Mormântul Lordului Nebun

"Yes we dare to enter." Xinya told the grotesque looking head, as he pressed yes on the notification.

Giving the group a vile smirk the distorted head snidely said, "As you wish."

As those words left its mouth the room began to shake and all around them torturous screams could be heard. The head started to laugh maniacally, amused by the pain it caused as it opens the dungeon's door. 

As the door slowly inched open a tearing sound could be heard echoing all around the room. Xinya looked every which way to see where the tearing sound was coming from when he noticed that it was the walls.

The stretched out skin that made up the wall had begun ripping and small drops of blood had begun to seep through in between the tears. The more the door opened, the louder the screams became, terrible, painful screams that sounded as if they were snatched from someone's soul.