Battle (5) Obsidian Bull Gang

"Sir, movements report on all over our perimeters." a skillful technician reports his finding in a hurry. In a battle, speed is essential to decide the victor.

"Hei Niu stops hesitating. Which sides are most likely to be his?" Wu Manya asks. Using the Wasp hovering around the outpost, it provides the Azure Wind Soldiers with an overall sight of the battlefield.

"They're divided into six battalions, with a trusted lieutenant on each. Based on the Wasp's report, I believe he's either at the largest unit or the least without any siege weaponry." the technician shared his insight based on the provided intel.

"I believe that he'll lead the smallest team to launch a quick and decisive attack. It should be at this place, near our entrance," Yu Yang Kai pointed at the hologram map. Their smallest team are estimated to be around two platoons, located at the far right from their deployment.

"Manya, you'll handle Hei Niu. Let us take care of the others." Yu Yang Kai hits Wu Manya's shoulder. He's entrusting him with the opportunity to overcome Hei Niu's attack.

"I'll live up to all of your expectations!" Wu Manya salutes them, and they returned his gesture with the same action. Out of ten Majors under Guo Jing's leadership, six of them are located here in the outpost.

Its a battle of 2,600 attacking soldiers against 2,950 defending soldiers.

Except for Wu Manya, everyone else led their soldiers over to the defensive position to stop their enemy from marching forward. Defending a fort might sound easy, but only those participating understands the complexity.

The 50 siege weaponry from Western Alliance is evenly divided into five teams. It might take more than a single shot to bring the wall down, but against the soldiers, less than a blast is needed. Along with the high accuracy of Ferrum Tactical Vehicle, it made their defensive battle even harder to achieve victory.

"Remove your safety! Open fire!" the battle begins. Over ten thousand bullets are exchanged in the first minute.

Cannon Blast from the Spider II also creates tremor to the scaffold they're standing on and disrupts the accuracy of their shot. The Ashanti Gunners tried to help but failed to do so.

The coverage from the Ferrum Tactical Vehicle's 0.50 caliber machine-guns made them continuously relocate their sniping position. And without a stable point for them to deploy their rifle, it is difficult for them to change the flow of this battle.

The Minos or Wolf also failed to provide any supporting act due to the lack of height and standing point. At most, they're only able to help to relocate the soldiers quickly. But on a battlefield, having multiple vehicles running around may cause traffic and injuries on the passerby.

"Krang!!!" a line of barricades got disassembled to allow the APV to provide cover fire. ChemRail Stations pelted the battlefield fiercely, indirectly taking away the life of twenty soldiers. Although the voltage of this weapon is lowered to reduce casualty, it still happened due to misfortune.

"Pew... Bam!" a shot from the Spider II hits an APV. Although it wasn't decommissioned from that shot, a part of the APV is damaged. A replacement quickly comes to provide assistance, but fear started to engulf the soldier's mind.

Without notice, the combined effort of ten Spider Tank's shell damaged a column of Barricade made from Magni Alloy and Tantalite Blocks.

"We've successfully broken their defense! Continue with the tactics!" the successful attempt was shared amongst Hei Niu's Lieutenants. And just like this, the focus blast executed by both Spider and Spider II quickly demolished a third of the erected barricades.

But the more they continued, the greater the retaliation from Azure Wind Soldiers. With walls started to give up, APVs and Wolves obstructed the section with their guns.

"Boom! Boom!" multiple Spider Tanks falls to the railgun fired by the APVs.

"Yay!" the defending soldiers cheered. For every blow landed on their enemy's siege weaponry, the longer their defense can hold. If worst comes to worst, they could just board the Minos and retreat.

"Combine our force together!" the five lieutenants formed two attacking battalions to fight against the Azure Wind Gang. Now with no less than 20 siege vehicles, it takes them less effort to systematize their attacking time.

"My chance is here! Dang!" one of the Ashanti Gunner found his opportunity to deliver a shot at the relocating Ferrum Tactical Vehicle. Although the resin bullet is nowhere comparable to the real Magni Alloy Ammunition, they still capable of piercing through an armored vehicle.

With one sniper managed to land a shot, the others quickly followed.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" the sniper's long-range coverage finally arrived. Shots landed on their chain tracks or tires to stop them from moving around. And even worst, one of the Lieutenant was caught unaware. A bullet hits his thigh and throws him a meter off the ground.

"Lieutenant! Lieutenant!" the soldiers drag him away, but more gunshots are fired at their spot and sent the two soldiers down on the ground as well.

"Aargh!" the Lieutenant cried in pain. One of the soldiers panicked and made a zig-zag run at his leader only to be shot on his leg as well.

"Four down. Requesting Sugarbomb." the Ashanti Gunner made a request on his Luna II Device.

"Sugarbomb ready. Location, 16 degrees north, 2 degrees west, confirm?" a unit of ten soldiers with Hailstorm and Harpoon Unit on them replied. They're positioned about half a kilometer away from the four disarmed enemy soldiers.

"Confirm." the sniper made another thorough inspection and answered.

"Bam! Bam!" two shots fired at the four soldiers. The thick chloroform mist made them unconscious within a minute before the Harpoon Unit drags them back into the base. They're then thrown into a Minos vehicle to be brought back to 13th Zone.

And while the battle is getting excited, Wu Manya's side is not idling without doing anything. Like Hei Niu's platoon, Wu Manya's soldiers are all veterans following him from the day he joined Azure Wind Gang.

"Fire at will!" the ChemRail on Wu Manya's grasp fires accurately at the incoming Hei Niu. But with the obsidian armor covering his entire body, 90% of the bullets slip upon contact, with some leaving minor cracks on his shoulder and chest.

"Bang, Bang, Bang!" he took large steps towards Wu Manya like a ferocious bull.

"Rhinos King, I told you we're going to meet again!" Hei Niu tried to punches Wu Manya, but the latter successfully dodge the attack that leaves a cavity on the nearest APV.

Wu Manya grabbed another ChemRail into his hand and emptied the bullets at the moving Hei Niu.

"Damn! He's bulletproof." Wu Manya complained. He picked up his pace to the weapon loaded Minos cargo and grabs an RR-HU next. The recoil almost took the gun off Wu Manya's hands.

"Bam!" instead of getting injured, the projectile throws Hei Niu close to ten steps backward, about seven meters. No blood is flowing out from the crack, indirectly answering Wu Manya's doubt.

"D*mn! His defensive ability is too much!" Wu Manya complained. From Lightning Bolt to ChemRail and RR-Hu, none of the handheld arsenals he used works.

"You're dead!" Hei Niu sent out a quick jab at Wu Manya.

"Bang!" it landed on the Minos, which Wu Manya grabs the RR-HU out. The attack gave the vehicle a shake, and a retractable katana falls into Wu Manya's hand.

"Zing!" the blade pops up in an absolute brilliance! A quick swing from the Wu Manya creates sparks as it landed on Hei Niu's crystal body. Like a fish in the water, Wu Manya executes his attack as accurately as he could, aiming at the joints and gaps.

"It's useless! Not even a Spider II cannon can leave scratches on me, and here you're trying to leave on using that dull blade?" Hei Niu's statement made Wu Manya took a glance at his katana, which ends up as a fatal mistake.

Hei Niu charged at Wu Manya as his attention shifted to the blade and delivered a punch with his full strength. It lands on Wu Manya's chest in full force, throwing him through the walls into the Military Expertise Building.

"Major! Dadada!" the soldiers fired their weapon on Hei Niu, but it brings them no result. And with most of Hei Niu's soldier is inside the perimeter, the battle entered the climax.

"Rah!" a piece of concrete slammed at Hei Niu. Wu Manya walked out of the building, with some aura wrapping his body and the katana. There were two ampoules littered on the ground, which comes in a different color.

"Huh... Huh..." Wu Manya's breath is erratic. He's inhaling continuously out of sudden, but breath out a long mouthful of air afterward. It is like how an athlete breathes as they're running. And right now, Wu Manya is doing it as he stands still.

"Evolving in the middle of a fight? You're underestimating me too much!" Hei Niu understands what the aura is all about. During the Titanfall War, he went through the same thing before he becomes able to fought against the Warriors empty-handed.

This is known as evolution. A process of assimilation with all your possible potential and ignites a unique trait to protect oneself from further infection.

In this whole Changyang City, less than four people went through the evolution stage. Xichen, Tang Yanli, Hei Niu, and now...

Wu Manya!


"Uugh?" a katana struck beautifully at Hei Niu's waist, forcing him to retreat over five meters. A chipped piece of crystal appeared on where the attack landed, warning Hei Niu to be careful.

"Come on!" Wu Manya charged at Hei Niu with the ferocity above a tiger. With only 40 seconds left from injecting the Ignition Boost, he'll have to turn around this losing battle before others arrived at his side!