The Banquet Pt 3

"There's no use staring." Wandering Sound said. "I doubt that the so-called Mayor is going to slip up again."

Turning back around to face everyone, Xinya replied, "Your right, I think we need a way to make this fake Mayor show if true colors."

"Do you have any idea how to go about it?" Wei asked.

Not yet, but give me awhile, I will come up with something." Xinya replied.

Touching Xinya's arm to get his attention, Melting Snow cheerfully said, "I will help you think of something too." 

"I know you will," Xinya said while rubbing Melting Snow's hair.

The four of them begin discussing what they should do to trigger the quest, but after an hour, none of them had a good idea. Melting Snow was getting the feeling that maybe they wouldn't be able to trigger a quest after all. Although he longed for adventure, he didn't mind waiting for the next one, being with Drifting Cloud was good enough.