Barely acquainted

Hearing the knocks on the door, Jaehyun stepped towards the door and opened the door. Slight shock became visible on his face when he saw Taehee.

Without 'her' wig, Taehee had 'her' short hair in a mess, and she wore a white wrinkled shirt. Dark circles was beneath Taehee's eyes whilst 'she' let out a yawn. It looked as if she aged by ten years in a day.

Seeing such untidiness on Taehee made Jaehyun wonder about what could have happened.

Pointing towards his head, Jaehyun questioned, "Where is your wig?"

Sloppily, Taehee walked into Jaehyun's room, and as Jaehyun closed the door, Taehee fell down on Jaehyun's bed. Placing her hand upon her eyes, Taehee let out a deep breath.

Jaehyun went towards his fridge and took out a bottle of cold drink. Stepping towards Taehee, Jaehyun threw the bottle towards Taehee, and it landed beside 'her' head.