Military Expertise, Changyang HQ (2)

Ten soldiers in proper uniform and pitch-black BSV on them stand in a line waiting for Zhang Qin Feng's arrival. Needless to say, they're the Elites of Qingfeng Military, with all of them having close to 30 ampoules of Gene Enhancer injected.

Of course, that's not because Zhang Qin Feng's lack of supply, but because they're officially formed less than five weeks.

On their back is a well-customized Backpack System Variant, with eight points instead of six in regular BSV package. There's a ChemRail, Lightning Bolt, Wasp System, Gemini, Katana, and Recovery Serum kit taking over six of the available points.

As for the two remaining points, it is up to their preferences. Some carry the Leidenfrost Curtain, one of them with an Ashanti, and another geeky guy holding three sets of Wasp System, instead of one.

They're also lucky enough to be given graces to escort their "Lord" outside of his blessed garden, driving the customized APV named by Stein as Artemis.

Unlike the regular APV, Artemis comes with a completely new power board formed of 10 pieces of Atom Battery, which capable of providing 10,000kW worth of power to move this vehicle for years.

And on top of that, a pair of ChemRail, Ashanti, High-Caliber Railgun, and Ballistic Cannon protects the Artemis. Only four station-slots is assigned with productivity units, such as the Material Printer, Medical Bay, and others.

It takes close to half an hour to reach the building previously belonged to the Military Expertise Company. It was a well-known building during pre-apocalypse, because of their extensive research in medical, cancer, and non-profitable charity act.

But unfortunately, the Seed Crystal Virus is indiscriminate when it comes to infection targets. When the outbreak happened, a part of the largest infection source came from this building itself.

Just like this, the close to 15,000 staff within the building became the pioneers for the spread of the virus. Still, so many years after the outbreak, the building remained standing as one of the most durable construction from the Pre-Apocalypse.

"Sir!" two majors, Wu Manya, and Yu Yang Kai came forward after they noticed the arrival of Artemis. Since this chariot already appeared here, it means Zhang Qin Feng had come to the battlefield!

"At ease. What is the situation now?" Zhang Qin Feng gave them the order to relax before the two Majors followed him and report as they approached the building.

The building covers over 26,000 square feet, with no less than fifteen levels in height. There's also six levels of basement, making this building twenty-one levels altogether. Of course, there's more than the main building in this area, like a canteen, parking lot, gym, and worker's entertainment lounge surrounding it.

A total of five units entered the building. Right now, four returned with multiple documents, but one lost communication after they proceed to the 2nd level basement. Right now, they're preparing for the 2nd exploration, and coincidently, Zhang Qin Feng arrived at this location.

"Act as you see fit. Make sure that you prioritize safety over the expedition," Zhang Qin Feng released his Majors from staying with him and delay their operation.

And at the same time, he's interested to see what level of strength he achieved after having over 60 ampoules of Gene Enhancer injected. Even if the situation gets worst, he still has the Leidenfrost Curtain and Ignition technique.

"Sir, please give us your order." one of the Elites asked for Zhang Qin Feng's instruction.

"Search around the perimeters for threat. Half of the unit will follow me and explore the Gym Building," Zhang Qin Feng's order sent five Elites to inspect their surrounding.

"Creak..." the door opened, presenting the mess that happened during the outbreak to Zhang Qin Feng and his party of five Elites. Equipment like running machine, fighting machine, and body mass calculator is all damaged or overturned from the sudden rush.

"I wonder what happened to them during the outbreak..." one of the Elites grabbed a skeleton out from the pile of rummages and found a Worker's Identity Card. The owner of this skeleton seems to be suffering fatal injuries from the fallen debris and died on the spot.

[Military Expertise]

[Lian Qing Yi - ID No: 140-113215]

[Position: Chief researcher for Cancer Cell Department]

There's also a sticker on the back, with the word 31-73 on it.

"Let's take a look around before we proceed to the canteen." Zhang Qin Feng gave the machine on the corner a kick, completely overturning it from that spot.

But nothing else can be found here. Even the visitor's locker has been rummaged by other survivors before they leave the gym building. As there was nothing much to be found here, Zhang Qin Feng followed the corridor leading to the canteen area and meet up with the remaining Elites.

"Sir, we found a keypad control on a locked door. But we did not test its function because we don't know the password." an Elite reported what they found and immediately led Zhang Qin Feng over to the said door.

"Try this card, and if it doesn't work, put in the number written in the back." Zhang Qin Feng hand that card to the Elite, hoping it will work.

"Du-Du," the pin and key are unable to access this door. Perhaps it only works if they use this card inside the main building.

"Nevermind. We'll take note of this door and return if we found any clue related to it," They leave the canteen and continued with the Worker's Entertainment Lounge and Parking Lot. A similar door exists in the parking lot, but similarly, the card from Professor Lian Qing Yi is not working.

"Boom!" an explosion from the main building called Zhang Qin Feng back to their unit immediately. They're currently at full alert following after the explosion.

"Report." Zhang Qin Feng stands before Wu Manya and Yu Yang Kai. Once they noticed Zhang Qin Feng's arrival, the two Majors immediately reported their suspicion related to the explosion.

"We believe there's a gang using this place as their base. The booby trap with explosives was on the 6th floor, but it looks like the snare is a double prank, which led to another blast after the initial one is undone." Wu Manya repeated what he knows from their earlier report.

But following the report is gunshots from multiple directions. A group of no less than 300 soldiers turned up around the Military Expertise HQ with rocket launchers, rifles, and even a Railgun.

"It looks like our accommodation has some guests today!" the leader of this team approached the Qingfeng Troops with all their weapon safety off. Although their number is less than Zhang Qin Feng's two battalions, being attacked from all sides still generates quite many casualties.

"So, what would you suggest?" Zhang Qin Feng asked. He believed the gang already monitored them for quite long, based on how they positioned their people.

But at the same time, their brain seems to be lacking because they fail to notice the Artemis, Minos, Wolves, and few APV parked close to the main building. That's especially true because the Artemis is on alert at all times, with all armament hot.

"I, Mad Gou, isn't somebody difficult to talk to. Since you ask, I'll be honest with you too." the leader of this gang gets closer to where Zhang Qin Feng stands.

"It is normal for me to collect the fee, mind you," he added.

"How about leaving two of the nice ride over there and some guns, then we'll be good to each other?" he said.

"What? How dare you try to take advantage of us!" Yu Yang Kai is angered. He took a stride towards Mad Gou, but Zhang Qin Feng extends his hand out to hold Yu Yang Kai back.

"It is a disgrace for me to let my superior steps out first. Please allow me, a useless grunt, to stand forward on behalf of my boss," one of the Elites came forward while cracking his fist.