Seductive yet scary

Taehee's white shirt was untucked, and the tie hung loosely around her neck. Creases appeared on her skirt, and her brown bangs looked messy. Black slightly loose trousers hugged her legs, complementing Taehee's thin and long legs. Taehee's appearance was able to charm both male and female.

However, there were many things on Taehee that seemed odd to Jinhee. Although Taehee was exceedingly beautiful, there was something strange about her looks that Jinhee can't pinpoint it.

Last time, since Jinhee was obsessed with maintaining a friendship with Taehee, she overlooked many things. Nevertheless, this time, her eyes deeply scanned each of Taehee's movements.

Jangmi, who stood beside Taehee with a smile on her face, had her caramel coloured hair pulled into a braid, and her matching eyes held a soft look as they gazed at Jinhee.

"I'm Jinhee, Lee Jinhee. Thank you for having me here." Jinhee gave a slight smile.

In her memories, Oh Jangmi was a friendly lady and the closest to Taehee. No matter what Jinhee did, she couldn't come in between both of them. This made Jinhee look at Jangmi with an envious eyes for some period, but soon enough, her opinion on Jangmi changed.

Although Jinhee wasn't completely comfortable with her, Jangmi's baked goods and pleasant words managed to form a good impression of her on Jinhee's mind.

"Unnie, do you have something new?" Taehee asked while her eyes lighted up visibly.

It was not known to many that Taehee had a huge addiction to desserts, especially when they were made by Jangmi. Very often Taehee visited the second floor of 'Delights' and pesters Jangmi until or unless she bakes something for Taehee— an action of Taehee that Jinhee found cute.

"Yes, I did. It is a gelatin dessert made with combination of fruits and whipped cream. I'll go and get them," Jangmi spoke out before walking back to kitchen.

Although Jinhee's addiction to desserts did not extend as far as Taehee's, she too adored them and more when they were made by Jangmi. The description of the dessert was enough to get Jinhee's mouthwatering.

"Jangmi Unnie's baking is amazing!" Taehee commented before taking a seat in front of Jinhee.

Nodding, Jinhee too sat upon her chair, and her eyes stared at the table below her, not wanting to face Taehee's eyes.

"Let's play the cliché twenty questions to get to know each other!" Taehee exclaimed.

"Huh?" Jinhee raised her head up.

"You are not allowed to disagree. So, I'll be going first. When is your birthday?" Taehee questioned.

Among the both of them, Taehee was known to be more of a sociable one and usually paid attention to those who was fond of hanging out with her. Therefore, it added up to to the wonders of what changed within Taehee.

Instead of completely ignoring Taehee, it would be better to observe her from a safe range and try to notice the cause of changes. After all, a simple difference can create a huge butterfly effect and interfere with Jinhee's plans.

"29th of June," Jinhee answered.

"I'm older than you by more than three months since I was born in twelfth of March. It's your turn to ask now."

Speaking about Taehee's birthday, Jinhee found the day special between both of them. Although Jinhee was not able to go to the party held, for she always had to attend someone else's birthday party that day, Jinhee and Taehee both took the opportunity to sneak up from the party, and meet up at the park beside their school.

Nostalgia filled Jinhee as she recalled those days, and now that she got a second chance, Jinhee once again wanted to relive through those moments. However, she couldn't fall into her desires and destroy everything.

"Why are you attending this school?" Jinhee asked— her tone sounding resolute.

This was a question Jinhee pondered on for a long time. With Taehee's intelligence and influence, she was able to attend top schools in abroad, and although Jinhee's school was a top school in South Korea, it couldn't compare to those abroad.

Jinhee was well-aware of Taehee's passion of studying further, researching, and discovering new things. For Taehee, schools abroad would give her a chance to find her potential and reach new heights. It was unusual why a talent like her was attending such a school.

The smile of Taehee's face grew wider, and an ambiguous look appeared in her eyes— something Jinhee had seen couple of times in her past life.

"Isn't it because of you?" Taehee said, startling Jinhee.

Taehee stood from her place and stepped towards Jinhee. Bending down to Jinhee's height, Taehee picked up a strand of Jinhee's hair and caress it.

"Lee Jinhee, you're the one who bought me here." Taehee's voice sounded deeper than usual, and his eyes held a dangerous, dark glint, which looked seductive yet scary at the same time.

Jinhee felt her heart skip a beat at Taehee's expression and words. This side of Taehee was something Jinhee saw very rarely in her previous life.

The sound of door opening distracted them both from their staring session.