Girl he likes

The lightning bolt struck the ground, and the drops of rain hit against the window, creating pitter-patter. Cold wind blew past her body, causing Jinhee to shiver at times.

Holding the glass window, Jinhee let the icy coldness spread over her body. Her heart felt melancholic as she waited in the empty room. The roars of the thunder was the only sound that broke the silence.

With a glum expression, Jinhee stared at the sky above, hoping that it could numb the pain that was stabbing her heart. Sometimes, she wished she was not capable of feeling emotions.

A tear droplet fell down her cheeks.

Today was supposed to be hers and Jaehyun's first anniversary yet it wasn't her he was spending the day with. It was her sister.

Jinhee tried to convince herself that both of them were together for professional reasons, and before she started dating him, she promised to obstruct his business with her private matters.