Terrorism (2) Templar's Judgement

Zhang Qin Feng's current speed is no lesser than 30 km/per hour. The crazier part about him is the stamina, which has been strengthened by the Gene Enhancer.

For him, running close to two hours at this speed is not a challenging task at all. His lungs, muscle, mental, and explosive strength gave him the possibility to compete against national champion without a handicap.

As for the individual with the key to that Beeming Model-3s, Zhang Qin Feng has nothing to worry about.

100kg of gold is equal to a hundred 1 kilogram blocks. To a regular individual without a route to sell the gold, a block or two is the most he's capable of selling before Zhang Qin Feng caught up with him.

Furthermore, who dares to covet his money?

Zhang Qin Feng disposed seven terrorists at ease, without bothering to cover his face or breaking a sweat. Even their guns were stuffed behind the driver's seat so it could be of use later on.

Plus, Zhang Qin Feng said something to the individual before leaving the scene.

"Bring the car over to the Tianjin Antiques. Show the manager this card and tell him to give you a million. He will not hesitate, and in fact, he might give you more," Zhang Qin Feng's word is like a bucket of sweet honey dripping from his mouth.



"Boss," a gunman came to casual clothing individual to report his finding.

"What happened?" he turned around while still seated on the office chair. Brownish hair and good looking, it is difficult to connect him with the terrorists.

"The southern ring-road expressway stopped getting in touch with us. The Wu Family's base is still impenetrable," the gunman whispered beside the individual's ear.

"Did the central government guess our escape path? How can only the southern side lost contact, but not the other three?" the individual hammered the table once, breaking it into two halves.

"What about the Central City Mall? Have our people done rigging the building?" the individual asked. Currently, they're still in a freezer truck managing their people's distribution.

It's only close to 20 minutes from the moment they destroyed the signal tower around the southern district. Right now, the Templars are still en-route to the Central City Mall to set up their operation base.

With a shopping mall as their central operation base, they terrorist not only able to attracts a large amount of armed force to them but bought time for their fellow teammates to accomplish something else.

One of their missions is to break into the Wu Family and executes the patriarch and the patriarch candidate!

Also in their kill list, is the two elders from Brilliant Tiger Gate. Yue Qiang, and Yue Han!

"Han Song Lin, I'll entrust you with Fenglu Street. I want to see Yue Brother's head in one hour. After that, we'll escape using the southern route as planned!" the individual stares at his most trusted aide.

"I understand. The Templar will make sure they get their judgment!" Han Song Lin took the rifle on the table, took another glance on his leader, and left.

"Wind Team, Storm Team, follow me," Han Song Lin ordered two teams to catch up with him as he's heading to Fenglu Street. With the GPS device on his wrist, the shortest path has already been decided.

It takes him close to fifteen minutes to reach the entrance to Fenglu Street.

His appearance immediately alarmed the guards, with taser guns and electrified batons ready in the guard's hand. A battle immediately starts the moment they exchange a look at each other.

The red alarm has been pushed.

Out of five guards, four died under Han Song Lin's exquisite martial arts, with the remaining guard falls from a headshot. His contribution is impeccable because his life is used to exchange for the change to press the alarm.

Close to 10 martial artists came down from their office, with guns, katana, and some traditional weaponry.

A fight immediately ensued between them. Fourteen terrorists from the two teams and Han Song Lin charged through the Arch Entrance and get into a fistfight.

"The enemies are all trained soldiers and experts!" the guards struggled.

It does not take too long before half of them died, under the cruel daggers and the ruthless Han Song Lin. Blood is dripping on his fingers, but none of them belonged to him.

They're all belonged to the two guards he killed. Han Song Lin's expertise is in claw martial arts, known as Dragon and Crane Fighting Sutra.

"Help!" the last guard screamed for his life.

"Hahaha! I also wanted to see who dares to come here! Today, the Brilliant Tiger Gate is going down for sure!" Han Song Lin grabbed the guard's head and slowly put more pressure on his fingers.

"Aargh! Aargh!" the guard screamed from the pain, which sounds like a melody on Han Song Lin's ear.

"Bang! Bang!" two shots fired, but only one hit a terrorist beside Han Song Lin. When Han Song Lin turned his sight over to the Arch Entrance, Zhang Qin Feng is kneeling on the steps as he's aiming at them.

"Bang, bang, bang!" three shots fired. The well-trained terrorist all disperses from the area and hides on the available alleyway and stalls.

"Back up really came... Boy! I'll make sure to kill you personally once your rifle is out of bullets!" Han Song Lin screamed. He's pissed because one of his men died under Zhang Qin Feng's first two shots.

But surprises followed before he manages to catch his breath.

Zhang Qin Feng's focus shooting pierced through the concrete walls and turned one of the terrorists into a beehive.

"What rifle is that?" Han Song Lin's eye almost popped out from the socket. He's a veteran in the military, and none of those he knows has this kind of penetration power.

"Is that a brand new Changfeng, Smith'n sons, or Vajras? Such strong power!" Han Song Lin lowered his position. If a rifle can puncture through the skull after passing a concrete wall, then it's capable of hitting him on that shabby steel made stall.

"Bang!" Zhang Qin Feng fired three more shots, and two other terrorists were killed.

"Damn! Damn!" Han Song Lin screamed inside him. Out of fourteen men, four were killed by this individual.

"Zig-Zag formation!" Han Song Lin signaled using his finger.

"Suppress!" when six of the terrorists pop out from their hideout, Han Song Lin gave his next order and tried to sneak a shot at his opponent.

But reality hurts.

His naiveness bites back, as the bullets sprayed at Zhang Qin Feng all ricochets in a different direction. Zhang Qin Feng only needs to pull the trigger as they appeared in his iron-sight, and bodies thuds on the ground like bowling pins.

Six targets dead, five left." Mother-Key delivers a battle report.

Zhang Qin Feng let go of his Lightning Bolt and charged at his nearest target! With the katana entirely out from its holder, Zhang Qin Feng effortlessly cut the head off!

"Wind-5!" Han Song Lin screamed with anger. After killing his men with a ridiculously powerful rifle, now he has treating steel as a block of tofu sword?

Zhang Qin Feng's next attack sliced through the wall like butter before it landed on the next head.

"Stop! Stop!" Han Song Lin charged at Zhang Qin Feng, with the mentality of dying together with Zhang Qin Feng.

Unfortunately, he's bound to fail. An entire mag of bullets fired, but brought him no results before Zhang Qin Feng decisively slashed him into two halves.

"Vice leader!" the two remaining terrorists called Han Song Lin, but two bullets followed suit and blow their brain juices out.