Xinya and the others

While Wandering Sound went to clean off the mess that was left on the boat by the death of the Diamondback Armored Ctenophore. The three remaining party members walked aimlessly into the living room of the boathouse with slightly glazed expressions.

Well two of them did anyway, the third party member, who was also the youngest, just shook his head at the way the two adults were acting, before settling on a purple armchair and opening his interface. Xinya, who saw this action, just rolled his eyes at the endurance of youth and continued walking ahead in a daze.

Who could blame him though, after the harrowing adventure he had experience. Collapsing onto the nearest sofa, Xinya still couldn't believe that he had just conquered and killed a giant jellyfish with a bait bomb today. That was just some next level crazy shit right there, and he didn't think he had the skill to comprehend it right now.