More befitting

"You agreed to go an a date with me, Jinhee-ah. You can not turn your back on me," Taehee said with a pout appearing on her face.

"I did, but not to something like this. Can we not go to somewhere more normal?" Jinhee questioned.

'Something more befitting for my status.'

Jinhee did not voice that out loud. In her last life, she was accused to be gold-digger after they found out about her relationship with Jaehyun, and the prime thing she wanted to keep intact in this life was her reputation.

"Are you thinking too much once again? There's no one else I can take except for you," Taehee spoke out honestly.

Jinhee sighed. "This is the last time."

Taehee gave no response to that.


Nervousness gnawed at her, and a hollow feeling formed within her stomach whilst she waited for her blind date to appear.

Taking in her obsession towards Jaehyun in previous life, Jinhee did not have much experience towards blind dates, but this time, in order of gain a powerful fiancée to back her, Jinhee agreed to it.

Throwing off her so-called family was not something she could do on her own, and having an influential fiancée would be very much helpful. She was not foolish enough to head on without any support.

Knowing her grandpa Dowon, the fiancée sent for her would be someone very much suited and advantageous to her.

Hearing the footsteps forwarding towards her, Jinhee raised up her head and noticed that a male pulled the chair in front of her in order to take a seat. The identity of the male left her stunned.

Jinhee had known that the man himself had to be very much wealthy and powerful for booking the entire fifth floor at this restaurant, but Jinhee did not expect for him to be Han Taeho.

Could this be the butterfly effect of Jinhee's actions? How did someone like her grandfather Dowon manage to invite Han Taeho to be her blind date?

"M-Mr. Han?" Jinhee stuttered out in surprise.

The air of tyranny oppression around Han Taeho was felt by Jinhee, and those green eyes of his reflected detachment. A plain silver mask covered half of his face, and nonchalance was worn on his face.

Immediately, Jinhee felt her throat was dry, and she had no idea on how to start the conversation. She had to admit that the male, sitting in front of her, in his black suit was incredibly handsome.

Nevertheless, once again, the thought that he appeared similar to someone bugged her. The fact that she couldn't pinpoint who exactly it was irritated her.

"It's pleasant meeting you again, Ms. Lee Jinhee," Taeho voiced out with apathy and in a business-like manner.

'I don't feel the same, Mr. Han, and honestly, I doubt you feel this way.'

"I feel the same way too, Mr. Han," Jinhee lied. A small polite smile formed on her face.

The silence continued between the both of them whilst Jinhee thought hard to find a topic that the both of them could discuss on.

'After what happened last time, could it be his way to keep an eye on me. No, that can't be possible because I'm too insignificant for him to personally do it.'

"It's a surprise that you turned out to be my blind date partner. I assume that you were acquainted with Grandpa Dowon from before." Jinhee found her voice sounding stiff.