
Her back fell on the soft, single bed of hers with many thoughts consuming her mind. The day exhausted her out tremendously, and she very much needed a nap.

Hyunbin was out of the danger zone, and he was shifted to the patients' room. By tomorrow, he should be waking up, and after much of forcing from the others, Jinhee returned to her mansion for she did not want to face Taehee tonight.

Nonetheless, she felt relieved inside that Hyunbin was alright. Now, her prime concern was on finding out who deliberately planned it. Whoever harmed Hyunbin wouldn't leave unscathed under Jinhee's watch.

The words earlier from Hyunbin's parents floated in Jinhee's mind.


"S-Sihyeon," The male pronounced.

A mixture of expression became visible on his face: regret, surprise, sadness, and nostalgia. All these emotions were too vivid for Jinhee to not notice. The woman beside him too had similar shock written on her.

Who was this Sihyeon person and why did she look so much familiar to her?

"What?" Jinhee spoke out— confusion written on her face.

Hearing Jinhee's voice, Hyunbin's father snapped out of it and tried his best to replace his current expression. Same went for his mother.

"Sorry about that. You look really similar to a old friend of mine," The male spoke out, wearing a forced smile on his face.

Looking similar to Hyunbin and now his friend— Wasn't this too much of a coincidence?


"Sihyeon," Jinhee voiced out loud. The name sounded foreign to her. Nonetheless, Jinhee was somewhat curious to see what she looked like.

"What did you just say?" A voice asked from behind.

Jinhee instantly turned her back and sat down on her bed. Standing in front of her door was Grandpa Dowon, and this was the first time, she had seen him so shaken up.

Was it related to this name?

"Grandpa Dowon, who is this Sihyeon?" Jinhee bluntly asked. There was no harm if she guessed wrong.


"Yejoon, do you think it is actually her?" Hyunbin's mother, Sooah, asked, sitting down on the couch beside Yejoon, Hyunbin's father. Melancholy was noticed in Sooah's tone.

"I don't know, Sooah. I don't know anything," Yejoon spoke out. Distraught was heard in his tone.

"If it is her, then what will you choose to do? Take her back?" Sooah questioned— her eyes staring down.

"I'll respect whatever she chooses." Yejoon sighed. Sooah put her hand around Yejoon's shoulder in order to bring comfort to him.


Inside a dimly lit room, a man dressed in a navy blue suit was seated upon a chair. In this hand was a wine glass, and the red liquid inside is swirled as the male moved his hand.

"Did you already contact Lee Dowon?" Han Taeho asked— his tone holding authority. The silver mask of his glimmered under the light, and his eyes held a indescribable glint.

"Yes, boss. He replied that the final decision depend on his Jinhee," A man in black suit spoke out after docilely bowing to Taeho.

Staring at the star less sky, a frighteningly calm look set upon Taeho's face. It would be hard for anyone at this moment to guess what he was thinking.