High-Grade Spirit

"And what do you plan on doing with that information? Are you going to blackmail me?" Xiao Tian remained calm even in such a situation, which only made Song Yu more interested in him.

"That is one of the choices, but fortunately for you, I am not that type of person," Song Yu spoke with a prideful smile.

Xiao Tian merely continued to look at her with a nonchalant expression.

Although he'd rather avoid the spotlight before he was certain that he could protect himself, it was not as though he really minded having his secret revealed, as he already has plenty of excuses in mind for such situations.

"If you do not plan on blackmailing me then what are you doing here?" he asked her.

"No particular reasons, really. I just wanted to speak with someone that is around my age, as I don't get to do something that simple most of the time," she said, and after a moment of silence, she continued, "Hey, since your Spirit is no longer a secret, why don't you show it to me? I will show you mine in return."

"You may have time to play but I do not have time to entertain kids like you…"

"What are you talking about? You are also a kid! And you are even two years younger than me!" Song Yu looked at him with a weird expression. She did not expect such words to come out of Xiao Tian's mouth, as he sounded somewhat like an adult dealing with children.


Xiao Tian remained silent, looking as though he did not have any interest in her.

Seeing how she could barely keep Xiao Tian's attention, Song Yu frowned.

"Fine! If you want to see my Spirit so badly, I will show it to you!"

Feeling as though this is the only way to keep the conversation going, Song Yu raised her hand and activated her Spirit Qi.

"Feast your eyes on my powerful Spirit!"

A few moments later, a blue-color Spirit Gate appeared before Song Yu and Xiao Tian.

"A high-grade Spirit, huh."

Xiao Tian looked at the Spirit Gate that was glowing blue light.

The color of a Spirit Gate is determined by the grade of the Spirit being summoned. For example, a low-grade Spirit would have a white Spirit Gate whilst a medium-grade Spirit would come out of a green Spirit Gate.

In this case, a blue-color Spirit Gate represented a high-grade Spirit.

However, if one looked closely, there were green colors flickering amongst the blue. This meant that this Spirit was also an Earth element Spirit, one of six existing elements.

As for Xiao Tian's human Spirit that has a pitch-black Spirit Gate, none of the books he read before had mentioned about a black-colored Spirit Gate, so he cannot be certain about its grade. But one thing for sure is that she is a fairly unique Spirit if not also incredibly powerful.

"Are you surprised?" Song Yu suddenly spoke with a proud smile on her pretty face. "It is said that only one person out of one million Spirit Masters has the ability to summon high-grade Spirits!"

"However, it is still too soon to be excited, as you have not even seen the best part yet!"

Song Yu then chanted, "My name is Song Yu. Holy Spirits of the Earth Element, heed my summoning and bring forth my familiar!"

The instant she finished her calling, the doors to the Spirit Gate opens, and a green snake measuring 10 meters in length and with a thickness that is similar to that of a human body slithers out of the Spirit Gate.

This ten-meter long snake emitted an intimidating aura, and it's emerald scales reflected the nearby lights, almost like an armor made of metal.

There were also a few white scales that scattered around this snake's body, giving it an exotic look, not to mention its golden eyes that seemed to be filled with intelligence.

Xiao Tian's eyes widened slightly upon seeing this emerald snake, showing interest for the first time since Song Yu showed up.

When Song Yu noticed Xiao Tian's seemingly dazed look, she laughed out loud, "Are you so scared that you cannot even move your body? Don't worry, I won't make fun of you, because even adults cannot resist her naturally intimidating aura! Hahaha!"

As for the emerald snake, the moment it noticed Xiao Tian, it silently stared at his face, seemingly shocked to see his face.

"Do you know what my Spirit is called? Probably not! So I will tell you!"

"Listen well, because it is a—"

"Jade Serpent, huh?"

Xiao Tian suddenly smiled, and he even began taking small and calm steps towards it.


Song Yu stared at him with wide eyes. He actually knows the name of her Spirit? But why is he approaching it? Is he not affected by its intimidating aura that even her father cannot fully resist? That's absurd!

"I don't know if you remember me, but you were only the size of a worm the last time I saw you, and it's been countless years since then, so I will not blame you for forgetting."

Xiao Tian mumbled to it.

"W-What nonsense is he talking about?" Song Yu looked at him as though she was looking at a crazy person.

Once Xiao Tian stood before the Jade Serpent, he slowly raised his hand, almost like he wanted to pet it.

"W-Wait! If you try to touch it without my permission—"

Song Yu panicked when Xiao Tian tried to pet it. Forget about strangers, this Jade Serpent will attack even her father if he tried to touch it without her permission!

However, what happened next was beyond Song Yu's expectations and imagination, as her Jade Serpent not only remained calm but it even lowered its head on its own accord to let Xiao Tian pet its head!

"Im...Impossible…" Feeling a bit unstable in her legs, Song Yu nearly dropped to her knees.

"So you still remember me, huh?" Xiao Tian smiled as he caressed his fingers against the Jade Serpent's smooth scales that were softer than it appeared.

While it was countless years ago, Xiao Tian has met this Jade Serpent when it was not even qualified to be called a snake. And because Spirits are unaffected by the passage of time, it managed to stay alive until today, even becoming a high-grade Spirit.

As for the Jade Serpent, although it was confused and shocked by Xiao Tian's presence at first, it did not forget his voice and face even after all these years.

Indeed, Xiao Tian's appearance did not change even after his reincarnation, so the Jade Serpent easily recognized his face as the same one from countless years ago!

As for how Xiao Tian immediately remember and recognize this Jade Serpent despite its vastly different size and appearance, let's just say that after being the Emperor of Spirits for countless of years, he has learned to see the aura of every existing Spirit in the Spirit Realm and familiarize himself with them, and even the most insignificant Spirit are imprinted into his soul.

Although many Spirits share the same breed and race, they all have their own unique aura that differentiates their own existence from others.

"H...How...How did you do it?" Song Yu asked him in a trembling voice.

This is clearly their first time meeting Xiao Tian, yet why is he so familiar with her Spirit? It felt like she was watching two friends coming together after being separated for many years! What's more, her Jade Serpent is clearly very excited and happy to see him, hence why its tail has been wagging nonstop, even making sounds that resemble a whip hitting empty air!

"H-Hey! Stop ignoring me!" Song Yu shouted after receiving no answer from Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian stopped petting the Jade Serpent and turned to look at her.

"Is there something wrong?" he calmly asked her.

"Yes, there is something wrong! Everything about this scene is wrong! Why are you acting so familiar with MY Spirit?! She normally attacks anybody that tries to touch her, so why is she acting like this to you? Did you do something weird to her?!"

Song Yu exclaimed loudly. Although she did not say it, she is actually feeling a little jealousy after seeing her own Spirit acting so friendly to someone else that is not her; it just didn't feel right for her.

Xiao Tian shook his head and spoke, "Do we need a reason to be friendly? What if this Jade Serpent sees something in me that resembles one of its previous Masters?"


Song Yu became speechless, as she couldn't deny such a possibility. Because Spirits are essentially Immortal if not killed, it is normal for a Spirit to have many Masters in its lifetime.