High endurance

Walking on the beach with Taehee, many thoughts roamed inside Jinhee's mind, and she was unable to think properly at the moment. Taehee, who was beside her, spoke no words and just held her hand.

'Hyunbin is my half-brother? His father, Min Yoojoon, is my father?'

Jinhee had a hard time sinking that inside her mind, and seeing how warm Min Yoojoon was towards Hyunbin, Jinhee felt envious. If her mother was alive, could she have received the same love as Hyunbin?

Seeing the address in her hand, Jinhee had mixed thoughts. Min Sooah pleaded Jinhee to visit this address in order to meet her father tomorrow. But was she ready for it?

She had many questions. Why was she abandoned? Did he not care for her? Wasn't she his child?

Nonetheless, she was afraid to learn of the answers; She was scared that after learning the answers, she would break down. Was she strong enough to bear the truth?