
Stepping into the garden, Jinhee felt the cool breeze and hoped that it would calm down her heated cheeks. Nonetheless, recalling the event from earlier succeeded in getting Jinhee flushed red.


As they slowly swayed along with the music, both of their eyes were upon each other. Jaehyun's hand was wrapped around Jinhee's back, causing her heart to palpitate at the closeness.

His eyes stared at her with a deep intensity, and surprisingly, she was the focus of attention in those eyes of his. There was a tenderness held in the way he stared, causing Jinhee's heartstrings to be tugged at.

'Why are you staring at me this?'

Jinhee wanted to ask, but she was afraid that it was only her imagination. After all, it was not possible for Jaehyun to gaze at her in this way.

His porcelain skin appeared smooth and flawless, and those thin, pink lips of his flattered his face. Coupled with his handsome features, the proximity made Jinhee feel nervous.

Her face was slightly coloured red when she noticed that there were change in how Jaehyun looked at her. His eyes lingered on to her lips while his face closed in on her.

She could feel his warmth breath upon her face as he decreased the distance between themselves. Jinhee found her body paralyzed— unable to move.

'Is he going to kiss me?'

Jinhee's eyes fell upon those lips of Jaehyun. The number of times she had kissed Jaehyun in her previous life could be counted with two of her hands, and everytime, the kiss lasted for few seconds.

As Jaehyun's lips was about to come in contact with Jinhee's, she tilted her face sideways, causing his lips to touch her cheeks.

Although it was a difficult decision for her to avoid Jaehyun's kiss, she had to do it. If she had accepted it, then it would be hard for her to turn her back from him and leave him.

Jaehyun was not someone to kiss anyone without a specific reason, and therefore, his actions now left Jinhee stunned. Nonetheless, she was currently in no mood to ponder about that.

Breaking free from his grasps, Jinhee hurriedly walked out of the mansion and towards the garden outside of it. Each second beside Jaehyun was painful for Jinhee.

She wanted Jaehyun to stare at her with coldness. That probably would make her despise him. However, the gentleness he showed Jinhee unable to let go of her feelings towards him.

Even if Jaehyun wholeheartedly loved her this time around, she did not want to be with him. Being with a prominent figure like him would only bring her a plenty of trouble, and moreover, she wanted to start anew.


The cold air caused Jinhee to shudder whilst she walked around the garden— her eyes admiring the various flowers planted there. It seemed that a lot of care was put into taking care of these plants.

Jinhee's eyes fell upon the dark night sky filled with twinkling stars, bringing a pleasant feeling within her. Staring at the stars had a calming effect on her. Her steps halted when she heard a voice.

"Threaten them with their weaknesses if they don't agree."

Half of his body was covered by the outer wall of the mansion. His ivory nape was partly covered by brown hair, and a black suit was cladded around his figure.

Judging by the exterior of the suit, Jinhee's eyes widened when she realized that the man before her was Han Taeho, and eavesdropping on his conversation on the phone would only cause her unnecessary troubles.

"The acquisition of the Lilac Entertainment should be successful no matter how many underhanded methods you're required to go to!"

Jinhee was about to turn her back when those words of Taeho bought surprise to Jinhee. Lilac Entertainment— the name sounded awfully familiar.

In her last life, Lilac Entertainment was the agency Jinkyung was under, and no one knew about the owner of the top Entertainment company in South Korea.

Any debuted under Lilac Entertainment would certainly gain enormous amount of fame, and therefore, everyone came rushing to the Entertainment.

It was a miracle for them to scout anyone for talents come in the Entertainment's door on their own, and Jinkyung was the rare person who was scouted. Therefore, many of the netizens speculated that the owner to Lilac Entertainment was her backer.

Hearing that Taeho was the owner to Lilac Entertainment bought in surprise to Jinhee. If he were to be the backer of Jinkyung, it would be hard for Jinhee to set out the revenge.

Since hearing much longer could prove to be fatal for Jinhee, she decided to leave now. However, luck was not on her side when she stepped upon a dried leaf and a crispy sound was made. She silently prayed that Taeho would not notice her.

But to her dismay, a deep voice questioned, "Who's there?"