Flawed Idea

As they stood upon the sandy beach, a mischievous smirk played on Min Hyunbin's face. Although Jinhee was sure that he was up to no good, she could not turn away from this.

"What do you want me to do, Min Hyunbin?" Jinhee sighed whilst staring at Hyunbin with bored eyes. She can't let him have the satisfaction of watching her being panicked.

"See lady over there?" Hyunbin questioned, pointing at a woman in the distance.

The woman seemed to be around mid thirties, and judging by her garments and accessories, she looked to be from a high-class family. Her brown hair was tied into a bun, and her hand held on to a phone.

"What about it?" Jinhee arched her eyebrows.

Leaning closer to Jinhee, Hyunbin stated, "You just need to do this little thing. Call this woman 'aunt' and get her to shout for her husband."