Controlling 13th and 15th (4)

What does public and privatized Material Printer mean?

Let's take the one available in Liuyu Building as an example.

It can be used to print parts using Polyamide, Resin, Polylactic Acid, Gold, Silver, Titanium, or Ceramic. Depending on the material that was used during the process, their time differs.

A public-used Material Printer Station usually comes with one to two motion components with Print Head attachment working on its Printing Bed. Although there is no restriction on its controller software to print weaponry parts, two material printers often failed to provide a durable product fit for warfare.

And that's where Privatize-Type Material Printer Station comes in.

Often comes with the arrangement from six to eight motion components with Print Head attachment, a printer at this level comes with metallurgy software that's capable of creating alloys as it prints.

A six to eight materials combination is superior, no matter what kind of product is being printed from its Printing Bed. Other than able to produce hardware for both warfare and protective purposes, they're also capable of Glassmaking, which allows part of chemistry sources to remain available in the apocalypse.

But that's not all.

The Advanced Matter-Station, known for their unique and precise printing capability, exist. During the Pre-Apocalypse history, they're the pinnacle creation from a human.

It comes with 16 Reactive Print Head, able to create an alloy of more than four elements. The sixteen heads are capable of printing out an entire motherboard with its built-in parts, frame, and cases before it was assembled into a tank or atmospheric rocket.

In this apocalypse, capable of possessing and operating a Public-Used Material Printer is counted as a self-sufficient establishment. And that's before evaluating their software skills in configuration and printing material.

This is why Chen Feng's topic about collecting enough software experience made Stein and every present inside this room failed to control their emotion.

Like how a human getting more skillful in his job, a Material Printer behaves the same. The experience, record, and calculation used to print hardware are all saved into an actual Databank to be precisely compiled.

But between a machine and a human, there's a difference.

The machine can be overclocked.

With enough power supply supporting this, one Material Printer is capable of recording over 100 times better than a regularly operated printer. In a more proper word, the printer is capable of researching itself by going overclocking.

And that's how people from pre-apocalypse history came up with the technology and skills to prepare the privatize or advanced version.



"Chen Feng," Zhang Qin Feng called his name for the first time.

"Y... Yes, sir!" he quickly answered the call.

"I'm looking forward to it. Give me the authorization code to your tablet." Zhang Qin Feng asked. It's literally allowing Zhang Qin Feng to monitor him at all times if he gives out the authorization code.

But this is the apocalypse, not the modern world Zhang Qin Feng came from. Privacy is not even a concern, especially to the people whos life belonged to Zhang Qin Feng.

"ZTC0112," Chen Feng tapped the code on Zhang Qin Feng's Mother-Key, allowing it to access his device and all files inside.

"I'm going to send you the database collected by the people working behind me. It should be helpful for you. At the same time, continue to report under Guo Fu, I'll just monitor the results and make sure my engineers know about your research." Zhang Qin Feng patted his shoulder, motivating him to keep up the great job.

"Sir, about the Alexis Tower..." Guo Fu asked. The hologram device's presentation already ended when they're still stunned by Chen Feng's word.

"Approved. Use whatever material we have for now. I'll help you guys to get some materials, such as Titanium, Molybdenum, Copper, and Silver." Zhang Qin Feng nodded at him under the eyes of everyone else.

"I will make sure to not disappoint you!" Guo Fu bowed at his boss for the opportunity. To be given an approval for such a big project is a big honor for Guo Fu.

"What about you, Dan Mi?" Zhang Qin Feng's attention turned to the Resident's Union Director, also his best friend in this apocalypse.

"What can I say... The business is booming. There are so many people now the base is getting..."

"Dan Mi!" Dan Bao shouted at his brother's attitude.

"Reporting, sir," he finally gets serious.

"90% of all available position is taken by the residents. Both main streets are cleared from debris, allowing the APV or any future vehicles to access without trouble."

"We also have a few special requests to be brought on today's discussion. The first concern voiced out by the residents is about the accommodation issue." Dan Mi's report continued without stopping.

"The resident suggested to the director's board to establish a Militarized Section to house the soldiers. One of the reason is because of security and comfort."

"Also, we hope that the Residents can be allocated at a zone specialized for housing and business purposes." The request made by Dan Mi somewhat caused the lieutenants to be uncomfortable.

"Reason?" Zhang Qin Feng asked.

"Because the military visits over to businesses and services provider with weaponry threatened the public. Cases like argument leading to guns brought out brings many complaints to the Resident's Union."

"Also, I've been discussing the matter between workers and residents with Guo Fu. I believe that by assigning workplace and living space separately, it will contribute better to the base development." Dan Mi explained the reason behind his request, and also bringing Guo Fu into this discussion.

"Anything to add, Guo Fu?" Zhang Qin Feng asked.

"The issue brought up by Dan Mi is indeed a worrying matter. Having a workplace close to their accomodating will promote laziness and unfair treatment for small benefits."

"After an inspection, I'm sad to say that our worker's performance is at most around 70% efficiency. Separating accommodation, entertainment, and work is indeed a good idea from Resident's Union," Guo Fu agreed with Dan Mi in this matter.

"Military Department," Zhang Qin Feng stares at his twelve officers.

"Yes, Sir!" everyone stands up, knowing that their department had causes trouble.

"Control your people better until a Military Zone is set. Once it was done, I want everyone on duty to live inside the zone. Except for duty requirement, no weaponry is allowed within personal living space, except for officers above lieutenant level."

"Resident Union should focus on preparing the building to be assigned as Militarized Section, and Worker's Union should slowly move the machinery over to the Shangqing Upper Street."

"From tomorrow onwards, the Military Department should focus on clearing the Shangqing Lower Street. This Shangqing Middle Street will be our temporary Militarized Section until the lower street is taken over." Zhang Qin Feng's order is being considerate of all departments.

"Is there anything else to be reported?" after handling the matter Dan Mi brought up a while earlier, he's now ready for his next concern.

"Yes. We have close to 200 residents with useful skills and familiarity associated with farming. From what they told me, it seems that they have an idea on how to take care of the Cerulean Resin Plant." Dan Mi brought up another topic into the discussion.

"Wait!" Guo Fu interrupted.

"Cerulean Ambrite Lentiscus, the one that can be used to produce high-yielding Delta-Cerulean Resin?" Guo Fu's expression changed entirely. Even Chen Feng, who's seated behind him, revealed the same emotion.

"Yes," Dan Mi nodded.

"Wait, what's wrong to you guys?" Zhang Qin Feng stared at the elders from Scraps Exchange Company having a change in emotion.

"Sir! Do it! Let them plant them on a large scale!" the elders spoke without asking for his permission. As for those from Military Department and Zhang Qin Feng, they're literally stupefied.

"What's so special about this plant?" Zhang Qin Feng asked again.

"If we're capable of producing Delta-C Resin at large quantity, we can literally print everything out through the printer! Even a stick printed out using Delta-C Resin is stronger than a Grade-C Steel rod!"