The Video Pt 3

While a mysterious woman was getting her men to change destinations, in another part of the world of Haven, a man who exuded anger strode into a small dark office followed by a petite woman. As soon as the door was shut, the man picked up the nearest item closest to him and slammed it against the wall shattering it into pieces.

"Frozen Ice, please calm down." Rose Lilly exclaimed, frightened by the intense fury that the dark-haired man was giving off.

Turning around, he glared fiercely at the woman in front of him before shouting, "Calm down, why the hell should I calm down. My team has been bested by a damn crafting guild. Do you know how weak that makes me look?!"

"Sweetie," Rose Lilly softly spoke, as she walked over to where he stood. "You must have realized that they weren't no ordinary crafting guild."

"What do you mean?" His confusen at her words started to override his anger.