Ridiculous state

"Why did you push me?"

Jinhee held in her urge to roll her eyes at the dishevelled female. Even after falling to such pathetic state, she still wanted to stay here to squabble.

Wouldn't it be better for her to go to the washroom and clean herself up? The more she stayed here, the more amount of eyes she will be attracting and end up being the point of gossip.

As mentally she was an adult, such bickering did not suit Jinhee. Therefore, Jinhee took the initiative to yield in and ignore her. Turning her heels, she was about to walk away.

"Are you attempting to run away like a coward after pushing me? This is extremely unfair! Just because you're richer than me doesn't mean you get the right to bully me!"

'Are you actually kidding me? I wanted to give you face, but you want to drop to this ridiculous state.'

Letting out an inaudible sigh, Jinhee halted in her steps and turned back, staring at the woman with a blank expression.

"Who are you?" Jinhee asked— her tone hinting boredom. An usual pampered teenager might get provoked by her words, but Jinhee composed herself for she was aged twenty mentally.

Jinhee wasn't lying when she asked that. Although in her last life it was the same girl that tried to humiliate her, she could not get a hold of her name.

"Why are you acting this way? Don't you remember I shared the same class as you? I never tried to offend you or anger you. So why are you acting this way?" The female wept, and the unsightly view caused a headache within Jinhee.

The loud whispers on how arrogant Jinhee is despite her low intelligence flowed into Jinhee's ears, and it was obvious that they purposely wanted Jinhee to know about it.

'Grandpa Dowon will surely scold me since I created a big commotion, but if I lose in this, he's going to beat me up. How troublesome!'

Jinhee sighed once again as she recalled Lee Dowon's last words to her yesterday before leaving.

"If you dare make any mess and end up being the defeated one, don't think you'll be left off hook easily."

"Classmate, you should know that I have extremely low intelligence level. Therefore, if you tell me your names hundred times, I won't recall about it." Jinhee smiled gently.

Jinhee was not someone who paid much attention to her classmates in her previous life because it solely belonged to Taehee and Jaehyun.

This time around, she concentrated on her studies mostly, so she didn't get time to properly scan the faces of her classmates and remember them.

"Then why did you push me? If you don't know me, you shouldn't have any intention to push me. So, why did you?" The female sobbed uncontrollably, earning the pity from others.

Hearing the others starting to gossip negatively on Jinhee, a smirk appeared on Jinhee's face, and she stated, "Haven't you said it already? I don't know you, so I should have no intention to push you.

You should quit wearing those heels otherwise you wouldn't fall off so miserably in the future. I'm not someone who's that powerful, so you needn't be that worried. But what if you offended someone more influential in the future? You need to be careful," Jinhee stated with her lips molding into a victorious smile at noticing how the female's face contorted in anger.

Although the female's intention was to humiliate Jinhee in front of the public, it was clear that Jinhee had the upperhand now, and everyone present here was cognisant of the fact that Lee Dowon backed her up. Riling Jinhee up further could result in a fatal blow towards her.

"I'm sorry for the confusion then, Jinhee-ssi," The female spoke out before gritting her teeth and turning her back on Jinhee with one last glare.

The time Jinhee and the female were exchanging words, the attendants cleared up the mess professionally and put up new desserts. It seemed that they were ready for such type of events.

Fortunately, this managed to distract everyone's mind from Jaehyun's words, and all went to carrying on their own particular tasks. Feeling slightly starved, Jinhee decided to take few bites out of appetizing pastries.

Picking up the aesthetically pleasing chocolate mousse in a round glass, Jinhee used the dessert spoon to scoop up some of the dessert and place it inside her mouth.

The taste of the chocolate mousse was extremely familiar, and Jinhee had a feeling that she had it somewhere. However, she couldn't recall exactly where it was.

It couldn't be at Taeho's birthday banquets in her previous life for she chose to stay at one corner, not willing to move, even for foods. For a high-end family like Taeho's, they use private and top chefs to prepare there food, and it was not possible for a normal person like Jinhee to get the privilege to taste them.

The smooth and mouthwatering taste of the chocolate mousse was very similar to something, but Jinhee couldn't properly grasp at what it was.

The sudden quietness from the crowd brought Jinhee back to the world, and snapping her attention from the dessert, she saw a exquisitely dressed male descending down the stairs.