
A week has passed, and Jinhee had come in terms with the truth that she had been given another chance to live. Gratefulness was what she felt towards it.

Now, that she was rewarded with another chance to lead her life, she wouldn't let herself reduced to that piteous state like the previous time. She'll establish her own position and display her worth to everyone.

However, to Jinhee's dissatisfaction, Taehee persistently visited her constantly regardless of Jinhee acting distant to her and continuosly voicing out to her that there's no need for her visit.

Exactly same as her previous life, none of her family members came to visit her the entire week. Then again, Jinhee couldn't expect much from indifferent family of hers who cared about profits mostly.

Her paternal grandfather, Lee Youngchul, was a retired lieutenant general and had earn lot of respect among the common people. His brother, Lee Dowon, entered into apparel industry and became the owner of Moonstone Enterprise.

The enterprise bloomed rapidly over few years and even gained lots of recognition outside of the country. However since Lee Dowon had no offspring of his, Jinhee's father, Lee Minjoon, was the one to take over it after Dowon's death.

As it was still the March of 2017, Lee Dowon's was still alive since he died at February of 2018. The only member in family that cared for and fully supported her was Lee Dowon.

Devasted with Dowon's death, Jinhee tried to find the cause of his death and the perpetrator since the death was caused by a car accident, but the only thing she gained was dead end.

Nevertheless, the murderer, Lee Minjoon, was revealed in December of 2018 by Lee Daeho, her father's younger brother, in order to defame Lee Minjoon and take the ownership of Moonstone Enterprise.

Now that Jinhee had another chance at life, she was determined to prevent Dowon's death and not disappoint him once again. In her life, Dowon was disheartened by how Jinhee shamelessly chased after Jaehyun and took every chance to maintain her friendship with Taehee.

Since Jinhee wasn't fond of staying with her family in her previous life, she signed up for staying at school dormitory, and on the first day to highschool, Jinhee slipped onto the stairs. Therefore, she was entering the dorm for the first time in this life too.

Opening the door to the room, Jinhee wasn't surprised when she saw Taehee as her roommate for it was same in her previous life too.

This boosted up Jinhee's courage to be Taehee's closest friend last time, but the only thing she felt now was disdain and hurt. Her chest tightened up at the thought of Taehee's betrayal.

No matter how much Jinhee was disgusted with Taehee, the fact that she was an intimate friend can not be changed. Deep within her, Jinhee wished for all this to be a dream and everything to return back to time before the kiss.

"Welcome, Jinhee!" Taehee smiled.

In her last life, this friendly yet beautiful smile of Taehee made Taehee's image more impressive to Jinhee and elevated Jinhee's hope for being someone valued to Taehee.

Even now, Jinhee had to admit that Taehee indeed was someone majestic, and it was hard for anyone to hate her. Jinhee's hand clenched tighter at that thought.

Jinhee simply nodded before stepping into the room with her luggage. She couldn't give Taehee the impression that she wanted to be close to her.


"Wake up, Jinhee! It's time for classes." Jinhee heard a familiar voice call her.

Squinting her eyes open, Jinhee adjusted to the bright light and groggily, sat up, rubbing her eyes. Last night, she stayed up late, noting down all what happened in her previous life and made prudent plans on what to do.

Not replying to Taehee, Jinhee got down of her bed, wearing on a nonchalant expression, and made her way to the washroom. Jinhee was adamant on being rude to Taehee.

Unbeknownst to Jinhee, Taehee let out a indistinct sigh, and her expression turned despondent. Shaking her head lightly, Taehee drove away her thoughts and went towards the mirror to brush her hair.


Standing below the shower, Jinhee held in her urge to shed tears. A part of her heart clenched tightly at the thought of ignoring Taehee, and despite everything, Taehee helped Jinhee a lot in her previous life too. That is the main reason Jinhee doesn't plan on taking any revenge against Taehee.

There were times Jinhee wished to start anew with Taehee, but her self-respect would not allow her to do that. She can not fall weak now, and since she is determined to change her fate, she has to remain resolute.

'It's okay, Jinhee. You'll forget Taehee soon.'

Jinhee recalled how Taehee cooked for all those times in university just because she was incapable of it and helped Jinhee study during exams. Due to Taehee's help, Jinhee remained in top 30 of her school.

All the times Jinhee shed her tears, Taehee was by her side, lending Jinhee her comfort and warmth. Beside Dowon, Taehee supported Jinhee to chase after what she desired for.

Multiple times Taehee helped Jinhee from getting bullied and backed her up. No matter when Jinhee asked, Taehee was there to be at her aid. Taehee was like an elder sister to Jinhee.

Tears fell down Jinhee's eyes, mixing with the water from the shower. Bending her knees, Jinhee sat down on the wet tiled floor— her expression looking crestfallen.

'Where did the things go wrong?'

A distant memory appeared in her mind as the water droplets fell on her body, washing away the dirt and sorrowful tears.


"What happened to you?" Taehee questioned— concern evident in her tone.

The shoulder on Jinhee's shirt was torn, and her right knee was badly scraped. Blood flowed down from the left corner of her lips, and a dark bruise was starting to form on her left eyes. Scratches were visible on both her hands and legs. Unruly was the word to describe her hair currently, but despite all these wounds, there were no tears in her eyes.

"Lee Jinkyung and her minions were behind it. Sometimes I don't get why they try to bully me when I never tried to cross their path," Jinhee stated.

A frown was visible on her face, and her head was faced down, as her index finger drew circles on her bed. Taking her by surprise, consoling hug was given to her by Taehee, and this was something Jinhee found her solace in.

Wrapping her hands tightly around Taehee's body, Jinhee shed away her sadness in the form of tears. The only sound in the room was of Jinhee crying.

The gentle rhythmic pats on Jinhee's back made her want to get addicted to them. This made her realize that there was someone for her.


"Jinhee, how long will it take for you? You'll end up being late."

The knocks on the door snapped Jinhee out of her thoughts, and she stood up, turning off the shower. Being late was not something she could afford now that she was reborn.

In her last life, she attached no importance to the classes and carried out in doing what she was fond of— mostly due to Dowon's support and spoiling. However, Jinhee wasn't naive anymore. Jinhee understood the meaning behind the phrase 'You can't have your cake and eat it too'.

"Just a minute," Jinhee answered, rubbing her hair with the towel.