Upset stomach

Nudging at Jinhee's shoulder, Taehee questioned, "Are you okay?"

Jinhee let out an absent-minded nod. Her thoughts were consumed by what happened yesterday, and although she tried to pay attention to Taehee, she did not succeed much at it.

'If you want to know about how I found out about it, then contact me and agree to get engaged with me.'

The words from Taeho repeated inside her mind like a broken record, making her unable to distract her thoughts away from it. Frustrations built up within Jinhee, and she wanted to yell out to let that out.

On one hand, Jinhee wanted to agree along with it. Nonetheless, she was reluctant at the same time. Taeho could answer the strings of questions that piled up within her, but getting involved in something uncertain was a risky move.

"Huh? I'm fine. I was just taken aback by how beautiful this place is," Jinhee commented, wearing a big smile on her face.

The entire amusement park appeared absolutely spectacular. It was galaxy themed, and Jinhee knew that it would look better during the night. People started filling in the park as Jinhee stepped inside with Taehee.

Although it was the inauguration day, it did not lack in number of visitors. From the corner of her eyes, Jinhee could spot some foreigners, and everyone wore excitement on their faces.

"Let's try out the roller coaster first. Later, when it becomes more crowded, we might not get the chance," Taehee voiced, pulling Jinhee's hand and running towards the distant ride.

The day was moderately warm today, and the bright sun shone above their head. Running along at Taehee's pace, Jinhee wished that she could feel free from worries this one day.

The size of the coaster gave rise to fear within Jinhee. Although she was not usually afraid of roller coasters, this one had an incredible amount of twists and remarkable height. The speed and the screams from the current riders instilled more fright within Jinhee.

Tugging on Taehee's sleeve, Jinhee nervously said, "I think I'll watch while you ride it."

A smirk came on Taehee's face whilst she faced Jinhee. "Is my little squirrel a scaredy cat?"

Since her pride was at stake here, Jinhee lied, "I simply have an upset stomach."

Jinhee definitely will not give Taehee more reasons to tease her!

The arch of Taehee's eyebrow showed that she did not believe Jinhee, and Taehee said, "There should be a pharmacy somewhere around here. I'll get you some medicines."

"There is no need for that. I have taken the medicine at home. The ride is about to end, so you better go." Jinhee flashed Taehee a big smile.

'Yeah, just go and leave me alone.'

"We'll head home early then. You're sick, and it's better to not exert yourself. I also got the tickets to planetarium; I suppose they will go to waste." Taehee let out a sad sigh after finishing those words.

The planetarium at lunar amusement park was the reason why Jinhee was so attracted to this park in her last life. From the slight preview she got online, she knew the planetarium was breathtaking.

This was the godsend and probably once in a lifetime chance to visit the planetarium. How can she lose such a golden opportunity?

"It's just an upset stomach. We shouldn't cancel the entire thing for it," Jinhee prompted.