Unbearable to look at

"I just revealed a picture of theirs in the school's forum." Taehee let out a big grin before taking out her touchscreen phone to show the said picture.

Between both of her eyebrows, creases appeared when her sight fell upon the picture. On two sides of a middle-aged half naked male was seated both Junghwa and Hyesook, dressed in a bar girl uniform.

Swiping her finger across the phone, Taehee showed Jinhee another picture. It was of Junghwa and Hyesook smoking whilst they were barely dressed. Around them were few males and females holding cigarettes.

In her highschool period, female students was fond of showing off about the items they owned of latest trends, and when one weren't able to afford them, they go towards the wrong way.

Numerous in their highschool went in that path. Nonetheless, like a hypocrite, they find amusement in shaming the ones this matter was publicly revealed about.

However, what frightened Jinhee was how quickly Taehee was able to find this information and spread about this matter to entire school. Her influence and power was truly wide!

"Now, they are called to office, and they'd probably check whether or not they're clean. The authority is wondering about whether or not to keep them."

"Your help was not needed," Jinhee voiced out before turning her attention towards her table. Why was the teacher not yet coming? The whisperings started to irritate Jinhee by now.

"Who said I was going it for you? I clearly did it because I found both of them too unbearable to look at," Taehee pointed out.

"You are free to do whatever you want," Jinhee responded, hoping the teacher would come in as soon as possible.

"Am I free to kiss you then?" Taehee asked, causing Jinhee's eyes to widen and stare at her incredulously.

"W-What are you talking about?" Jinhee stuttering, backing away from her noticeably. Taehee's oddness was enough to give birth to slight fear into Jinhee.

Fortunately, for Jinhee, the teacher entered into the class that moment, and she felt saved. Staying with Taehee longer would lead Jinhee into losing her mind.


"For your history project, we'll be visiting Hwaseong Fortress at Suwon on coming Tuesday," Their room teacher announced. Some let out groans at the name of project whilst others showed a bored expression.

"You'll be required to team up into a group of four. By the end of today, I want you all to submit about who's going to team up with whom. Before going on the trip, it is advisable that you do some research on the Hwaseong Fortress."

Jinhee recalled that in her last life, she put in lots of efforts to team up with Jaehyun and Taehee for this project, and in the end, she succeeded. Along with Chaewon, they formed a group of four.

The entire first years went to the trip on the same day, and Jinkyung's class was included. In her mind, Jinhee clearly recalled how Jinkyung tried to humiliate her on that day, and this time, she was ready to turn the tables on Jinkyung.

Suddenly hugging Jinhee tightly, Taehee commented, "My little squirrel and I are going to be on the same team."

Trying to prise off Taehee's arms around her body, Jinhee spoke out, "Alright. Now, stop squeezing me."

There was not many in the class that would like to team up with Jinhee, and considering the rumours of Jaehyun with her, they'd find ways to mess things up for her. Therefore, she could only hesitantly agree to Taehee for this time around, getting a good grade was Jinhee's prime goal currently.

Obediently, Taehee removed her hands from around Jinhee's body and voiced out, "I know that my little squirrel can't deny me."

Holding in her urge to roll eyes at Taehee, Jinhee turned back and faced Chaewon, who's concentrated in the book on her table. Since Jaehyun was not present, the seat beside her was empty.

"Chaewon, let's be on the same team," Jinhee offered.

Even after wracking her brain hard, Jinhee could not find ways to befriend Chaewon, and Jinhee took this trip as a golden chance to leave a favourable expression onto Chaewon.

Chaewon gave out a small nod without giving Jinhee a glance.