Buy A Magic Item

A young woman dressed in a light blue uniform, her red hair was slightly short, which became longer when it's worn in a ponytail and has distinct facial features that amplify the impression of her being a lively girl.

She looked at the boy and smiled by hiding her playful intentions: "Boy, you're too late~"

"Eh..." I began to get anxious over her response, "C-can we start it over again? I can make it up for you"

"Boy, can you not make it sound so ambiguous!"

"I-I can explain..."

"I told you don't make it sound ambiguous!"

"Hahaha..." The young man next to her who had just been silent just couldn't help laughing at their funny dialogue.

Meanwhile, his companion shoots a glare at him which indicate him to shut his mouth and he immediately shut up.

He coughed slightly before he enters the proper subject: "Alright, you should stop it Berta" he turns his gaze toward me, "Little guy, you're not late at all" instead, you're too early!

I looked at the handsome young man with curly, medium-length blonde hair. His cyan blue eyes are sometimes closed or half-open, displaying his carefree and benevolent attitude.

"Are you here to enrollment?" the young man asks warmly.

I nodded in affirmation: "Yes"

Berta handed a paper containing the identity form to the boy, "Boy, fill out the form, without missing any!" she also did not forget to give me a pen to write, "If you are done, hand it to me!"


I skimmed through the contents of this form. Apart from being asked for personal data, there is nothing else wrong. So I just fill it as needed.

"I'm done!" I immediately handed it to this big sister named Berta after I finished it.

Berta accepted it and placed it before her on the table without reading it first. In her view, enrolling was not necessarily fix to become a student of this academy, so she didn't need to read it before the boy manages to make it.

The young man: "As you already know, if you want to become an official student of this academy you have to pay 4.000 gold coin. If you don't have it then you should undergo a magic talent test on that Ceremonial Ground"

He pointed out his finger towards their right, then my eyes followed the direction of his finger point at. As it turns out, the so-called Ceremonial Ground is a circular platform which in the middle of it there's a small round object which is held up by a short silver stick.

I wondered if the round object was used to test magic talents. Whatever it is, I won't use that object anyways.

"Senior, I have a recommendation letter" I pulled out a paper roll that had been left behind by Uncle Neal.

The young man dan woman startled for a brief as they immediately took the paper on the boy's hand. They open it and check its contents, later their face change a little. This is real!

Ordinary peoples only knew that the recommendation letter usually came from a large family or nobles, but the upper echelons of the academy knew the truth.

The truth is the recommendation letter is issued only two pieces each year. As for the reason why many nobles and some descendants from large backgrounds in the academy, they were purely relying on their own money and magic talents.

The young man rolled the letter back as the beginning, then he smiled at the little guy: "Congratulations, starting from now on, you are officially a student at the Imperial Unicorn Academy!"

Berta also did not forget to congratulate the boy who made her embarrassed just now, she chuckled playfully: "Boy, I never thought you had a recommendation letter. Anyway, congratulations on being one of us!"

"Iyaah..." I scratched my head because I felt overly flattered after being congratulated by these two seniors in front of him.

The young man smiled upon seeing my silly reaction as he pulled out a silver badge. The oval in shape badge with a carved unicorn's head and two tiny wings on each end of its head. He gives it to the little guy,

"Take this, bring it to the academy in five days later and show it to the person who charges in new student admissions!"

I accepted it and examined it briefly before storing it safely in my pocket: "Thank you, seniors!"

I did not forget to thank them before I left this place. However, without his knowing that shortly after he left, many children of his age began to arrive one after another with the same goal as Leo, except that their ways of their enroll were mainly different from Leo.

I really don't want to bother my self to watch the children over there who show off their money and talent.

First of all, I intended to find a magic item shop.

Uncle Gal said as a mage, you must have at least one of magic item. Although I know that he is just talked some bullshits. In fact, I really want it since I have a lot of money anyway.


One hour after leaving Imperial Unicorn Academy, I roamed thorough out of capital and finally manage to enter a magic item shop at random.

This shop is a bit... small and remote. But I like it, this shop has a distinctive aroma, apart from that, the design of the shop is also unique and antique which slightly different from other equipment magic shops that are more stylish.

"The Grumpy Codex? what a strange name..."

I opened the door and then the bell on the door rang. I found an old man who seemed to be asleep at the cash register. However, I didn't bother to wake him up, it's not like he is going to steal something anyway...

There are lots of magic items displayed on the walls and inside the display window. I tried to scan it one by one but I couldn't find what I wanted. First of all, I don't even know what I need and what I want.

After pondering for a while, I decided to wake this old gramps up, who knew he could provide a suitable reference for me.

I approached the counter and called him softly: "Old gramps"


Five minutes have passed, it seems like he has no intention of waking up, so I try to shake this old gramps's hand: "Old gramps wake up! There's a customer here"

I try to shake him harder: "Old gramps wake up!"

This time I showed a panic expression: "What should I do, this old gramps was too old to wake up! Is this what is called 'Death in sleep because too old'?"

"Who dares to curse this old man?!" the old gramps suddenly hop up in annoyed because his nap being disturbed by someone. Moreover that someone dares to curse him in sleep. How impudent!

"Old gramps, it's good you're willing to wake up, otherwise, your goods have been robbed of by a thief!"

The old gramps subconsciously look at the little brat in front of him with sloppy eyes, "..." a brat?

"... then, where's the thief?"

"Rest assured old gramps, I already chase him out! so, how are going to reward me?"

Reward your butt, do you think this old man is easy to swindler!?

"Then, who cursed me earlier?"

"Also, that thief!"

"..." Nonsense! look at your face, how could you lie with an innocent face! someone, please take this shameless brat away!

The old gramps sat down and adjusted his posture: "Sigh, what do you want brat?"

Leo: "I don't know"

Flipping table (╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻, then what are you here for?

Leo: "I mean old gramps, I really a novice into this. Since I'm going to become a mage, can you choose me something suitable for beginners?"

The old gramps glances the little guy for a second, then he spoke: "Wait here!"

After he spoke like that, he walked towards the second floor next to the end of the room even Leo had just realized there was a ladder there. That makes me wanna take peek up.

Nevermind, I abandoned my intention to peek, Uncle Neal said peeping was a bad thing. I remember my neighbor in the town, his eyes were swollen because of peeping into someone else's house, later he became a laughing stock in the town. Ever since then, my uncle always preach me not to peek.

"Em?... isn't this a ball like the one at the Ceremonial Ground earlier?"

I wanted to touch it, but before I reached it the old gramps had come down from the stairs carrying an object in his hand.