Sound far-fetched

"This might sound far-fetched, but honestly, I didn't know about you. I knew that Sihyeon gave birth to you, but I did not know of her connection to Lee family." 

Yoojoon looked down on the ground; The happiness from earlier disappeared from his eyes, and it was replaced with deep sadness. Jinhee did not speak a word; She did not know what to say.

His expression seemed extremely genuine, but trusting him solely because of this would make her a fool. People, who lived in her world, could easily fake such emotions.

Sooah appeared at that moment, and placed a glass of orange juice and plate with two Beniimo tarts on the table. After that, she sat beside Yoojoon and gently rubbed her hand over his shoulder.

Jinhee's eyes stared at Sooah inquisitively. How is she so welcoming towards her husband's illegitimate husband? Definitely, there was some motives behind it.