faster than before. But Zhang Qin Feng's surprise did not stop here.

He took the 10kilograms of gold remained inside his bag out on the table.

"The first 10kilograms is big brother's favor. As for this 10kilograms, I hope big brother is interested." Zhang Qin Feng states what is in his mind.

20kilograms of gold. Based on the current market value, it is worth 7.2 million dollars. But through the black market, getting 6 million dollars can be said as lucky.

"Xiao Feng. Big brother will not be stingy with you. The first 10kilograms is indeed the favor I ask from you. I will pay you according to the market price. As for the 2nd 10kilograms, let's put them on 3.4 million. I'll transfer 7 million dollars into your account now." Yue Qiang said.

"Thank you, big brother," Zhang Qin Feng shakes Yue Qiang's hand.

"Any idea what you're going to do with the 7 million dollars in your account?" Yue Qiang asked. It was quite a good question because to Zhang Qin Feng, as long the money can keep on flowing from the other dimension to here, he will have nothing to be worried about.

But to an experienced businessman like Yue Qiang, keeping 7 million dollars home is like hanging some meat on yourself and get inside a cage surrounded by lions.

Although it might save you, for now, it won't keep you safe forever.

"Do big brother have something in mind that needs my investment?" Zhang Qin Feng asked.