Wasn't me

As Jinhee stepped into the hotel room, she found herself bumping into someone. Backing away by a step, Jinhee raised her head up to look at who that person was.

"I'm sor—" Jinhee stopped when she saw the female standing in front of her was Taehee.

Jinhee was curious on what Taehee was doing the entire time today. She did not show up in front of Jinhee neither did she tried to contact her in another way. 

Saying no words to her, Taehee was about to walk past Jinhee when Jinhee grabbed Taehee's arm. Taehee stopped in her steps but did not look at Jinhee. 

Judging by how Taehee was avoiding her, Jinhee was bound to lose. Nonetheless, taking her pride into consideration, Jinhee had to do something. She did not want to be known for bluffing.

"Want to grab some ice-cream with me? I heard there's a famous shop around somewhere here," Jinhee stated, somewhat confident that Taehee would agree.