Changing faces

Opening her black eyes, Jinhee took in the surrounding before her. Surprise filled her when she noticed she was in the back seat of an unfamiliar car with a smiling Taehee beside her.

Creases formed between Jinhee's two eyebrows when she recalled what happened earlier, and she didn't expect Taehee to know about martial arts.

Although Taehee showed some fighting skills in her previous life, Jinhee didn't expect that it was until this extent. It seemed that there were many things Jinhee did not know on Taehee in her previous life.

"What are you trying to do?" Jinhee questioned with displeasure present in her tone. Frown formed on her features to show how displeased she felt currently.

"Little squirrel, you woke up!" Jollity was present in Taehee's eyes, and her face had on a wide grin. Jinhee found Taehee's countenance rather charming.

"Why are you trying to do this? I apologize, but I have no interest in developing a friendship with you," Jinhee bluntly spoke out.

She attempted her to show Taehee the hints that she had no desire to form a relation with her. However, Taehee was either dense or pretending to not notice her signal, and therefore, Jinhee could only vocally express that out.

Although the revenge process would go multiple times smoother and faster if Jinhee had Taehee's support, Jinhee did not want to go seeking for it. Jinhee wanted to treasure her self-respect more this time, and she did not want the taste of betrayal once again.

Judging by how Taehee's character was, even though it was her second time, Jinhee would easily trust her and get attached to Taehee. She did not want to be desperate one this time around.

"I know," Taehee spoke out softly before letting out a sigh. A distant and frighteningly nonchalant look was present in her eyes.

"Then, why can't you leave me alone?" Jinhee questioned— her eyes glaring at Taehee. It clearly seemed that Taehee wasn't as dense as a concrete.

Turning her face towards Jinhee, Taehee's curving up at the corner. The full moon shone at the dark sky, and silence surrounded both of them. Jinhee could feel her heart pulsating.

The enigmatic stare Taehee made Jinhee feel a magnetic pull and fear at the same time; It made her curious to figure out everything behind Taehee's eyes yet be cautious of her.

Her body leaned closer to Jinhee, causing the hair on Jinhee's body to stand up. Under the dim light, Taehee appeared more captivating. Jinhee never thought that there would be a day she'd find a female attractive.

"Lee Jinhee, I won't let you leave me— no matter what the case is. On-" Taehee halted with her speaking, and a cheerful smile, contrary to her previous expression, broke out into her face.

Sweat formed at the corner of Jinhee's face on how deep and dominating Taehee's voice sound earlier. From her tone, Taehee made it clear to point out to Jinhee that she wasn't bluffing; It was the truths.

Chills went down Jinhee's spine, and despite of a bright smile plastered on Taehee's face, she found the girl dangerous. Alertness rose within Jinhee.

'I need to get away from Taehee as soon as possible or else I would fall under the trap entwined by her. I don't want to be confused and suffer in the end. It's better to get away from her.'

Reflexively, Jinhee tried opening the door beside her, but unfortunately, she found it locked. The terrifying look Taehee had on her eyes made it known to Jinhee that she couldn't escape from her.

Taehee's long, cold fingers touched Jinhee's face softly, and Jinhee could feel warmth radiating from it despite its temperature. Immediately, Jinhee tried to shake that thought out of her mind.

"I won't eat you up, little squirrel, now, no matter how much desperate I'm." A seductive chuckle left his mouth.

Subconsciously, Jinhee moved herself away from Taehee's touch, and she carefully asked, "Why are you trying to do this?"

'Taehee isn't someone to go after someone without any reason simply for fun. Could it be that she too was given a second chance at life and now she wants to take revenge for something I did in my previous life?'

Jinhee's eyes widened at the thought, and she stared at Taehee with horror. If that was the case then, this was terrible. Jinhee's hand shivered terribly, and she found her body going cold.

Taehee was an opponent Jinhee couldn't go after. Unless Taehee allowed her, Jinhee could not land a mere scratch on Taehee. If Taehee wanted, she could bring Jinhee to her worst state.

"Your cluelessness is cute, my little squirrel, so I'll just allow you to drown in it more. Jangmi unnie should be inside, so let's not be late."

Jinhee could confirmed that Taehee was a professional at changing expression.